Fixes LinkCollection compiler

- adds the ability to handle co-located ingress/egress points;
- adds new unit tests to test the proper handling;

Change-Id: I63da5057e716cc94fcca8f13debafc44633b6820
diff --git a/core/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/net/intent/impl/compiler/ b/core/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/net/intent/impl/compiler/
index 4b58fba..b0465f0 100644
--- a/core/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/net/intent/impl/compiler/
+++ b/core/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/net/intent/impl/compiler/
@@ -1057,4 +1057,487 @@
+    /**
+     * We test the proper optimization of sp2mp with trivial selector,
+     * trivial treatment, vlan encapsulation and co-located
+     * ingress/egress points.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testOptimizationCoLocatedPointsTrivialForSp() {
+        intent = LinkCollectionIntent.builder()
+                .appId(APP_ID)
+                .selector(selector)
+                .treatment(treatment)
+                .applyTreatmentOnEgress(true)
+                .links(linksForSp2MpCoLoc)
+                .constraints(constraintsForVlan)
+                .filteredIngressPoints(ImmutableSet.of(
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d1p10)
+                ))
+                .filteredEgressPoints(ImmutableSet.of(
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d1p11),
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d2p10),
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d3p10)
+                ))
+                .build();
+        sut.activate();
+        /*
+         * We use the FIRST_FIT to simplify tests.
+         */
+        LinkCollectionCompiler.labelAllocator.setLabelSelection(LABEL_SELECTION);
+        List<Intent> compiled = sut.compile(intent, Collections.emptyList());
+        assertThat(compiled, hasSize(1));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rules = ((FlowRuleIntent) compiled.get(0)).flowRules();
+        assertThat(rules, hasSize(3));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rulesS1 =
+                .filter(rule -> rule.deviceId().equals(d1p0.deviceId()))
+                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+        assertThat(rulesS1, hasSize(1));
+        FlowRule ruleS1 = rulesS1.iterator().next();
+        assertThat(ruleS1.selector(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficSelector
+                        .builder(selector)
+                        .matchInPort(d1p10.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        assertThat(ruleS1.treatment(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficTreatment
+                        .builder()
+                        .pushVlan()
+                        .setVlanId(VlanId.vlanId(LABEL))
+                        .setOutput(d1p0.port())
+                        .popVlan()
+                        .setOutput(d1p11.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rulesS2 =
+                .filter(rule -> rule.deviceId().equals(d2p0.deviceId()))
+                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+        assertThat(rulesS2, hasSize(1));
+        FlowRule ruleS2 = rulesS2.iterator().next();
+        assertThat(ruleS2.selector(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficSelector
+                        .builder()
+                        .matchInPort(d2p0.port())
+                        .matchVlanId(VlanId.vlanId(LABEL))
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        assertThat(ruleS2.treatment(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficTreatment
+                        .builder()
+                        .setVlanId(VlanId.vlanId(LABEL))
+                        .setOutput(d2p1.port())
+                        .popVlan()
+                        .setOutput(d2p10.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rulesS3 =
+                .filter(rule -> rule.deviceId().equals(d3p1.deviceId()))
+                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+        assertThat(rulesS3, hasSize(1));
+        FlowRule ruleS3 = rulesS3.iterator().next();
+        assertThat(ruleS3.selector(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficSelector
+                        .builder()
+                        .matchInPort(d3p0.port())
+                        .matchVlanId(VlanId.vlanId(LABEL))
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        assertThat(ruleS3.treatment(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficTreatment
+                        .builder()
+                        .popVlan()
+                        .setOutput(d3p10.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        sut.deactivate();
+    }
+    /**
+     * We test the proper optimization of sp2mp with trivial selector,
+     * trivial treatment, mpls encapsulation and co-located
+     * filtered ingress/egress points.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testCoLocatedFilteredPointsTrivialForSp() {
+        intent = LinkCollectionIntent.builder()
+                .appId(APP_ID)
+                .selector(selector)
+                .treatment(treatment)
+                .applyTreatmentOnEgress(true)
+                .links(linksForSp2MpCoLoc)
+                .constraints(constraintsForMPLS)
+                .filteredIngressPoints(ImmutableSet.of(
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d1p10, vlan100Selector)
+                ))
+                .filteredEgressPoints(ImmutableSet.of(
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d1p11, vlan200Selector),
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d2p10, vlan300Selector),
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d3p10, vlan69Selector)
+                ))
+                .build();
+        sut.activate();
+        /*
+         * We use the FIRST_FIT to simplify tests.
+         */
+        LinkCollectionCompiler.labelAllocator.setLabelSelection(LABEL_SELECTION);
+        List<Intent> compiled = sut.compile(intent, Collections.emptyList());
+        assertThat(compiled, hasSize(1));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rules = ((FlowRuleIntent) compiled.get(0)).flowRules();
+        assertThat(rules, hasSize(3));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rulesS1 =
+                .filter(rule -> rule.deviceId().equals(d1p0.deviceId()))
+                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+        assertThat(rulesS1, hasSize(1));
+        FlowRule ruleS1 = rulesS1.iterator().next();
+        assertThat(ruleS1.selector(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficSelector
+                        .builder(vlan100Selector)
+                        .matchInPort(d1p10.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        assertThat(ruleS1.treatment(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficTreatment
+                        .builder()
+                        .popVlan()
+                        .pushMpls()
+                        .copyTtlOut()
+                        .setMpls(MplsLabel.mplsLabel(LABEL))
+                        .setOutput(d1p0.port())
+                        .copyTtlIn()
+                        .popMpls(IPV4.ethType())
+                        .pushVlan()
+                        .setVlanId(((VlanIdCriterion) vlan200Selector.getCriterion(VLAN_VID)).vlanId())
+                        .setOutput(d1p11.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rulesS2 =
+                .filter(rule -> rule.deviceId().equals(d2p0.deviceId()))
+                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+        assertThat(rulesS2, hasSize(1));
+        FlowRule ruleS2 = rulesS2.iterator().next();
+        assertThat(ruleS2.selector(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficSelector
+                        .builder()
+                        .matchInPort(d2p0.port())
+                        .matchEthType(Ethernet.MPLS_UNICAST)
+                        .matchMplsLabel(MplsLabel.mplsLabel(LABEL))
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        assertThat(ruleS2.treatment(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficTreatment
+                        .builder()
+                        .setMpls(MplsLabel.mplsLabel(LABEL))
+                        .setOutput(d2p1.port())
+                        .copyTtlIn()
+                        .popMpls(IPV4.ethType())
+                        .pushVlan()
+                        .setVlanId(((VlanIdCriterion) vlan300Selector.getCriterion(VLAN_VID)).vlanId())
+                        .setOutput(d2p10.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rulesS3 =
+                .filter(rule -> rule.deviceId().equals(d3p1.deviceId()))
+                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+        assertThat(rulesS3, hasSize(1));
+        FlowRule ruleS3 = rulesS3.iterator().next();
+        assertThat(ruleS3.selector(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficSelector
+                        .builder()
+                        .matchInPort(d3p0.port())
+                        .matchEthType(Ethernet.MPLS_UNICAST)
+                        .matchMplsLabel(MplsLabel.mplsLabel(LABEL))
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        assertThat(ruleS3.treatment(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficTreatment
+                        .builder()
+                        .copyTtlIn()
+                        .popMpls(IPV4.ethType())
+                        .pushVlan()
+                        .setVlanId(((VlanIdCriterion) vlan69Selector.getCriterion(VLAN_VID)).vlanId())
+                        .setOutput(d3p10.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        sut.deactivate();
+    }
+    /**
+     * We test the proper optimization of sp2mp with trivial selector,
+     * trivial treatment, vlan encapsulation and co-located
+     * different filtered ingress/egress points.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testCoLocatedDifferentFilteredPointsTrivialForSp() {
+        intent = LinkCollectionIntent.builder()
+                .appId(APP_ID)
+                .selector(selector)
+                .treatment(treatment)
+                .applyTreatmentOnEgress(true)
+                .links(linksForSp2MpCoLoc)
+                .constraints(constraintsForVlan)
+                .filteredIngressPoints(ImmutableSet.of(
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d1p10, vlan100Selector)
+                ))
+                .filteredEgressPoints(ImmutableSet.of(
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d1p11, mpls100Selector),
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d2p10, vlan200Selector),
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d3p10, mpls200Selector)
+                ))
+                .build();
+        sut.activate();
+        /*
+         * We use the FIRST_FIT to simplify tests.
+         */
+        LinkCollectionCompiler.labelAllocator.setLabelSelection(LABEL_SELECTION);
+        List<Intent> compiled = sut.compile(intent, Collections.emptyList());
+        assertThat(compiled, hasSize(1));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rules = ((FlowRuleIntent) compiled.get(0)).flowRules();
+        assertThat(rules, hasSize(3));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rulesS1 =
+                .filter(rule -> rule.deviceId().equals(d1p0.deviceId()))
+                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+        assertThat(rulesS1, hasSize(1));
+        FlowRule ruleS1 = rulesS1.iterator().next();
+        assertThat(ruleS1.selector(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficSelector
+                        .builder(vlan100Selector)
+                        .matchInPort(d1p10.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        assertThat(ruleS1.treatment(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficTreatment
+                        .builder()
+                        .setVlanId(VlanId.vlanId(LABEL))
+                        .setOutput(d1p0.port())
+                        .popVlan()
+                        .pushMpls()
+                        .copyTtlOut()
+                        .setMpls(((MplsCriterion) mpls100Selector.getCriterion(MPLS_LABEL)).label())
+                        .setOutput(d1p11.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rulesS2 =
+                .filter(rule -> rule.deviceId().equals(d2p0.deviceId()))
+                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+        assertThat(rulesS2, hasSize(1));
+        FlowRule ruleS2 = rulesS2.iterator().next();
+        assertThat(ruleS2.selector(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficSelector
+                        .builder()
+                        .matchInPort(d2p0.port())
+                        .matchVlanId(VlanId.vlanId(LABEL))
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        assertThat(ruleS2.treatment(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficTreatment
+                        .builder()
+                        .setVlanId(VlanId.vlanId(LABEL))
+                        .setOutput(d2p1.port())
+                        .setVlanId(((VlanIdCriterion) vlan200Selector.getCriterion(VLAN_VID)).vlanId())
+                        .setOutput(d2p10.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rulesS3 =
+                .filter(rule -> rule.deviceId().equals(d3p1.deviceId()))
+                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+        assertThat(rulesS3, hasSize(1));
+        FlowRule ruleS3 = rulesS3.iterator().next();
+        assertThat(ruleS3.selector(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficSelector
+                        .builder()
+                        .matchVlanId(VlanId.vlanId(LABEL))
+                        .matchInPort(d3p0.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        assertThat(ruleS3.treatment(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficTreatment
+                        .builder()
+                        .popVlan()
+                        .pushMpls()
+                        .copyTtlOut()
+                        .setMpls(((MplsCriterion) mpls200Selector.getCriterion(MPLS_LABEL)).label())
+                        .setOutput(d3p10.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        sut.deactivate();
+    }
+    /**
+     * We test the proper optimization of sp2mp with selector,
+     * treatment, mpls encapsulation and co-located
+     * different filtered ingress/egress points.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testCoLocatedDifferentFilteredPointsNonTrivialForSp() {
+        intent = LinkCollectionIntent.builder()
+                .appId(APP_ID)
+                .selector(ipPrefixSelector)
+                .treatment(ethDstTreatment)
+                .applyTreatmentOnEgress(true)
+                .links(linksForSp2MpCoLoc)
+                .constraints(constraintsForMPLS)
+                .filteredIngressPoints(ImmutableSet.of(
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d1p10, vlan100Selector)
+                ))
+                .filteredEgressPoints(ImmutableSet.of(
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d1p11, mpls100Selector),
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d2p10, vlan200Selector),
+                        new FilteredConnectPoint(d3p10, mpls200Selector)
+                ))
+                .build();
+        sut.activate();
+        /*
+         * We use the FIRST_FIT to simplify tests.
+         */
+        LinkCollectionCompiler.labelAllocator.setLabelSelection(LABEL_SELECTION);
+        List<Intent> compiled = sut.compile(intent, Collections.emptyList());
+        assertThat(compiled, hasSize(1));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rules = ((FlowRuleIntent) compiled.get(0)).flowRules();
+        assertThat(rules, hasSize(3));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rulesS1 =
+                .filter(rule -> rule.deviceId().equals(d1p0.deviceId()))
+                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+        assertThat(rulesS1, hasSize(1));
+        FlowRule ruleS1 = rulesS1.iterator().next();
+        assertThat(ruleS1.selector(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficSelector
+                        .builder(ipPrefixSelector)
+                        .matchInPort(d1p10.port())
+                        .matchVlanId(((VlanIdCriterion) vlan100Selector.getCriterion(VLAN_VID)).vlanId())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        assertThat(ruleS1.treatment(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficTreatment
+                        .builder()
+                        .popVlan()
+                        .pushMpls()
+                        .copyTtlOut()
+                        .setMpls(MplsLabel.mplsLabel(LABEL))
+                        .setOutput(d1p0.port())
+                        .setEthDst(((ModEtherInstruction) ethDstTreatment
+                                .allInstructions()
+                                .stream()
+                                .filter(instruction -> instruction instanceof ModEtherInstruction)
+                                .findFirst().get()).mac())
+                        .setMpls(((MplsCriterion) mpls100Selector.getCriterion(MPLS_LABEL)).label())
+                        .setOutput(d1p11.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rulesS2 =
+                .filter(rule -> rule.deviceId().equals(d2p0.deviceId()))
+                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+        assertThat(rulesS2, hasSize(1));
+        FlowRule ruleS2 = rulesS2.iterator().next();
+        assertThat(ruleS2.selector(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficSelector
+                        .builder()
+                        .matchInPort(d2p0.port())
+                        .matchEthType(Ethernet.MPLS_UNICAST)
+                        .matchMplsLabel(MplsLabel.mplsLabel(LABEL))
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        assertThat(ruleS2.treatment(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficTreatment
+                        .builder()
+                        .setMpls(MplsLabel.mplsLabel(LABEL))
+                        .setOutput(d2p1.port())
+                        .setEthDst(((ModEtherInstruction) ethDstTreatment
+                                .allInstructions()
+                                .stream()
+                                .filter(instruction -> instruction instanceof ModEtherInstruction)
+                                .findFirst().get()).mac())
+                        .copyTtlIn()
+                        .popMpls(IPV4.ethType())
+                        .pushVlan()
+                        .setVlanId(((VlanIdCriterion) vlan200Selector.getCriterion(VLAN_VID)).vlanId())
+                        .setOutput(d2p10.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        Collection<FlowRule> rulesS3 =
+                .filter(rule -> rule.deviceId().equals(d3p1.deviceId()))
+                .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+        assertThat(rulesS3, hasSize(1));
+        FlowRule ruleS3 = rulesS3.iterator().next();
+        assertThat(ruleS3.selector(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficSelector
+                        .builder()
+                        .matchEthType(Ethernet.MPLS_UNICAST)
+                        .matchMplsLabel(MplsLabel.mplsLabel(LABEL))
+                        .matchInPort(d3p0.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        assertThat(ruleS3.treatment(), is(
+                DefaultTrafficTreatment
+                        .builder()
+                        .setEthDst(((ModEtherInstruction) ethDstTreatment
+                                .allInstructions()
+                                .stream()
+                                .filter(instruction -> instruction instanceof ModEtherInstruction)
+                                .findFirst().get()).mac())
+                        .setMpls(((MplsCriterion) mpls200Selector.getCriterion(MPLS_LABEL)).label())
+                        .setOutput(d3p10.port())
+                        .build()
+        ));
+        sut.deactivate();
+    }