Adding packaging script.
Added display of raw DPID and IPs or MACs for hosts.
diff --git a/tools/package/bin/onos-ctl b/tools/package/bin/onos-ctl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2c6097d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/package/bin/onos-ctl
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Starts ONOS Apache Karaf container
+cd $(dirname $0)/../apache-karaf-*/bin
+./karaf "$@"
diff --git a/tools/package/package b/tools/package/package
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..870acc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/package/package
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Packages ONOS distributable into onos.tar.gz
+export M2_REPO=${M2_REPO:-~/.m2/repository}
+export KARAF_ZIP=${KARAF_ZIP:-~/Downloads/}
+export KARAF_DIST=$(basename $KARAF_ZIP .zip)
+# Bail on any errors
+set -e
+rm -fr $ONOS_STAGE # Remove this when package script is completed
+# Make sure we have the original apache karaf bits first
+[ ! -d $M2_REPO ] && echo "M2 repository $M2_REPO not found" && exit 1
+[ ! -f $KARAF_ZIP ] && echo "Apache Karaf bits $KARAF_ZIP not found" && exit 1
+[ -d $ONOS_STAGE ] && echo "ONOS stage $ONOS_STAGE already exists" && exit 1
+# Create the stage directory and warp into it
+mkdir -p $ONOS_STAGE
+# Unroll the Apache Karaf bits and make the ONOS top-level directories.
+unzip $KARAF_ZIP
+mkdir bin
+mkdir lib
+# Stage the ONOS admin scripts
+cp -r $ONOS_ROOT/tools/package/bin .
+# Stage the ONOS bundles
+mkdir -p lib/org/onlab 
+cp -r $M2_REPO/org/onlab lib/org
+# Patch the Apache Karaf distribution file to point to the lib as maven repo
+#perl -pi.old -e "s|^org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories= |org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories= \\\n    file:../../lib, |" $ONOS_STAGE/$KARAF_DIST/etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg
+# Patch the Apache Karaf distribution file to add ONOS features repository
+perl -pi.old -e "s|^(featuresRepositories=.*)|\1,mvn:org.onlab.onos/onos-features/$ONOS_VERSION/xml/features|" \
+    $ONOS_STAGE/$KARAF_DIST/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg 
+# Patch the Apache Karaf distribution file to load ONOS features
+perl -pi.old -e 's|^(featuresBoot=.*)|\1,onos-api,onos-core,onos-cli,onos-rest,onos-gui,onos-openflow,onos-app-tvue|' \
+    /tmp/onos-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/apache-karaf-3.0.1/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg 
+# Patch the Apache Karaf distribution with ONOS branding bundle
+cp $M2_REPO/org/onlab/onos/onos-branding/$ONOS_VERSION/onos-branding-*.jar \
+    $ONOS_STAGE/apache-karaf-*/lib
+# Now package up the ONOS tar file
+tar zcf $ONOS_BITS.tar.gz $ONOS_BITS