[CORD-2531] Missing flows and multicast groups
The rationale for this change is: unhandled exceptions
prevent Runnable to be scheduled in future.
We need to protect the body of runnable.
Related to [CORD-2532] and [CORD-2533].
In the pipeliner we use checkers and groups listener
to get notification about groups. The error scenario:
unhandled exception in the context of a group checker
will kill the checker. We create a multicast group, which
requires firstly a l2interfacegroup. The latter has been
already created in the past. No notification from groups
and no checker -> failure. Multicast group is not created
and forwarding objective in pending (forever).
Potentially, it can fix other errors scenario.
Change-Id: I6ea0548c112002b9ce415103891dc01431bc1dc8
diff --git a/drivers/default/src/main/java/org/onosproject/driver/pipeline/ofdpa/OfdpaGroupHandlerUtility.java b/drivers/default/src/main/java/org/onosproject/driver/pipeline/ofdpa/OfdpaGroupHandlerUtility.java
index 7b8d8b2..0d119dc 100644
--- a/drivers/default/src/main/java/org/onosproject/driver/pipeline/ofdpa/OfdpaGroupHandlerUtility.java
+++ b/drivers/default/src/main/java/org/onosproject/driver/pipeline/ofdpa/OfdpaGroupHandlerUtility.java
@@ -534,22 +534,30 @@
public void run() {
- if (groupHandler.pendingGroups().size() != 0) {
- log.debug("pending groups being checked: {}", groupHandler.pendingGroups().asMap().keySet());
- }
- if (groupHandler.pendingAddNextObjectives().size() != 0) {
- log.debug("pending add-next-obj being checked: {}",
- groupHandler.pendingAddNextObjectives().asMap().keySet());
- }
- Set<GroupKey> keys = groupHandler.pendingGroups().asMap().keySet().stream()
- .filter(key -> groupHandler.groupService.getGroup(groupHandler.deviceId, key) != null)
- .collect(Collectors.toSet());
- Set<GroupKey> otherkeys = groupHandler.pendingAddNextObjectives().asMap().keySet().stream()
- .filter(otherkey -> groupHandler.groupService.getGroup(groupHandler.deviceId, otherkey) != null)
- .collect(Collectors.toSet());
- keys.addAll(otherkeys);
+ // GroupChecker execution needs to be protected
+ // from unhandled exceptions
+ try {
+ if (groupHandler.pendingGroups().size() != 0) {
+ log.debug("pending groups being checked: {}", groupHandler.pendingGroups().asMap().keySet());
+ }
+ if (groupHandler.pendingAddNextObjectives().size() != 0) {
+ log.debug("pending add-next-obj being checked: {}",
+ groupHandler.pendingAddNextObjectives().asMap().keySet());
+ }
+ Set<GroupKey> keys = groupHandler.pendingGroups().asMap().keySet().stream()
+ .filter(key -> groupHandler.groupService.getGroup(groupHandler.deviceId, key) != null)
+ .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+ Set<GroupKey> otherkeys = groupHandler.pendingAddNextObjectives().asMap().keySet().stream()
+ .filter(otherkey -> groupHandler.groupService.getGroup(groupHandler.deviceId, otherkey) != null)
+ .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+ keys.addAll(otherkeys);
- keys.forEach(key -> groupHandler.processPendingAddGroupsOrNextObjs(key, false));
+ keys.forEach(key -> groupHandler.processPendingAddGroupsOrNextObjs(key, false));
+ } catch (Exception exception) {
+ // Just log. It is safe for now.
+ log.warn("Uncaught exception is detected: {}", exception.getMessage());
+ log.debug("Uncaught exception is detected (full stack trace): ", exception);
+ }