Separate resource search from resource allocation
This is a preparation task for the future Intent Framework major
enhancement that aims to consolidate resource allocation invocations
into the Framework side instead of the compiler side.
Declaring required resources and allocating the resources need to be
clearly separated. This patch tries to separate these phases.
Change-Id: Id254fe103803daf60ef2576fb5d717e9faa68c03
diff --git a/core/net/src/main/java/org/onosproject/net/intent/impl/compiler/ b/core/net/src/main/java/org/onosproject/net/intent/impl/compiler/
index 636de7d..4b7b1db 100644
--- a/core/net/src/main/java/org/onosproject/net/intent/impl/compiler/
+++ b/core/net/src/main/java/org/onosproject/net/intent/impl/compiler/
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
public List<Intent> compile(OpticalConnectivityIntent intent,
List<Intent> installable,
- Set<LinkResourceAllocations> resources) {
+ Set<LinkResourceAllocations> linkResources) {
// Check if source and destination are optical OCh ports
ConnectPoint src = intent.getSrc();
ConnectPoint dst = intent.getDst();
@@ -113,94 +113,117 @@
// TODO: try to release intent resources in IntentManager.
- // Reserve OCh ports
+ // Check OCh port availability
Resource srcPortResource = Resources.discrete(src.deviceId(), src.port()).resource();
Resource dstPortResource = Resources.discrete(dst.deviceId(), dst.port()).resource();
- List<ResourceAllocation> allocation = resourceService.allocate(, srcPortResource, dstPortResource);
- if (allocation.isEmpty()) {
- throw new IntentCompilationException("Unable to reserve ports for intent " + intent);
+ // If ports are not available, compilation fails
+ if (!Stream.of(srcPortResource, dstPortResource).allMatch(resourceService::isAvailable)) {
+ throw new IntentCompilationException("Ports for the intent are not available. Intent: " + intent);
+ List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<>();
+ resources.add(srcPortResource);
+ resources.add(dstPortResource);
// Calculate available light paths
Set<Path> paths = getOpticalPaths(intent);
+ if (paths.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new IntentCompilationException("Unable to find suitable lightpath for intent " + intent);
+ }
// Static or dynamic lambda allocation
String staticLambda = srcPort.annotations().value(AnnotationKeys.STATIC_LAMBDA);
OchPort srcOchPort = (OchPort) srcPort;
OchPort dstOchPort = (OchPort) dstPort;
- OchSignal ochSignal;
+ Path firstPath = paths.iterator().next();
+ // FIXME: need to actually reserve the lambda for static lambda's
+ // static lambda case: early return
+ if (staticLambda != null) {
+ allocateResources(intent, resources);
+ OchSignal lambda = new OchSignal(Frequency.ofHz(Long.parseLong(staticLambda)),
+ srcOchPort.lambda().channelSpacing(),
+ srcOchPort.lambda().slotGranularity());
+ return ImmutableList.of(createIntent(intent, firstPath, lambda));
+ }
+ // FIXME: also check destination OCh port
+ // non-tunable case: early return
+ if (!srcOchPort.isTunable() || !dstOchPort.isTunable()) {
+ allocateResources(intent, resources);
+ OchSignal lambda = srcOchPort.lambda();
+ return ImmutableList.of(createIntent(intent, firstPath, lambda));
+ }
// Use first path that can be successfully reserved
for (Path path : paths) {
- // FIXME: need to actually reserve the lambda for static lambda's
- if (staticLambda != null) {
- ochSignal = new OchSignal(Frequency.ofHz(Long.parseLong(staticLambda)),
- srcOchPort.lambda().channelSpacing(),
- srcOchPort.lambda().slotGranularity());
- } else if (!srcOchPort.isTunable() || !dstOchPort.isTunable()) {
- // FIXME: also check destination OCh port
- ochSignal = srcOchPort.lambda();
- } else {
- // Request and reserve lambda on path
- List<OchSignal> lambdas = assignWavelength(intent, path);
- if (lambdas.isEmpty()) {
- continue;
- }
- ochSignal = OchSignal.toFixedGrid(lambdas, ChannelSpacing.CHL_50GHZ);
+ // find common lambda on path
+ // a list of OchSignal indicates consecutive OchSignals
+ List<OchSignal> lambda = findFirstAvailableOch(path);
+ if (lambda.isEmpty()) {
+ continue;
+ List<Resource> lambdaResources = convertToResources(path.links(), lambda);
+ if (! {
+ continue;
+ }
+ resources.addAll(lambdaResources);
- // Create installable optical path intent
- // Only support fixed grid for now
- OchSignalType signalType = OchSignalType.FIXED_GRID;
+ allocateResources(intent, resources);
- Intent newIntent = OpticalPathIntent.builder()
- .appId(intent.appId())
- .src(intent.getSrc())
- .dst(intent.getDst())
- .path(path)
- .lambda(ochSignal)
- .signalType(signalType)
- .bidirectional(intent.isBidirectional())
- .build();
- return ImmutableList.of(newIntent);
+ OchSignal ochSignal = OchSignal.toFixedGrid(lambda, ChannelSpacing.CHL_50GHZ);
+ return ImmutableList.of(createIntent(intent, path, ochSignal));
- // Release port allocations if unsuccessful
- resourceService.release(;
throw new IntentCompilationException("Unable to find suitable lightpath for intent " + intent);
- /**
- * Request and reserve first available wavelength across path.
- *
- * @param path path in WDM topology
- * @return first available lambda allocated
- */
- private List<OchSignal> assignWavelength(Intent intent, Path path) {
+ private Intent createIntent(OpticalConnectivityIntent parentIntent, Path path, OchSignal lambda) {
+ // Create installable optical path intent
+ // Only support fixed grid for now
+ OchSignalType signalType = OchSignalType.FIXED_GRID;
+ return OpticalPathIntent.builder()
+ .appId(parentIntent.appId())
+ .src(parentIntent.getSrc())
+ .dst(parentIntent.getDst())
+ // calling paths.iterator().next() is safe because of non-empty set
+ .path(path)
+ .lambda(lambda)
+ .signalType(signalType)
+ .bidirectional(parentIntent.isBidirectional())
+ .build();
+ }
+ private void allocateResources(Intent intent, List<Resource> resources) {
+ // reserve all of required resources
+ List<ResourceAllocation> allocations = resourceService.allocate(, resources);
+ if (allocations.isEmpty()) {
+"Resource allocation for {} failed (resource request: {})", intent, resources);
+ throw new IntentCompilationException("Unable to allocate resources: " + resources);
+ }
+ }
+ private List<OchSignal> findFirstAvailableOch(Path path) {
Set<OchSignal> lambdas = findCommonLambdasOverLinks(path.links());
if (lambdas.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
- List<OchSignal> minLambda = findFirstLambda(lambdas, slotCount());
- List<Resource> lambdaResources = path.links().stream()
+ return findFirstLambda(lambdas, slotCount());
+ }
+ private List<Resource> convertToResources(List<Link> links, List<OchSignal> lambda) {
+ return
.flatMap(x -> Stream.of(
Resources.discrete(x.src().deviceId(), x.src().port()).resource(),
Resources.discrete(x.dst().deviceId(), x.dst().port()).resource()
- .flatMap(x -> -> x.child(l)))
+ .flatMap(x ->
- List<ResourceAllocation> allocations = resourceService.allocate(, lambdaResources);
- if (allocations.isEmpty()) {
-"Resource allocation for {} failed (resource request: {})", intent, lambdaResources);
- return Collections.emptyList();
- }
- return minLambda;