blob: 1f26220ddb96b81a231dd0ce9fbef3863e475a91 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function () {
'use strict';
// constants
var t2os = 'Topo2OverlayService: ';
// injected refs
var $log, fs, t2kcs, t2rs, t2lc, LinkLabel;
// internal state
var overlays = {},
current = null,
reset = true;
function error(fn, msg) {
$log.error(t2os + fn + '(): ' + msg);
function warn(fn, msg) {
$log.warn(t2os + fn + '(): ' + msg);
function mkGlyphId(oid, gid) {
return (gid[0] === '*') ? oid + '-' + gid.slice(1) : gid;
function handleGlyphs(o) {
var gdata = fs.isO(o.glyphs),
oid = o.overlayId,
gid = o.glyphId || 'unknown',
data = {},
note = [];
o._glyphId = mkGlyphId(oid, gid);
o.mkGid = function (g) {
return mkGlyphId(oid, g);
o.mkId = function (s) {
return oid + '-' + s;
// process glyphs if defined
if (gdata) {
angular.forEach(gdata, function (value, key) {
var fullkey = oid + '-' + key;
data['_' + fullkey] = value.vb;
data[fullkey] = value.d;
note.push('*' + key);
$log.debug('registered overlay glyphs:', oid, note);
function register(overlay) {
var r = 'register',
over = fs.isO(overlay),
kb = over ? fs.isO(overlay.keyBindings) : null,
id = over ? over.overlayId : '';
if (!id) {
return error(r, 'not a recognized overlay');
if (overlays[id]) {
return warn(r, 'already registered: "' + id + '"');
overlays[id] = overlay;
if (kb) {
if (!fs.isA(kb._keyOrder)) {
warn(r, 'no _keyOrder array defined on keyBindings');
} else {
kb._keyOrder.forEach(function (k) {
if (k !== '-' && !kb[k]) {
warn(r, 'no "' + k + '" property defined on keyBindings');
$log.debug(t2os + 'registered overlay: ' + id, overlay);
// add a radio button for each registered overlay
// return an overlay id to index map
function augmentRbset(rset, switchFn) {
var map = {},
idx = 1;
angular.forEach(overlays, function (ov) {
gid: ov._glyphId,
tooltip: (ov.tooltip || ''),
cb: function () {
tbSelection(ov.overlayId, switchFn);
map[ov.overlayId] = idx++;
return map;
// an overlay was selected via toolbar radio button press from user
function tbSelection(id, switchFn) {
var same = current && current.overlayId === id,
payload = {},
function doop(op) {
var oid = current.overlayId;
$log.debug('Overlay:', op, oid);
payload[op] = oid;
if (reset || !same) {
current && doop('deactivate');
current = overlays[id];
current && doop('activate');
actions = current && fs.isO(current.keyBindings);
switchFn(id, actions);
// TODO: Update Summary Panel
// TODO: check topoOverlay.js for more code
// TODO: medium term -- factor out common code
// TODO: longer term -- deprecate classic topology view
// === -----------------------------------------------------
// Hooks for overlays
function _hook(x) {
var h = current && current.hooks;
return h && fs.isF(h[x]);
function escapeHook() {
var eh = _hook('escape');
return eh ? eh() : false;
function emptySelectHook() {
var cb = _hook('empty');
cb && cb();
function singleSelectHook(data) {
var cb = _hook('single');
cb && cb(data);
function multiSelectHook(selectOrder) {
var cb = _hook('multi');
cb && cb(selectOrder);
function mouseOverHook(what) {
var cb = _hook('mouseover');
cb && cb(what);
function mouseOutHook() {
var cb = _hook('mouseout');
cb && cb();
// NOTE: modifyLinkData (on classic topo) should not be necessary, as
// we should have a way of doing that server side
// NOTE: while classic topology view persists, it should be the one to
// handle "visualization of intents" from intent view
// === -----------------------------------------------------
// Event Handlers (events from server)
function setOverlay(ovid) {
var ov = overlays[ovid];
if (!ov) {
$log.error('setOverlay: no such overlay ID: ' + ovid);
} else {
current = ov;
function showHighlights(data) {
$'+++ TOPO 2 +++ show highlights', data);
var linkLabelsDOM ='.topo2-linkLabels');
_.each(data.links, function (link) {
// TODO: Inconsistent host id's (currentRegion and LinkLabel)
var id ='/None/0', '/None').replace('-', '~'),
nodeLink = t2rs.getLink(id);
if (nodeLink) {
t2lc.addLabel(LinkLabel, link, linkLabelsDOM, {
link: nodeLink,
// ========================================================================
.factory('Topo2OverlayService', [
'$log', 'FnService', 'Topo2KeyCommandService',
'Topo2RegionService', 'Topo2LabelCollection', 'Topo2LinkLabel',
function (_$log_, _fs_, _t2kcs_, _t2rs_,
_t2lc_, _t2ll_) {
$log = _$log_;
fs = _fs_;
t2kcs = _t2kcs_;
t2rs = _t2rs_;
t2lc = _t2lc_;
LinkLabel = _t2ll_;
return {
register: register,
setOverlay: setOverlay,
augmentRbset: augmentRbset,
tbSelection: tbSelection,
mkGlyphId: mkGlyphId,
hooks: {
escape: escapeHook,
emptySelect: emptySelectHook,
singleSelect: singleSelectHook,
multiSelect: multiSelectHook,
mouseOver: mouseOverHook,
mouseOut: mouseOutHook,
showHighlights: showHighlights,