[AETHER-77] onos-diagnostics-k8s

- Adds onos-diagnostics-k8s
- Introduces profile abstraction to make some cmds optional
- Refactors onos-diagnostics to make use of the profiles
- Optimizes T3_OFFLINE profile

Change-Id: I615f03971018526b174894b39b4255e6f9ce4e3e
diff --git a/tools/package/runtime/bin/onos-diagnostics b/tools/package/runtime/bin/onos-diagnostics
index 655bb40..ec80974 100755
--- a/tools/package/runtime/bin/onos-diagnostics
+++ b/tools/package/runtime/bin/onos-diagnostics
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
     echo "usage: $(basename $0) [-x] [-j] [-n name] [-P port] [-u user] [-p password] [ip1 ip2...]"
     echo ""
     echo "Environment Variables:"
+    echo "    DIAGS_PROFILE     Profile to be used to collect diags."
+    echo "                      Availables profiles in onos-diagnostics-profile"
     echo "    ONOS_INSTANCES    IPs or hostnames of ONOS cluster machines"
     echo "    ONOS_WEB_USER     username for REST API"
     echo "    ONOS_WEB_PASS     password for REST API"
@@ -32,6 +34,7 @@
     echo "    # REST API user and password are drawn from environment variables."
     echo "    # Collection archive will be named /tmp/onos-diags.tar.gz"
     echo "    # The cluster node IPs will be drawn from ONOS_INSTANCES variable."
+    echo "    # Diags profile is drawn from environment variable."
     echo "    > $(basename $0) "
     echo ""
     echo "    # Collect diagnostics for the cluster and leave them extracted. "
@@ -55,91 +58,18 @@
     exit 1
+# Let's source the different profiles
+. onos-diagnostics-profile
+# By default the ONOS base profile will be used
 ONOS_WEB_USER=${ONOS_WEB_USER:-onos}  # ONOS WEB User defaults to 'onos'
 ONOS_WEB_PASS=${ONOS_WEB_PASS:-rocks} # ONOS WEB Password defaults to 'rocks'
 ONOS_WEB_PORT=${ONOS_WEB_PORT:-8181}  # REST API port defaults to '8181'
 . $(dirname $0)/_find-node
-# TODO We should make SR commands optional
-    "feature:repo-list"
-    "feature:list"
-    "bundle:list"
-    "scr-list"
-    "summary"
-    "nodes"
-    "apps -s"
-    "netcfg"
-    "cfg get"
-    "devices"
-    "device-drivers"
-    "links"
-    "hosts"
-    "interfaces"
-    "ports"
-    "portstats -nz"
-    "edge-ports"
-    "packet-processors"
-    "packet-requests"
-    "intents"
-    "flows"
-    "groups"
-    "roles"
-    "masters"
-    "maps"
-    "fpm-connections"
-    "routes"
-    "obj-next-ids"
-    "obj-pending-nexts"
-    "obj-queues"
-    "sr-device-subnets"
-    "sr-ecmp-spg"
-    "sr-should-program"
-    "sr-link-state"
-    "sr-mcast-tree"
-    "sr-mcast-leader"
-    "sr-mcast-role"
-    "sr-pw-list"
-    "sr-next-mcast"
-    "sr-filt-mcast"
-    "sr-next-dst"
-    "sr-next-port"
-    "sr-next-vlan"
-    "sr-next-pw"
-    "sr-next-xconnect"
-    "sr-next-mac-vlan"
-    "sr-pr-list"
-    "dhcp-relay"
-    "mcast-host-routes"
-    "mcast-host-show"
-    "netcfg -j"
-    "devices -j"
-    "device-drivers -j"
-    "links -j"
-    "hosts -j"
-    "ports -j"
-    "edge-ports -j"
-    "flows -j"
-    "groups -j"
-    "masters -j"
-    "routes -j"
-    "mcast-host-show -j"
@@ -167,6 +97,9 @@
 [ -z $1 ] && nodes=$ONOS_INSTANCES || nodes=$*
+# -j option will activate T3_OFFLINE_PROFILE
 # Collect diagnostics from each cluster node
 for node in $nodes; do
     printf "Collecting diagnostics on $node..."
@@ -174,15 +107,19 @@
     # Prepare a clean place for collecting the node diagnostic data
     cd $diags; rm -fr $node; mkdir -p $node; cd $node;
-    # Acquire locally obtained diagnostics via REST API and extract them
-    printf "logs "
-    curl -sS --fail --user $user:$password  \
-        http://$node:$port/onos/v1/diagnostics > ../$node.tar.gz
-    tar zxf ../$node.tar.gz && rm ../$node.tar.gz
+    if [ -z $json ]; then
+        # Acquire locally obtained diagnostics via REST API and extract them
+        printf "logs "
+        curl -sS --fail --user $user:$password  \
+            http://$node:$port/onos/v1/diagnostics > ../$node.tar.gz
+        tar zxf ../$node.tar.gz && rm ../$node.tar.gz
+    fi
     # Acquire remotely obtained diagnostics via ssh CLI
-    [ ! -z $json ] && CLI_COMMANDS=("${JSON_CLI_COMMANDS[@]}")
-    for cmd in "${CLI_COMMANDS[@]}"; do
+    eval CLI_COMMANDS=\${${DIAGS_PROFILE}[@]}
+    for cmd in $CLI_COMMANDS; do
+        # @ is used as workaround for the array expansion
+        cmd="$(echo $cmd | sed 's/@/ /g')"
         cmdLog="$(echo $cmd | cut -d\  -f1 | sed 's/:/-/g').txt"
         [ ! -z $json ] && cmdLog="${cmdLog%.txt}.json"
         printf "$cmdLog "
diff --git a/tools/package/runtime/bin/onos-diagnostics-k8s b/tools/package/runtime/bin/onos-diagnostics-k8s
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e5b9aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/package/runtime/bin/onos-diagnostics-k8s
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Tool to collect cluster-wide diagnostics into a single tar stream using kubectl
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function usage() {
+    echo "usage: $(basename $0) [-x] [-j] [-n name] [-k karaf_home] [pod1 pod2...]"
+    echo ""
+    echo "Environment Variables:"
+    echo "    DIAGS_PROFILE     Profile to be used to collect diags."
+    echo "                      Availables profiles in onos-diagnostics-profile"
+    echo "    KARAF_HOME        KARAF_HOME inside the ONOS pod (path from the mount point)"
+    echo "    ONOS_PODS         ONOS pods composing the cluster"
+    echo ""
+    echo "Example Usages:"
+    echo "    # Collect compressed diagnostics for the cluster."
+    echo "    # Karaf home is drawn from environment variable."
+    echo "    # Collection archive will be named /tmp/onos-diags.tar.gz"
+    echo "    # ONOS pods names will be drawn from ONOS_PODS variable."
+    echo "    # Diags profile is drawn from environment variable."
+    echo "    > $(basename $0) "
+    echo ""
+    echo "    # Collect diagnostics for the cluster and leave them extracted. "
+    echo "    # Collection directory will be named /tmp/prague-diags/"
+    echo "    # Collection archive will be named /tmp/prague-diags.tar.gz."
+    echo "    # Karaf home is '/root/foo/karaf'."
+    echo "    # ONOS pods names will be drawn from ONOS_PODS variable."
+    echo "    > $(basename $0) -x -n prague -k karaf"
+    echo ""
+    echo "    # Collect diagnostics for the cluster and store them in JSON files."
+    echo "    # JSON_CLI_COMMANDS below lists JSON-supported diagnostics commands."
+    echo "    # Collection archive will be named /tmp/onos-diags.tar.gz"
+    echo "    > $(basename $0) -j"
+    echo ""
+    echo "    # Collect compressed diagnostics for a cluster."
+    echo "    # Karaf home is 'karaf'."
+    echo "    # Collection archive will be named /tmp/onos-diags.tar.gz"
+    echo "    # The pods names are listed explicitly."
+    echo "    > $(basename $0) -k karaf onos-0 onos-1 onos-2"
+    exit 1
+command -v kubectl >/dev/null 2>&1 || usage;
+# Let's source the different profiles
+. onos-diagnostics-profile
+# By default the ONOS base profile will be used
+# Scan arguments for user/password or other options...
+while getopts n:k:x?j?h o; do
+    case "$o" in
+        n) name=$OPTARG;;
+        k) KARAF_HOME=$OPTARG;;
+        x) extract=true;;
+        j) json=true;;
+        *) usage;;
+    esac
+let OPC=$OPTIND-1
+shift $OPC
+[ $# -lt 1 -a -z "$ONOS_PODS" ] && usage;
+[ -z "$KARAF_HOME" ] && usage;
+rm -fr $diags $diags.tar.gz; mkdir -p $diags
+[ -z $1 ] && nodes=$ONOS_PODS || nodes=$*
+# -j option will activate T3_OFFLINE_PROFILE
+# Collect diagnostics from each cluster node
+for node in $nodes; do
+    printf "Collecting diagnostics on $node..."
+    # Prepare a clean place for collecting the node diagnostic data
+    cd $diags; rm -fr $node; mkdir -p $node; cd $node;
+    if [ -z $json ]; then
+        # Acquire locally obtained diagnostics via kubectl
+        printf "logs "
+        kubectl cp $node:$KARAF_HOME/data/log .
+        kubectl exec -it $node -- bash -c "ls -l apps/*" > apps-dir.txt
+    fi
+    # Acquire apps info through onos cli
+    eval CLI_COMMANDS=\${${DIAGS_PROFILE}[@]}
+    for cmd in $CLI_COMMANDS; do
+        # @ is used as workaround for the array expansion
+        cmd="$(echo $cmd | sed 's/@/ /g')"
+        cmdLog="$(echo $cmd | cut -d\  -f1 | sed 's/:/-/g').txt"
+        printf "$cmdLog "
+        CMD="kubectl exec -it $node -- bash $KARAF_HOME/bin/client"
+        $CMD "$cmd" 2>/dev/null | sed -n '1!p' >$cmdLog
+    done
+    printf " Done.\n"
+# Tar-up diagnostics from all the nodes
+cd $diags
+tar zcf $diags.tar.gz *
+[ -z $extract ] && rm -fr $diags
diff --git a/tools/package/runtime/bin/onos-diagnostics-profile b/tools/package/runtime/bin/onos-diagnostics-profile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fecefae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/package/runtime/bin/onos-diagnostics-profile
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ------------------------------------------------
+# Defines profiles for different ONF projects
+# ------------------------------------------------
+# Base commands that are always useful.
+    "feature:repo-list"
+    "feature:list"
+    "bundle:list"
+    "scr-list"
+    "summary"
+    "nodes"
+    "apps@-s"
+    "netcfg"
+    "cfg@get"
+    "devices"
+    "device-drivers"
+    "links"
+    "hosts"
+    "interfaces"
+    "ports"
+    "portstats@-nz"
+    "edge-ports"
+    "packet-processors"
+    "packet-requests"
+    "intents"
+    "flows"
+    "groups"
+    "meters"
+    "roles"
+    "masters"
+    "maps"
+    "obj-next-ids"
+    "obj-pending-nexts"
+    "obj-queues"
+# Trellis related commands. Includes also the base commands.
+    "${ONOS_PROFILE[@]}"
+    "fpm-connections"
+    "routes"
+    "sr-device-subnets"
+    "sr-ecmp-spg"
+    "sr-should-program"
+    "sr-link-state"
+    "sr-mcast-tree"
+    "sr-mcast-leader"
+    "sr-mcast-role"
+    "sr-pw-list"
+    "sr-next-mcast"
+    "sr-filt-mcast"
+    "sr-next-dst"
+    "sr-next-port"
+    "sr-next-vlan"
+    "sr-next-pw"
+    "sr-next-xconnect"
+    "sr-next-mac-vlan"
+    "dhcp-relay"
+    "mcast-host-routes"
+    "mcast-host-show"
+# T3 offline related commands.
+    "netcfg@-j"
+    "devices@-j"
+    "device-drivers@-j"
+    "links@-j"
+    "hosts@-j"
+    "ports@-j"
+    "edge-ports@-j"
+    "flows@-j"
+    "groups@-j"
+    "masters@-j"
+    "routes@-j"
+    "mcast-host-show@-j"
+# VOLTHA related commands. Includes also the base commands.
+    "${ONOS_PROFILE[@]}"
+    "aaa-users"
+    "dhcpl2relay-allocations"
+    "volt-programmed-subscribers"
+    "volt-programmed-meters"
+    "volt-bpmeter-mappings"
+    "volt-olts"
+    "sr-device-subnets"
+    "sr-ecmp-spg"
+    "sr-should-program"
+    "sr-link-state"
+    "sr-xconnect"
+    "sr-mcast-tree"
+    "sr-mcast-leader"
+    "sr-mcast-role"
+    "sr-next-mcast"
+    "sr-filt-mcast"
+    "sr-next-dst"
+    "sr-next-port"
+    "sr-next-vlan"
+    "sr-next-xconnect"
+    "sr-next-mac-vlan"
+    "mcast-host-routes"
+    "mcast-host-show"
+# SEBA related commands. Includes also the base commands.
+    "${VOLTHA_PROFILE[@]}"
\ No newline at end of file