Add test script for disripting ONOS clusters with crashes, partitions, and delayed/dropped/reordered/duplicated/corrupted packets.
Change-Id: Ib4f46dc1166df2c1777a6f2f2d148e5a922d2769
diff --git a/tools/test/bin/onos-disrupt b/tools/test/bin/onos-disrupt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ad20845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/bin/onos-disrupt
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+# ---------------------------------
+# Disrupts links between ONOS nodes
+# ---------------------------------
+[ ! -d "$ONOS_ROOT" ] && echo "ONOS_ROOT is not defined" >&2 && exit 1
+. $ONOS_ROOT/tools/build/envDefaults
+function print_usage {
+ command_name=`basename $0`
+ echo "Disrupts links between ONOS nodes."
+ echo
+ echo "Usage: $command_name [<HOST>] <COMMAND> <ARGS>"
+ echo
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " HOST The host on which to run the command"
+ echo " COMMAND The command to run"
+ echo " ARGS The command arguments"
+ echo " [-h | --help] Print this help"
+ echo
+ echo "COMMAND: <crash | partition | partition-halves | partition-bridge | heal | delay | drop | reorder | duplicate | corrupt | restore>"
+ echo
+ echo " crash Crashes the given host using \"kill -9\""
+ echo
+ echo " Syntax:"
+ echo " $command_name <HOST> crash"
+ echo
+ echo " Examples:"
+ echo " $command_name crash"
+ echo
+ echo " partition Partitions the given host from a list of source host or all ONOS hosts if no sources are specified"
+ echo
+ echo " Syntax:"
+ echo " $command_name <HOST> partition [<SOURCE> [<SOURCE>...]]"
+ echo
+ echo " Examples:"
+ echo " $command_name partition"
+ echo " $command_name partition"
+ echo " $command_name partition"
+ echo
+ echo " partition-halves Splits the cluster into two partitions - this is only recommended for clusters with an odd number of nodes"
+ echo
+ echo " Syntax:"
+ echo " $command_name partition-halves"
+ echo
+ echo " Examples:"
+ echo " $command_name partition-halves"
+ echo
+ echo " partition-bridge Creates a bridge partition where the cluster is partitioned into two halves and the target host is connected to both halves"
+ echo
+ echo " Syntax:"
+ echo " $command_name <HOST> bridge"
+ echo
+ echo " Examples:"
+ echo " $command_name bridge"
+ echo
+ echo " heal Heals a partition on the given host"
+ echo
+ echo " Syntax:"
+ echo " $command_name [<HOST>] heal"
+ echo
+ echo " Examples:"
+ echo " $command_name heal"
+ echo " $command_name heal"
+ echo
+ echo " delay Delays packets incoming to the given host by an optional LATENCY, JITTER, CORRELATION, and DISTRIBUTION"
+ echo
+ echo " Syntax:"
+ echo " $command_name [<HOST>] delay [<LATENCY> [<JITTER> [<CORRELATION> [<DISTRIBUTION>]]]]"
+ echo
+ echo " Examples:"
+ echo " $command_name delay"
+ echo " $command_name delay 50ms"
+ echo " $command_name delay 50ms 10ms"
+ echo " $command_name delay 50ms 10ms 75%"
+ echo " $command_name delay 50ms 10ms 75% normal"
+ echo " $command_name delay"
+ echo " $command_name delay 50ms"
+ echo " $command_name delay 50ms 10ms"
+ echo " $command_name delay 50ms 10ms 75%"
+ echo " $command_name delay 50ms 10ms 75% normal"
+ echo
+ echo " drop Drops packets incoming to the given host by an optional PROBABILITY and CORRELATION"
+ echo
+ echo " Syntax:"
+ echo " $command_name [<HOST>] drop [<PROBABILITY> [<CORRELATION>]]"
+ echo
+ echo " Examples:"
+ echo " $command_name drop"
+ echo " $command_name drop 2%"
+ echo " $command_name drop 2% 25%"
+ echo " $command_name drop"
+ echo " $command_name drop 2%"
+ echo " $command_name drop 2% 25%"
+ echo
+ echo " reorder Reorders packets incoming to the given host by an optional PROBABILITY and CORRELATION"
+ echo
+ echo " Syntax:"
+ echo " $command_name [<HOST>] reorder [<PROBABILITY> [<CORRELATION>]]"
+ echo
+ echo " Examples:"
+ echo " $command_name reorder"
+ echo " $command_name reorder 2%"
+ echo " $command_name reorder 2% 50%"
+ echo " $command_name reorder"
+ echo " $command_name reorder 2%"
+ echo " $command_name reorder 2% 50%"
+ echo
+ echo " duplicate Duplicates packets incoming to the given host by an optional PROBABILITY and CORRELATION"
+ echo
+ echo " Syntax:"
+ echo " $command_name [<HOST>] duplicate [<PROBABILITY> [<CORRELATION>]]"
+ echo
+ echo " Examples:"
+ echo " $command_name duplicate"
+ echo " $command_name duplicate 0.5%"
+ echo " $command_name duplicate 0.5% 5%"
+ echo " $command_name duplicate"
+ echo " $command_name duplicate 0.5%"
+ echo " $command_name duplicate 0.5% 5%"
+ echo
+ echo " corrupt Corrupts packets incoming to the given host by an optional PROBABILITY"
+ echo
+ echo " Syntax:"
+ echo " $command_name [<HOST>] corrupt [<PROBABILITY>]"
+ echo
+ echo " Examples:"
+ echo " $command_name corrupt"
+ echo " $command_name corrupt 0.1%"
+ echo " $command_name corrupt"
+ echo " $command_name corrupt 0.1%"
+ echo
+ echo " restore Restores the given host from all delay/drop/reorder/duplicate/corrupt states"
+ echo
+ echo " Syntax:"
+ echo " $command_name [<HOST>] restore"
+ echo
+ echo " Examples:"
+ echo " $command_name restore"
+ echo " $command_name restore"
+ echo
+# Print usage
+if [ "${1}" = "-h" -o "${1}" = "--help" ]; then
+ print_usage
+ exit 0
+# Converts an argument into a milliseconds string unless it's already in the correct format.
+function to_millis() {
+ if [[ ${1: -2} != "ms" ]]; then
+ echo "${1}ms"
+ else
+ echo ${1}
+ fi
+function onos_nodes() {
+ echo $(env | sort | egrep "^OC[0-9]+" | cut -d= -f2)
+function partition() {
+ local=${1}
+ remote=${2}
+ echo "Severing link ${remote}->${local}"
+ ssh $ONOS_USER@${local} "sudo iptables -A INPUT -s ${remote} -j DROP -w"
+function heal() {
+ local=${1}
+ remote=${2}
+ echo "Restoring link ${remote}->${local}"
+ ssh $ONOS_USER@${local} "sudo iptables -D INPUT -s ${remote} -j DROP -w" &>/dev/null
+function delay() {
+ host=${1}
+ latency=$(to_millis ${2:-"50ms"})
+ jitter=$(to_millis ${3:-"10ms"})
+ correlation=${4:-"75%"}
+ distribution=${5:-"normal"}
+ echo "Delaying packets for ${host} (latency: ${latency}, jitter: ${jitter}, correlation: ${correlation}, distribution: ${distribution})"
+ ssh $ONOS_USER@${host} "sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay ${latency} ${jitter} ${correlation} distribution ${distribution}"
+function drop() {
+ host=${1}
+ probability=${2:-"2%"}
+ correlation=${3:-"25%"}
+ echo "Dropping packets for ${host} (probability: ${probability}, correlation: ${correlation})"
+ ssh $ONOS_USER@${host} "sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem loss ${probability} ${correlation}"
+function reorder() {
+ host=${1}
+ probability=${2:-"2%"}
+ correlation=${3:-"50%"}
+ echo "Reordering packets for ${host} (probability: ${probability}, correlation: ${correlation})"
+ ssh $ONOS_USER@${host} "sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem reorder ${probability} ${correlation}"
+function duplicate() {
+ host=${1}
+ probability=${2:-"0.5%"}
+ correlation=${3:-"5%"}
+ echo "Duplicating packets for ${host} (probability: ${probability}, correlation: ${correlation})"
+ ssh $ONOS_USER@${host} "sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem duplicate ${probability} ${correlation}"
+function corrupt() {
+ host=${1}
+ probability=${2:-"0.1%"}
+ echo "Corrupting packets for ${host} (probability: ${probability})"
+ ssh $ONOS_USER@${host} "sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem corrupt ${probability}"
+function restore() {
+ host=${1}
+ echo "Restoring packets for ${host}"
+ ssh $ONOS_USER@${host} "sudo tc qdisc del dev eth0 root" &>/dev/null
+cmd=${1} && shift
+case $cmd in
+# Partitions the cluster into two halves.
+ # Get the list of ONOS nodes.
+ nodes=($(onos_nodes))
+ # Use a nested loop to split the network into two halves using index mod 2.
+ for i in "${!nodes[@]}"; do
+ if [[ $((i % 2)) == 0 ]]; then
+ for j in "${!nodes[@]}"; do
+ if [[ $i != $j ]] && [[ $((j % 2)) == 1 ]]; then
+ partition ${nodes[i]} ${nodes[j]}
+ partition ${nodes[j]} ${nodes[i]}
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ done
+ ;;
+# Heals all partitions on all nodes.
+ # Get the list of ONOS nodes and heal partitions between each node in both directions.
+ nodes=$(onos_nodes)
+ for lnode in ${nodes}; do
+ for rnode in ${nodes}; do
+ if [[ ${lnode} != ${rnode} ]]; then
+ heal ${lnode} ${rnode}
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ ;;
+ # If a function with the command name exists, iterate through all ONOS nodes and call the function for each node.
+ if [ -n "$(type -t $cmd)" ] && [ "$(type -t $cmd)" = function ]; then
+ nodes=$(onos_nodes)
+ for node in ${nodes}; do
+ ${cmd} ${node} "${@}"
+ done
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ host=$cmd
+ cmd="$1" && shift
+ case $cmd in
+ # Kills a node.
+ crash)
+ onos-kill "${host}"
+ ;;
+ # Creates a partition between the source node and a set of destination nodes.
+ partition)
+ # Default to ONOS nodes.
+ if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
+ nodes=$(onos_nodes)
+ else
+ nodes="${*}"
+ fi
+ # Iterate through all provided nodes and create partitions.
+ for node in $nodes; do
+ partition ${host} ${node}
+ done
+ ;;
+ # Splits the cluster into two halves, preserving the provided host as a bridge between the two halves.
+ partition-bridge)
+ # Get the list of ONOS nodes.
+ nodes=($(onos_nodes))
+ # Use a nested loop and split the network into two halves using index mod 2. Exclude
+ # the indicated host to ensure it can communicate with both sides of the partition.
+ for i in "${!nodes[@]}"; do
+ if [[ $((i % 2)) == 0 ]] && [[ ${nodes[i]} != ${host} ]]; then
+ for j in "${!nodes[@]}"; do
+ if [[ $i != $j ]] && [[ $((j % 2)) == 1 ]] && [[ ${nodes[j]} != ${host} ]]; then
+ partition ${nodes[i]} ${nodes[j]}
+ partition ${nodes[j]} ${nodes[i]}
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ done
+ ;;
+ # Heals a partition between the provided host and a set of ONOS nodes.
+ heal)
+ # Default to ONOS nodes.
+ if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
+ nodes=$(onos_nodes)
+ else
+ nodes="${*}"
+ fi
+ # Iterate through all provided nodes and heal partitions.
+ for node in $nodes; do
+ heal ${host} ${node}
+ done
+ ;;
+ # If we made it this far, use the command name variable to call the associated function.
+ *)
+ ${cmd} ${host} "${@}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
\ No newline at end of file