Implemented table building functions

Change-Id: Ie4003080b13725561df22de41ec85f8c3f31c794
diff --git a/web/gui2/src/main/webapp/app/view/apps/apps.component.ts b/web/gui2/src/main/webapp/app/view/apps/apps.component.ts
index 5eaa38f..b2bb38b 100644
--- a/web/gui2/src/main/webapp/app/view/apps/apps.component.ts
+++ b/web/gui2/src/main/webapp/app/view/apps/apps.component.ts
@@ -13,46 +13,235 @@
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
-import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
+import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
 import { DialogService } from '../../fw/layer/dialog.service';
 import { FnService } from '../../fw/util/fn.service';
 import { IconService } from '../../fw/svg/icon.service';
 import { KeyService } from '../../fw/util/key.service';
 import { LionService } from '../../fw/util/lion.service';
+import { LoadingService } from '../../fw/layer/loading.service';
 import { LogService } from '../../log.service';
 import { PanelService } from '../../fw/layer/panel.service';
-import { TableBuilderService } from '../../fw/widget/tablebuilder.service';
+import { TableBaseImpl, TableResponse } from '../../fw/widget/tablebase';
 import { UrlFnService } from '../../fw/remote/urlfn.service';
 import { WebSocketService } from '../../fw/remote/websocket.service';
+const ACTIVE = 'ACTIVE';
+const appMgmtReq = 'appManagementRequest';
+const topPdg = 60;
+const panelWidth = 540;
+const pName = 'application-details-panel';
+const detailsReq = 'appDetailsRequest';
+const detailsResp = 'appDetailsResponse';
+const fileUploadUrl = 'applications/upload';
+const activateOption = '?activate=true';
+const appUrlPrefix = 'rs/applications/';
+const iconUrlSuffix = '/icon';
+const downloadSuffix = '/download';
+const dialogId = 'app-dialog';
+const dialogOpts = {
+    edge: 'right',
+    width: 400,
+const strongWarning = {
+    'org.onosproject.drivers': true,
+const propOrder = ['id', 'state', 'category', 'version', 'origin', 'role'];
+interface AppTableResponse extends TableResponse {
+    apps: Apps[];
+interface Apps {
+    category: string;
+    desc: string;
+    features: string;
+    icon: string;
+    id: string;
+    origin: string;
+    permissions: string;
+    readme: string;
+    required_apps: string;
+    role: string;
+    state: string;
+    title: string;
+    url: string;
+    version: string;
+    _iconid_state: string;
+interface CtrlBtnState {
+    installed: boolean;
+    selection: string;
+    active: boolean;
  * ONOS GUI -- Apps View Component
   selector: 'onos-apps',
   templateUrl: './apps.component.html',
-  styleUrls: ['./apps.component.css']
+  styleUrls: [
+    './apps.component.css', './apps.theme.css',
+    '../../fw/widget/table.css', '../../fw/widget/table-theme.css'
+    ]
-export class AppsComponent implements OnInit {
+export class AppsComponent extends TableBaseImpl implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
+    // deferred localization strings
+    lionFn; // Function
+    warnDeactivate: string;
+    warnOwnRisk: string;
+    friendlyProps: string[];
+    ctrlBtnState: CtrlBtnState;
+    detailsPanel: any;
-        private fs: FnService,
+        protected fs: FnService,
         private ds: DialogService,
         private is: IconService,
         private ks: KeyService,
-        private ls: LionService,
-        private log: LogService,
+        private lion: LionService,
+        protected ls: LoadingService,
+        protected log: LogService,
         private ps: PanelService,
-        private tbs: TableBuilderService,
         private ufs: UrlFnService,
-        private wss: WebSocketService,
-        private window: Window
+        protected wss: WebSocketService,
+        private window: Window,
     ) {
-        this.log.debug('AppsComponent constructed');
+        super(fs, null, log, wss, 'app');
+        this.responseCallback = this.appResponseCb;
+        this.sortParams = {
+            firstCol: 'state',
+            firstDir: 'desc',
+            secondCol: 'title',
+            secondDir: 'asc',
+        };
+        // We want doLion() to be called only after the Lion service is populated (from the WebSocket)
+        this.lion.loadCb = (() => this.doLion());
+        this.ctrlBtnState = <CtrlBtnState>{
+            installed: false,
+            active: false
+        };
+        if (this.lion.ubercache.length === 0) {
+            this.lionFn = this.dummyLion;
+        } else {
+            this.doLion();
+        }
     ngOnInit() {
-        this.log.debug('AppsComponent initialized');
+        this.init();
+        this.log.debug('AppComponent initialized');
+    ngOnDestroy() {
+        this.destroy();
+        this.log.debug('AppComponent destroyed');
+    }
+    /**
+     * The callback called when App data returns from WSS
+     */
+    appResponseCb(data: AppTableResponse) {
+        this.log.debug('App response received for ', data.apps.length, 'apps');
+    }
+    refreshCtrls() {
+        let row;
+        let rowIdx;
+        if (this.ctrlBtnState.selection) {
+            rowIdx = this.fs.find(this.selId, this.tableData);
+            row = rowIdx >= 0 ? this.tableData[rowIdx] : null;
+            this.ctrlBtnState.installed = row && row.state === INSTALLED;
+   = row && row.state === ACTIVE;
+        } else {
+            this.ctrlBtnState.installed = false;
+   = false;
+        }
+    }
+    createConfirmationText(action, itemId) {
+//        let content = this.ds.createDiv();
+//        content.append('p').text(this.lionFn(action) + ' ' + itemId);
+//        if (strongWarning[itemId]) {
+//            content.append('p').html(
+//                this.fs.sanitize(this.warnDeactivate) +
+//                '<br>' +
+//                this.fs.sanitize(this.warnOwnRisk)
+//            ).classed('strong', true);
+//        }
+//        return content;
+    }
+    confirmAction(action): void {
+        const itemId = this.selId;
+        const spar = this.sortParams;
+        function dOk() {
+            this.log.debug('Initiating', action, 'of', itemId);
+            this.wss.sendEvent(appMgmtReq, {
+                action: action,
+                name: itemId,
+                sortCol: spar.sortCol,
+                sortDir: spar.sortDir,
+            });
+            if (action === 'uninstall') {
+                this.detailsPanel.hide();
+            } else {
+                this.wss.sendEvent(detailsReq, { id: itemId });
+            }
+        }
+        function dCancel() {
+            this.log.debug('Canceling', action, 'of', itemId);
+        }
+//        this.ds.openDialog(dialogId, dialogOpts)
+//            .setTitle(this.lionFn('dlg_confirm_action'))
+//            .addContent(this.createConfirmationText(action, itemId))
+//            .addOk(dOk)
+//            .addCancel(dCancel)
+//            .bindKeys();
+    }
+    appAction(action) {
+        if (this.ctrlBtnState.selection) {
+            this.confirmAction(action);
+        }
+    }
+    downloadApp() {
+        if (this.ctrlBtnState.selection) {
+            (<any>this.window).location = appUrlPrefix + this.selId + downloadSuffix;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Read the LION bundle for App - this should replace the dummyLion implementation
+     * of lionFn with a function from the LION Service
+     */
+    doLion() {
+        this.lionFn = this.lion.bundle('core.view.App');
+        this.warnDeactivate = this.lionFn('dlg_warn_deactivate');
+        this.warnOwnRisk = this.lionFn('dlg_warn_own_risk');
+        this.friendlyProps = [
+            this.lionFn('app_id'), this.lionFn('state'),
+            this.lionFn('category'), this.lionFn('version'),
+            this.lionFn('origin'), this.lionFn('role'),
+        ];
+    }
+    /**
+     * A dummy implementation of the lionFn until the response is received and the LION
+     * bundle is received from the WebSocket
+     */
+    dummyLion(key: string): string {
+        return '%' + key + '%';
+    }