blob: 3b41030ac042a6f42a9c49479ecbef7dc5608bca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.gluon.rsc;
* Gluon application related constants.
public final class GluonConstants {
protected GluonConstants() {
* String constants.
public static final String KEYS = "/keys";
public static final String PROTON = "/proton/";
public static final String MODE_STOP = "stop";
public static final String MODE_START = "start";
public static final String ACTION_SET = "set";
public static final String ACTION_GET = "get";
public static final String ACTION_DEL = "delete";
public static final String GLUON_HTTP = "http://";
public static final String KEY_TYPE = "net-l3vpn";
public static final String GLUON_ACTION = "action";
public static final String GLUON_KEY = "key";
public static final String GLUON_NODE = "node";
public static final String GLUON_NODES = "nodes";
public static final String GLUON_VALUE = "value";
public static final String GLUON_MOD_INDEX = "modifiedIndex";
public static final String GLUON_CREATE_INDEX = "createdIndex";
public static final String GLUON_DEFAULT_PORT = "2379";
* INFO Constants.
public static final String BATCH_SERVICE_STATUS =
"executorBatchService shutdown status: {}";
public static final String REAL_TIME_SERVICE_STATUS =
"executorRealTimeService shutdown status: {}";
public static final String SERVER_RUNNING =
"Server is already running";
public static final String ACTIVE_SERVER =
"Number of active servers: {}";
public static final String NO_SUBKEYS_AVAIL =
"No subKeys available. Nothing to smooth";
public static final String SERVER_STOPPED =
"Server has stopped successfully";
public static final String NO_SERVER_AVAIL =
"Server is unavailable";
public static final String NO_SERVER_AVAIL_ON_PORT =
"Server is unavailable on specified port";
public static final String REAL_TIME_PROCESSING =
"Started Real time etcd monitoring for {}";
public static final String BATCH_PROCESSING =
"Started Batch time etcd monitoring for {}";
public static final String BATCH_QUERING =
"Sending Batch time etcd request for {}";
public static final String BATCH_STOPPED =
"Stopped Batch time etcd monitoring for {}";
public static final String REAL_TIME_RECEIVED =
"Received RealTime etcd monitor data {}";
public static final String BATCH_RECEIVED =
"Received batch etcd monitor data {}";
public static final String SUBKEYS_RECEIVED =
"Recieved subkeys {}";
public static final String INVALID_ACTION =
"Invalid action has been received";
public static final String DATA_UPDATED =
"Gluon data updated to network config datastore";
public static final String DATA_REMOVED =
"Gluon data removed from network config datastore";
public static final String SERVER_POOL =
"Server IP is not available in server pool";
public static final String PROTON_KEY_SUPPORT =
"Currently only net-l3vpn type supported";
public static final String WRONG_INPUT = "Either server is not available " +
"or wrong input";
public static final String WRONG_INPUT_TYPE = "Wrong format type";
public static final String INVALID_MODE = "Invalid mode";
public static final String WRONG_IP_FORMAT = "Wrong IP address format";
public static final String INVALID_RANGE = "Wrong port range <1-65535>";
public static final String PROCESSING_FAILED = "Error occurred while " +
* ERROR Constants.
public static final String E_BATCH_PROCESSING =
"Batch mode etcd monitor failed with error {}";
public static final String E_BATCH_PROCESSING_URL =
"Batch mode etcd monitor failed for {}";
public static final String E_SUBKEYS_PROCESSING =
"Error observed while fetching subkeys for {}";
public static final String E_REAL_TIME_PROCESSING =
"Real time etcd monitor failed with error {}";
public static final String E_CLIENT_STOP =
"http client unable to stop with error {}";
* Integer Constants.
public static final int STATUS_CODE = 200;