blob: 7715b9d3b9750701b78827e3da1e140a70d7b4e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.vtn.table;
import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;
import org.onosproject.vtnrsc.SegmentationId;
* Applies classifier flows to the device. Classifier table is Table(0).
public interface ClassifierService {
* The port rule that message from host matches Table(0) Match: host mac and
* ingress port Action: set vnid and go to L2Forward Table(50).
* @param deviceId Device Id
* @param segmentationId the vnid of the host belong to
* @param inPort the ingress port of the host
* @param srcMac the mac of the host
* @param appId the application ID of the vtn
* @param type the operation of the flow
void programLocalIn(DeviceId deviceId, SegmentationId segmentationId,
PortNumber inPort, MacAddress srcMac,
ApplicationId appId, Objective.Operation type);
* The port rule that message from tunnel Table(0) Match: tunnel port and
* vnid Action: go to L2Forward Table(50).
* @param deviceId Device Id
* @param segmentationId the vnid of the host belong to
* @param localTunnelPorts the tunnel pors of the device
* @param type the operation of the flow
void programTunnelIn(DeviceId deviceId, SegmentationId segmentationId,
Iterable<PortNumber> localTunnelPorts,
Objective.Operation type);
* Assemble the L3 Classifier table rules which are sended from external port.
* Match: ipv4 type, ingress port and destination ip.
* Action: go to DNAT Table(20).
* @param deviceId Device Id
* @param inPort external port
* @param dstIp floating ip
* @param type the operation type of the flow rules
void programL3ExPortClassifierRules(DeviceId deviceId, PortNumber inPort,
IpAddress dstIp,
Objective.Operation type);
* Assemble the L3 Classifier table rules which are sended from internal port.
* Match: ingress port, source mac and destination mac.
* Action: set vnid and go to L3Forward Table(30).
* @param deviceId Device Id
* @param inPort the ingress port of the host
* @param srcMac source mac
* @param dstMac destination vm gateway mac
* @param actionVni the vni of L3 network
* @param type the operation type of the flow rules
void programL3InPortClassifierRules(DeviceId deviceId,
PortNumber inPort, MacAddress srcMac,
MacAddress dstMac,
SegmentationId actionVni,
Objective.Operation type);
* Assemble the Arp Classifier table rules.
* Match: arp type and destination ip.
* Action: set vnid and go to ARP Table(10).
* @param deviceId Device Id
* @param dstIp source gateway ip
* @param actionVni the vni of the source network (l2vni)
* @param type the operation type of the flow rules
void programArpClassifierRules(DeviceId deviceId, IpAddress dstIp,
SegmentationId actionVni,
Objective.Operation type);