Addition of common model.

Change-Id: If5fd6bae01a59ebf9d27f8369ac3403c83f70fad
diff --git a/models/common/src/main/yang/ietf-x509-cert-to-name@2014-12-10.yang b/models/common/src/main/yang/ietf-x509-cert-to-name@2014-12-10.yang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbc9be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/common/src/main/yang/ietf-x509-cert-to-name@2014-12-10.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+module ietf-x509-cert-to-name {
+  namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-x509-cert-to-name";
+  prefix x509c2n;
+  import ietf-yang-types {
+    prefix yang;
+  }
+  organization
+    "IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Data Modeling Language) Working Group";
+  contact
+    "WG Web:   <>
+     WG List:  <>
+     WG Chair: Thomas Nadeau
+               <>
+     WG Chair: Juergen Schoenwaelder
+               <>
+     Editor:   Martin Bjorklund
+               <>
+     Editor:   Juergen Schoenwaelder
+               <>";
+  description
+    "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for
+     extracting a name from an X.509 certificate.
+     The algorithm used to extract a name from an X.509 certificate
+     was first defined in RFC 6353.
+     Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
+     authors of the code.  All rights reserved.
+     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
+     without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
+     to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
+     set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
+     Relating to IETF Documents
+     (
+     This version of this YANG module is part of RFC 7407; see
+     the RFC itself for full legal notices.";
+  reference
+    "RFC 6353: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model for
+       the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)";
+  revision 2014-12-10 {
+    description
+      "Initial revision.";
+    reference
+      "RFC 7407: A YANG Data Model for SNMP Configuration";
+  }
+  typedef tls-fingerprint {
+    type yang:hex-string {
+      pattern '([0-9a-fA-F]){2}(:([0-9a-fA-F]){2}){0,254}';
+    }
+    description
+     "A fingerprint value that can be used to uniquely reference
+      other data of potentially arbitrary length.
+      A tls-fingerprint value is composed of a 1-octet hashing
+      algorithm identifier followed by the fingerprint value.  The
+      first octet value identifying the hashing algorithm is taken
+      from the IANA 'TLS HashAlgorithm Registry' (RFC 5246).  The
+      remaining octets are filled using the results of the hashing
+      algorithm.";
+    reference
+     "RFC 6353: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model
+        for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
+        SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB.SnmpTLSFingerprint";
+  }
+  /* Identities */
+  identity cert-to-name {
+    description
+      "Base identity for algorithms to derive a name from a
+       certificate.";
+  }
+  identity specified {
+    base cert-to-name;
+    description
+      "Directly specifies the name to be used for the certificate.
+       The value of the leaf 'name' in the cert-to-name list is
+       used.";
+    reference
+      "RFC 6353: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model
+         for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
+         SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB.snmpTlstmCertSpecified";
+  }
+  identity san-rfc822-name {
+    base cert-to-name;
+    description
+      "Maps a subjectAltName's rfc822Name to a name.  The local part
+       of the rfc822Name is passed unaltered, but the host-part of
+       the name must be passed in lowercase.  For example, the
+       rfc822Name field FooBar@Example.COM is mapped to name
+    reference
+      "RFC 6353: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model
+         for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
+         SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB.snmpTlstmCertSANRFC822Name";
+  }
+  identity san-dns-name {
+    base cert-to-name;
+    description
+      "Maps a subjectAltName's dNSName to a name after first
+       converting it to all lowercase (RFC 5280 does not specify
+       converting to lowercase, so this involves an extra step).
+       This mapping results in a 1:1 correspondence between
+       subjectAltName dNSName values and the name values.";
+    reference
+      "RFC 6353: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model
+         for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
+         SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB.snmpTlstmCertSANDNSName";
+  }
+  identity san-ip-address {
+    base cert-to-name;
+    description
+      "Maps a subjectAltName's iPAddress to a name by
+       transforming the binary-encoded address as follows:
+         1) for IPv4, the value is converted into a
+            decimal-dotted quad address (e.g., '').
+         2) for IPv6 addresses, the value is converted into a
+            32-character, all-lowercase hexadecimal string
+            without any colon separators.
+       This mapping results in a 1:1 correspondence between
+       subjectAltName iPAddress values and the name values.";
+    reference
+      "RFC 6353: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model
+         for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
+         SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB.snmpTlstmCertSANIpAddress";
+  }
+  identity san-any {
+    base cert-to-name;
+    description
+      "Maps any of the following fields using the corresponding
+       mapping algorithms:
+         +------------+-----------------+
+         | Type       | Algorithm       |
+         |------------+-----------------|
+         | rfc822Name | san-rfc822-name |
+         | dNSName    | san-dns-name    |
+         | iPAddress  | san-ip-address  |
+         +------------+-----------------+
+       The first matching subjectAltName value found in the
+       certificate of the above types MUST be used when deriving
+       the name.  The mapping algorithm specified in the
+       'Algorithm' column MUST be used to derive the name.
+       This mapping results in a 1:1 correspondence between
+       subjectAltName values and name values.  The three sub-mapping
+       algorithms produced by this combined algorithm cannot produce
+       conflicting results between themselves.";
+    reference
+      "RFC 6353: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model
+         for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
+         SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB.snmpTlstmCertSANAny";
+  }
+  identity common-name {
+    base cert-to-name;
+    description
+      "Maps a certificate's CommonName to a name after converting
+       it to a UTF-8 encoding.  The usage of CommonNames is
+       deprecated, and users are encouraged to use subjectAltName
+       mapping methods instead.  This mapping results in a 1:1
+       correspondence between certificate CommonName values and name
+       values.";
+    reference
+      "RFC 6353: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model
+         for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
+         SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB.snmpTlstmCertCommonName";
+  }
+  /*
+   * Groupings
+   */
+  grouping cert-to-name {
+    description
+      "Defines nodes for mapping certificates to names.  Modules
+       that use this grouping should describe how the resulting
+       name is used.";
+    list cert-to-name {
+      key id;
+      description
+        "This list defines how certificates are mapped to names.
+         The name is derived by considering each cert-to-name
+         list entry in order.  The cert-to-name entry's fingerprint
+         determines whether the list entry is a match:
+         1) If the cert-to-name list entry's fingerprint value
+            matches that of the presented certificate, then consider
+            the list entry a successful match.
+         2) If the cert-to-name list entry's fingerprint value
+            matches that of a locally held copy of a trusted CA
+            certificate, and that CA certificate was part of the CA
+            certificate chain to the presented certificate, then
+            consider the list entry a successful match.
+        Once a matching cert-to-name list entry has been found, the
+        map-type is used to determine how the name associated with
+        the certificate should be determined.  See the map-type
+        leaf's description for details on determining the name value.
+        If it is impossible to determine a name from the cert-to-name
+        list entry's data combined with the data presented in the
+        certificate, then additional cert-to-name list entries MUST
+        be searched to look for another potential match.
+        Security administrators are encouraged to make use of
+        certificates with subjectAltName fields that can be mapped to
+        names so that a single root CA certificate can allow all
+        child certificates' subjectAltName fields to map directly to
+        a name via a 1:1 transformation.";
+      reference
+       "RFC 6353: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model
+          for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
+          SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB.snmpTlstmCertToTSNEntry";
+      leaf id {
+        type uint32;
+        description
+          "The id specifies the order in which the entries in the
+           cert-to-name list are searched.  Entries with lower
+           numbers are searched first.";
+        reference
+          "RFC 6353: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model
+             for the Simple Network Management Protocol
+             (SNMP).
+             SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB.snmpTlstmCertToTSNID";
+      }
+      leaf fingerprint {
+        type x509c2n:tls-fingerprint;
+        mandatory true;
+        description
+          "Specifies a value with which the fingerprint of the
+           full certificate presented by the peer is compared.  If
+           the fingerprint of the full certificate presented by the
+           peer does not match the fingerprint configured, then the
+           entry is skipped, and the search for a match continues.";
+        reference
+          "RFC 6353: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model
+             for the Simple Network Management Protocol
+             (SNMP).
+             SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB.snmpTlstmCertToTSNFingerprint";
+      }
+      leaf map-type {
+        type identityref {
+          base cert-to-name;
+        }
+        mandatory true;
+        description
+          "Specifies the algorithm used to map the certificate
+           presented by the peer to a name.
+           Mappings that need additional configuration objects should
+           use the 'when' statement to make them conditional based on
+           the map-type.";
+        reference
+          "RFC 6353: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model
+             for the Simple Network Management Protocol
+             (SNMP).
+             SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB.snmpTlstmCertToTSNMapType";
+      }
+      leaf name {
+        when "../map-type = 'x509c2n:specified'";
+        type string;
+        mandatory true;
+        description
+          "Directly specifies the NETCONF username when the
+           map-type is 'specified'.";
+        reference
+          "RFC 6353: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model
+             for the Simple Network Management Protocol
+             (SNMP).
+             SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB.snmpTlstmCertToTSNData";
+      }
+    }
+  }