Upgraded to bazel 3.7.2 and rules_nodejs 2.3.2
Change-Id: If53686f2475c4f367909de577b4da95de8e16768
diff --git a/web/gui/BUILD b/web/gui/BUILD
index 43c2a77..39da74a 100644
--- a/web/gui/BUILD
+++ b/web/gui/BUILD
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
" jar xf ../../$(location //tools/gui:tools-gui-gulp) &&" +
" $$NPM $$NPM_ARGS install --no-cache --loglevel=error > $$ROOT/$(location onos-gui1-npm-install.log) 2>&1 &&" +
" find . -name package.json | while read pjson; do egrep -v '/execroot/' $$pjson > ptmp; mv ptmp $$pjson; done &&" +
- " find package.json gulpfile.babel.js node_modules gulp-tasks -type f -exec touch -t 201806280000 {} \; &&" +
+ " find package.json gulpfile.babel.js node_modules gulp-tasks -type f -exec touch -t 202101010000 {} \\; &&" +
" jar Mcf $$ROOT/$(location onos-gui-npm-install.jar) package.json gulpfile.babel.js node_modules gulp-tasks &&" +
" touch $$ROOT/$(location onos-gui1-npm-install.log)", # to get the log always as the 2nd file
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
" chmod a+x ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js &&" +
" $$ROOT/$$NPM $$NPM_ARGS run build --no-cache --loglevel=error > $$ROOT/$(location onos-gui1-npm-build.log) &&" +
" cd ../../web/gui/src/main/webapp &&" +
- " find dist vendor data README.md _doc _dev app/fw app/*.css app/*.js app/*.txt -type f -exec touch -t 201806280000 {} \; &&" +
+ " find dist vendor data README.md _doc _dev app/fw app/*.css app/*.js app/*.txt -type f -exec touch -t 201806280000 {} \\; &&" +
" jar Mcf $$ROOT/$(location onos-gui-npm-build.jar) dist vendor data README.md _doc _dev app/fw app/*.css app/*.js app/*.txt &&" +
" touch $$ROOT/$(location onos-gui1-npm-build.log)", # to get the log always as the 2nd file
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
outs = ["web_app_all.jar"],
cmd = "cd web/gui &&" +
- " find src/main/webapp -type f -exec touch -t 201806280000 {} \; &&" +
+ " find src/main/webapp -type f -exec touch -t 201806280000 {} \\; &&" +
" jar Mcf ../../$@ src/main/webapp",
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
outs = ["app_view_tar.jar"],
cmd = " ROOT=`pwd` &&" +
" cd web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view &&" +
- " find . -type f -exec touch -t 201806280000 {} \; &&" +
+ " find . -type f -exec touch -t 201806280000 {} \\; &&" +
" jar Mcf $$ROOT/$@ .",
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
" mkdir ./WEB-INF/classes/raw && " +
" for i in $(locations :_raw_classes_files); do cp $$ROOT/$$i ./WEB-INF/classes/raw/; done &&" +
" jar xf $$ROOT/$(location :onos-gui-jar) &&" +
- " find . -type f -exec touch -t 201806280000 {} \; &&" +
+ " find . -type f -exec touch -t 201806280000 {} \\; &&" +
" jar cmf META-INF/MANIFEST.MF $$ROOT/$@ .",
output_to_bindir = 1,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],