Refactor of CFM code part 5 - SonarQube recommended code changes


Refactor of CFM code part 4 - Microsemi driver - updating modules.deps with the move of the driver code
Refactor of CFM code part 3 - Microsemi driver: moved everything out of drivers/microsemi to /drivers/microsemi/ea1000 to make room for future drivers
Refactor of CFM code parti 2 - API: moved everything from incubator/*/src/main/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/l2monitoring to apps/cfm/*/src/main/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/l2monitoring - this means that services belonging to l2 monitoring will now only be loaded when cfm app is started
Refactor of CFM code part 1 - NBI: moves the CLI and REST part of the app down a level to an nbi folder for a more consistent approach with other modules

Change-Id: I39b302fd8620f59d34ab41208cbc28765951aad4
diff --git a/apps/cfm/nbi/src/main/java/org/onosproject/cfm/cli/completer/ b/apps/cfm/nbi/src/main/java/org/onosproject/cfm/cli/completer/
index 6019916..a26a460 100644
--- a/apps/cfm/nbi/src/main/java/org/onosproject/cfm/cli/completer/
+++ b/apps/cfm/nbi/src/main/java/org/onosproject/cfm/cli/completer/
@@ -41,32 +41,17 @@
         CfmMepService mepService = get(CfmMepService.class);
         mdService.getAllMaintenanceDomain().forEach(md -> {
-            choices.add(new StringBuilder(md.mdId().mdName())
-                            .append("(")
-                            .append(md.mdId().nameType())
-                            .append(")").toString());
+            choices.add(md.mdId().mdName() + "(" + md.mdId().nameType() + ")");
             md.maintenanceAssociationList().forEach(ma -> {
-                    choices.add(new StringBuilder(md.mdId().mdName())
-                            .append("(")
-                            .append(md.mdId().nameType())
-                            .append(") ")
-                            .append(ma.maId().maName())
-                            .append("(")
-                            .append(ma.maId().nameType())
-                            .append(")").toString());
+                    choices.add(md.mdId().mdName() + "(" + md.mdId().nameType() +
+                            ") " + ma.maId().maName() + "(" + ma.maId().nameType() + ")");
                     try {
                         mepService.getAllMeps(md.mdId(), ma.maId()).forEach(mep ->
-                                choices.add(new StringBuilder(md.mdId().mdName())
-                                        .append("(")
-                                        .append(md.mdId().nameType())
-                                        .append(") ")
-                                        .append(ma.maId().maName())
-                                        .append("(")
-                                        .append(ma.maId().nameType())
-                                        .append(") ")
-                                        .append(mep.mepId()).toString())
+                                choices.add(md.mdId().mdName() + "(" +
+                                        md.mdId().nameType() + ") " + ma.maId().maName() +
+                                        "(" + ma.maId().nameType() + ") " + mep.mepId())
                     } catch (CfmConfigException e) {
                         log.warn("Unable to retrieve mep details", e);