New P4RuntimeClient implementation that supports batching and error reporting

The new client API supports batching and provides detailed response for
write requests (e.g. if entity already exists when inserting), which was
not possible with the old one.

This patch includes:
- New more efficient implementation of P4RuntimeClient (no more locking,
use native gRPC executor, use stub deadlines)
- Ported all codecs to new AbstractCodec-based implementation (needed to
implement codec cache in the future)
- Uses batching in P4RuntimeFlowRuleProgrammable and
- Minor changes to PI framework runtime classes

Change-Id: I3fac42057bb4e1389d761006a32600c786598683
diff --git a/protocols/p4runtime/ctl/src/main/java/org/onosproject/p4runtime/ctl/codec/ b/protocols/p4runtime/ctl/src/main/java/org/onosproject/p4runtime/ctl/codec/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f289d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protocols/p4runtime/ctl/src/main/java/org/onosproject/p4runtime/ctl/codec/
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ * Copyright 2019-present Open Networking Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.onosproject.p4runtime.ctl.codec;
+import org.onlab.util.ImmutableByteSequence;
+import org.onosproject.p4runtime.ctl.utils.P4InfoBrowser;
+import p4.config.v1.P4InfoOuterClass;
+import p4.v1.P4RuntimeOuterClass;
+import static java.lang.String.format;
+import static org.onlab.util.ImmutableByteSequence.copyFrom;
+import static org.onosproject.p4runtime.ctl.codec.Utils.assertPrefixLen;
+import static org.onosproject.p4runtime.ctl.codec.Utils.assertSize;
+ * Codec for P4Runtime FieldMatch. Metadata is expected to be a Preamble for
+ * P4Info.Table.
+ */
+public final class FieldMatchCodec
+        extends AbstractCodec<PiFieldMatch, P4RuntimeOuterClass.FieldMatch,
+        P4InfoOuterClass.Preamble> {
+    private static final String VALUE_OF_PREFIX = "value of ";
+    private static final String MASK_OF_PREFIX = "mask of ";
+    private static final String HIGH_RANGE_VALUE_OF_PREFIX = "high range value of ";
+    private static final String LOW_RANGE_VALUE_OF_PREFIX = "low range value of ";
+    @Override
+    public P4RuntimeOuterClass.FieldMatch encode(
+            PiFieldMatch piFieldMatch, P4InfoOuterClass.Preamble tablePreamble,
+            PiPipeconf pipeconf, P4InfoBrowser browser)
+            throws CodecException, P4InfoBrowser.NotFoundException {
+        P4RuntimeOuterClass.FieldMatch.Builder messageBuilder = P4RuntimeOuterClass
+                .FieldMatch.newBuilder();
+        // FIXME: check how field names for stacked headers are constructed in P4Runtime.
+        String fieldName = piFieldMatch.fieldId().id();
+        P4InfoOuterClass.MatchField matchFieldInfo = browser.matchFields(
+                tablePreamble.getId()).getByName(fieldName);
+        String entityName = format("field match '%s' of table '%s'",
+                                   matchFieldInfo.getName(), tablePreamble.getName());
+        int fieldId = matchFieldInfo.getId();
+        int fieldBitwidth = matchFieldInfo.getBitwidth();
+        messageBuilder.setFieldId(fieldId);
+        switch (piFieldMatch.type()) {
+            case EXACT:
+                PiExactFieldMatch fieldMatch = (PiExactFieldMatch) piFieldMatch;
+                ByteString exactValue = ByteString.copyFrom(fieldMatch.value().asReadOnlyBuffer());
+                assertSize(VALUE_OF_PREFIX + entityName, exactValue, fieldBitwidth);
+                return messageBuilder.setExact(
+                        P4RuntimeOuterClass.FieldMatch.Exact
+                                .newBuilder()
+                                .setValue(exactValue)
+                                .build())
+                        .build();
+            case TERNARY:
+                PiTernaryFieldMatch ternaryMatch = (PiTernaryFieldMatch) piFieldMatch;
+                ByteString ternaryValue = ByteString.copyFrom(ternaryMatch.value().asReadOnlyBuffer());
+                ByteString ternaryMask = ByteString.copyFrom(ternaryMatch.mask().asReadOnlyBuffer());
+                assertSize(VALUE_OF_PREFIX + entityName, ternaryValue, fieldBitwidth);
+                assertSize(MASK_OF_PREFIX + entityName, ternaryMask, fieldBitwidth);
+                return messageBuilder.setTernary(
+                        P4RuntimeOuterClass.FieldMatch.Ternary
+                                .newBuilder()
+                                .setValue(ternaryValue)
+                                .setMask(ternaryMask)
+                                .build())
+                        .build();
+            case LPM:
+                PiLpmFieldMatch lpmMatch = (PiLpmFieldMatch) piFieldMatch;
+                ByteString lpmValue = ByteString.copyFrom(lpmMatch.value().asReadOnlyBuffer());
+                int lpmPrefixLen = lpmMatch.prefixLength();
+                assertSize(VALUE_OF_PREFIX + entityName, lpmValue, fieldBitwidth);
+                assertPrefixLen(entityName, lpmPrefixLen, fieldBitwidth);
+                return messageBuilder.setLpm(
+                        P4RuntimeOuterClass.FieldMatch.LPM.newBuilder()
+                                .setValue(lpmValue)
+                                .setPrefixLen(lpmPrefixLen)
+                                .build())
+                        .build();
+            case RANGE:
+                PiRangeFieldMatch rangeMatch = (PiRangeFieldMatch) piFieldMatch;
+                ByteString rangeHighValue = ByteString.copyFrom(rangeMatch.highValue().asReadOnlyBuffer());
+                ByteString rangeLowValue = ByteString.copyFrom(rangeMatch.lowValue().asReadOnlyBuffer());
+                assertSize(HIGH_RANGE_VALUE_OF_PREFIX + entityName, rangeHighValue, fieldBitwidth);
+                assertSize(LOW_RANGE_VALUE_OF_PREFIX + entityName, rangeLowValue, fieldBitwidth);
+                return messageBuilder.setRange(
+                        P4RuntimeOuterClass.FieldMatch.Range.newBuilder()
+                                .setHigh(rangeHighValue)
+                                .setLow(rangeLowValue)
+                                .build())
+                        .build();
+            default:
+                throw new CodecException(format(
+                        "Building of match type %s not implemented", piFieldMatch.type()));
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public PiFieldMatch decode(
+            P4RuntimeOuterClass.FieldMatch message, P4InfoOuterClass.Preamble tablePreamble,
+            PiPipeconf pipeconf, P4InfoBrowser browser)
+            throws CodecException, P4InfoBrowser.NotFoundException {
+        String fieldMatchName = browser.matchFields(tablePreamble.getId())
+                .getById(message.getFieldId()).getName();
+        PiMatchFieldId headerFieldId = PiMatchFieldId.of(fieldMatchName);
+        P4RuntimeOuterClass.FieldMatch.FieldMatchTypeCase typeCase = message.getFieldMatchTypeCase();
+        switch (typeCase) {
+            case EXACT:
+                P4RuntimeOuterClass.FieldMatch.Exact exactFieldMatch = message.getExact();
+                ImmutableByteSequence exactValue = copyFrom(exactFieldMatch.getValue().asReadOnlyByteBuffer());
+                return new PiExactFieldMatch(headerFieldId, exactValue);
+            case TERNARY:
+                P4RuntimeOuterClass.FieldMatch.Ternary ternaryFieldMatch = message.getTernary();
+                ImmutableByteSequence ternaryValue = copyFrom(ternaryFieldMatch.getValue().asReadOnlyByteBuffer());
+                ImmutableByteSequence ternaryMask = copyFrom(ternaryFieldMatch.getMask().asReadOnlyByteBuffer());
+                return new PiTernaryFieldMatch(headerFieldId, ternaryValue, ternaryMask);
+            case LPM:
+                P4RuntimeOuterClass.FieldMatch.LPM lpmFieldMatch = message.getLpm();
+                ImmutableByteSequence lpmValue = copyFrom(lpmFieldMatch.getValue().asReadOnlyByteBuffer());
+                int lpmPrefixLen = lpmFieldMatch.getPrefixLen();
+                return new PiLpmFieldMatch(headerFieldId, lpmValue, lpmPrefixLen);
+            case RANGE:
+                P4RuntimeOuterClass.FieldMatch.Range rangeFieldMatch = message.getRange();
+                ImmutableByteSequence rangeHighValue = copyFrom(rangeFieldMatch.getHigh().asReadOnlyByteBuffer());
+                ImmutableByteSequence rangeLowValue = copyFrom(rangeFieldMatch.getLow().asReadOnlyByteBuffer());
+                return new PiRangeFieldMatch(headerFieldId, rangeLowValue, rangeHighValue);
+            default:
+                throw new CodecException(format(
+                        "Decoding of field match type '%s' not implemented",;
+        }
+    }