Additional bazel build files for apps

Change-Id: If3f31139022b5657e4a7b8a33871e4eba0da286e
diff --git a/apps/nodemetrics/BUILD b/apps/nodemetrics/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90425ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/nodemetrics/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+    "//apps/nodemetrics/api:onos-apps-nodemetrics-api",
+    "//apps/nodemetrics/mgr:onos-apps-nodemetrics-mgr",
+    app_name = "org.onosproject.nodemetrics",
+    category = "Monitoring",
+    description = "1.Nodemetrics Application uses, sigar library to fetch Controller information." +
+                  "2. The Sigar library uses Native libraries and currently It supports Windows, Linux and MacOs platform." +
+                  "3. The Native libraries like .so, .dll and .dylib are packed as jar along with sigar libs." +
+                  "4. If the Native libraries are corrupted because of any reason," +
+                  "so, the controller is vulnerable to crash of the entire JVM",
+    included_bundles = BUNDLES,
+    title = "Controller Monitor Application",
+    url = "",