CORD-1578 CORD-1708 Handle dual single homed router and single dual homed router

In addition
    - Carry all alternatives in ROUTE_UPDATED and ROUTE_REMOVED event
    - More unit tests
    - More debug messages
    - Fix routing table out-of-sync issue in MockRoutingService
    - Fix populateRoute/revokeRoute mastership issue

Change-Id: I22d537625b570b09ecd4e22e6e14bb1ee27f8bcb
diff --git a/apps/segmentrouting/src/main/java/org/onosproject/segmentrouting/ b/apps/segmentrouting/src/main/java/org/onosproject/segmentrouting/
index 214ba6b..c80bc09 100644
--- a/apps/segmentrouting/src/main/java/org/onosproject/segmentrouting/
+++ b/apps/segmentrouting/src/main/java/org/onosproject/segmentrouting/
@@ -16,20 +16,33 @@
 package org.onosproject.segmentrouting;
 import org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix;
 import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
 import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
 import org.onosproject.routeservice.ResolvedRoute;
 import org.onosproject.routeservice.RouteEvent;
+import org.onosproject.routeservice.RouteInfo;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Objects;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
  * Handles RouteEvent and manages routing entries.
@@ -38,8 +51,35 @@
     private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RouteHandler.class);
     private final SegmentRoutingManager srManager;
+    private static final int WAIT_TIME_MS = 1000;
+    /**
+     * The routeEventCache is implemented to avoid race condition by giving more time to the
+     * underlying flow subsystem to process previous populateSubnet call.
+     */
+    private Cache<IpPrefix, RouteEvent> routeEventCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
+            .expireAfterWrite(WAIT_TIME_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+            .removalListener((RemovalNotification<IpPrefix, RouteEvent> notification) -> {
+                IpPrefix prefix = notification.getKey();
+                RouteEvent routeEvent = notification.getValue();
+                RemovalCause cause = notification.getCause();
+                log.debug("routeEventCache removal event. prefix={}, routeEvent={}, cause={}",
+                        prefix, routeEvent, cause);
+                switch (notification.getCause()) {
+                    case REPLACED:
+                    case EXPIRED:
+                        dequeueRouteEvent(routeEvent);
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        break;
+                }
+            }).build();
     RouteHandler(SegmentRoutingManager srManager) {
         this.srManager = srManager;
+        Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()
+                .scheduleAtFixedRate(routeEventCache::cleanUp, 0, WAIT_TIME_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
     protected void init(DeviceId deviceId) {
@@ -56,70 +96,239 @@
     void processRouteAdded(RouteEvent event) {
-"processRouteAdded {}", event);
-        processRouteAddedInternal(event.subject());
+        enqueueRouteEvent(event);
     private void processRouteAddedInternal(ResolvedRoute route) {
+        processRouteAddedInternal(Sets.newHashSet(route));
+    }
+    private void processRouteAddedInternal(Collection<ResolvedRoute> routes) {
         if (!isReady()) {
-  "System is not ready. Skip adding route for {}", route.prefix());
+  "System is not ready. Skip adding route for {}", routes);
-        IpPrefix prefix = route.prefix();
-        MacAddress nextHopMac = route.nextHopMac();
-        VlanId nextHopVlan = route.nextHopVlan();
-        ConnectPoint location = srManager.nextHopLocations(route).stream().findFirst().orElse(null);
+"processRouteAddedInternal. routes={}", routes);
-        if (location == null) {
-  "{} ignored. Cannot find nexthop location", prefix);
-            return;
-        }
+        Set<ConnectPoint> allLocations = Sets.newHashSet();
+        Set<IpPrefix> allPrefixes = Sets.newHashSet();
+        routes.forEach(route -> {
+            allLocations.addAll(srManager.nextHopLocations(route));
+            allPrefixes.add(route.prefix());
+        });
+        log.debug("RouteAdded. populateSubnet {}, {}", allLocations, allPrefixes);
+        srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.populateSubnet(allLocations, allPrefixes);
-        srManager.deviceConfiguration.addSubnet(location, prefix);
-        // XXX need to handle the case where there are two connectpoints
-        srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.populateSubnet(Sets.newHashSet(location),
-                                                       Sets.newHashSet(prefix));
-        srManager.routingRulePopulator.populateRoute(location.deviceId(), prefix,
-                nextHopMac, nextHopVlan, location.port());
+        routes.forEach(route -> {
+            IpPrefix prefix = route.prefix();
+            MacAddress nextHopMac = route.nextHopMac();
+            VlanId nextHopVlan = route.nextHopVlan();
+            Set<ConnectPoint> locations = srManager.nextHopLocations(route);
+            locations.forEach(location -> {
+                log.debug("RouteAdded. addSubnet {}, {}", location, prefix);
+                srManager.deviceConfiguration.addSubnet(location, prefix);
+                log.debug("RouteAdded populateRoute {}, {}, {}, {}", location, prefix, nextHopMac, nextHopVlan);
+                srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.populateRoute(location.deviceId(), prefix,
+                        nextHopMac, nextHopVlan, location.port());
+            });
+        });
     void processRouteUpdated(RouteEvent event) {
-"processRouteUpdated {}", event);
-        processRouteRemovedInternal(event.prevSubject());
-        processRouteAddedInternal(event.subject());
+        enqueueRouteEvent(event);
+    }
+    void processAlternativeRoutesChanged(RouteEvent event) {
+        enqueueRouteEvent(event);
+    }
+    private void processRouteUpdatedInternal(Set<ResolvedRoute> routes, Set<ResolvedRoute> oldRoutes) {
+        if (!isReady()) {
+  "System is not ready. Skip updating route for {} -> {}", oldRoutes, routes);
+            return;
+        }
+"processRouteUpdatedInternal. routes={}, oldRoutes={}", routes, oldRoutes);
+        Set<ConnectPoint> allLocations = Sets.newHashSet();
+        Set<IpPrefix> allPrefixes = Sets.newHashSet();
+        routes.forEach(route -> {
+            allLocations.addAll(srManager.nextHopLocations(route));
+            allPrefixes.add(route.prefix());
+        });
+        log.debug("RouteUpdated. populateSubnet {}, {}", allLocations, allPrefixes);
+        srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.populateSubnet(allLocations, allPrefixes);
+        Set<ResolvedRoute> toBeRemoved = Sets.difference(oldRoutes, routes).immutableCopy();
+        Set<ResolvedRoute> toBeAdded = Sets.difference(routes, oldRoutes).immutableCopy();
+        toBeRemoved.forEach(route -> {
+            srManager.nextHopLocations(route).forEach(oldLocation -> {
+               if (
+                       .flatMap(Set::stream).map(ConnectPoint::deviceId)
+                       .noneMatch(deviceId -> deviceId.equals(oldLocation.deviceId()))) {
+                   IpPrefix prefix = route.prefix();
+                   MacAddress nextHopMac = route.nextHopMac();
+                   VlanId nextHopVlan = route.nextHopVlan();
+                   log.debug("RouteUpdated. removeSubnet {}, {}", oldLocation, prefix);
+                   srManager.deviceConfiguration.removeSubnet(oldLocation, prefix);
+                   log.debug("RouteUpdated. revokeRoute {}, {}, {}, {}", oldLocation, prefix, nextHopMac, nextHopVlan);
+                   srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.revokeRoute(oldLocation.deviceId(), prefix,
+                           nextHopMac, nextHopVlan, oldLocation.port());
+               }
+            });
+        });
+        toBeAdded.forEach(route -> {
+            IpPrefix prefix = route.prefix();
+            MacAddress nextHopMac = route.nextHopMac();
+            VlanId nextHopVlan = route.nextHopVlan();
+            Set<ConnectPoint> locations = srManager.nextHopLocations(route);
+            locations.forEach(location -> {
+                log.debug("RouteUpdated. addSubnet {}, {}", location, prefix);
+                srManager.deviceConfiguration.addSubnet(location, prefix);
+                log.debug("RouteUpdated. populateRoute {}, {}, {}, {}", location, prefix, nextHopMac, nextHopVlan);
+                srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.populateRoute(location.deviceId(), prefix,
+                        nextHopMac, nextHopVlan, location.port());
+            });
+        });
     void processRouteRemoved(RouteEvent event) {
-"processRouteRemoved {}", event);
-        processRouteRemovedInternal(event.subject());
+        enqueueRouteEvent(event);
-    private void processRouteRemovedInternal(ResolvedRoute route) {
+    private void processRouteRemovedInternal(Collection<ResolvedRoute> routes) {
         if (!isReady()) {
-  "System is not ready. Skip removing route for {}", route.prefix());
+  "System is not ready. Skip removing route for {}", routes);
-        IpPrefix prefix = route.prefix();
-        MacAddress nextHopMac = route.nextHopMac();
-        VlanId nextHopVlan = route.nextHopVlan();
-        ConnectPoint location = srManager.nextHopLocations(route).stream().findFirst().orElse(null);
+"processRouteRemovedInternal. routes={}", routes);
-        if (location == null) {
-  "{} ignored. Cannot find nexthop location", prefix);
-            return;
-        }
+        Set<IpPrefix> allPrefixes = Sets.newHashSet();
+        routes.forEach(route -> {
+            allPrefixes.add(route.prefix());
+        });
+        log.debug("RouteRemoved. revokeSubnet {}", allPrefixes);
+        srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.revokeSubnet(allPrefixes);
-        srManager.deviceConfiguration.removeSubnet(location, prefix);
-        srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.revokeSubnet(ImmutableSet.of(prefix));
-        srManager.routingRulePopulator.revokeRoute(
-                location.deviceId(), prefix, nextHopMac, nextHopVlan, location.port());
+        routes.forEach(route -> {
+            IpPrefix prefix = route.prefix();
+            MacAddress nextHopMac = route.nextHopMac();
+            VlanId nextHopVlan = route.nextHopVlan();
+            Set<ConnectPoint> locations = srManager.nextHopLocations(route);
+            locations.forEach(location -> {
+                log.debug("RouteRemoved. removeSubnet {}, {}", location, prefix);
+                srManager.deviceConfiguration.removeSubnet(location, prefix);
+                log.debug("RouteRemoved. revokeRoute {}, {}, {}, {}", location, prefix, nextHopMac, nextHopVlan);
+                srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.revokeRoute(location.deviceId(), prefix,
+                        nextHopMac, nextHopVlan, location.port());
+                // Also remove redirection flows on the pair device if exists.
+                Optional<DeviceId> pairDeviceId = srManager.getPairDeviceId(location.deviceId());
+                Optional<PortNumber> pairLocalPort = srManager.getPairLocalPorts(location.deviceId());
+                if (pairDeviceId.isPresent() && pairLocalPort.isPresent()) {
+                    // NOTE: Since the pairLocalPort is trunk port, use assigned vlan of original port
+                    //       when the host is untagged
+                    VlanId vlanId = Optional.ofNullable(srManager.getInternalVlanId(location)).orElse(nextHopVlan);
+                    log.debug("RouteRemoved. revokeRoute {}, {}, {}, {}", location, prefix, nextHopMac, nextHopVlan);
+                    srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.revokeRoute(pairDeviceId.get(), prefix,
+                            nextHopMac, vlanId, pairLocalPort.get());
+                }
+            });
+        });
+    }
+    void processHostMovedEvent(HostEvent event) {
+"processHostMovedEvent {}", event);
+        MacAddress hostMac = event.subject().mac();
+        VlanId hostVlanId = event.subject().vlan();
+        affectedRoutes(hostMac, hostVlanId).forEach(affectedRoute -> {
+            IpPrefix prefix = affectedRoute.prefix();
+            Set<HostLocation> prevLocations = event.prevSubject().locations();
+            Set<HostLocation> newLocations = event.subject().locations();
+            // For each old location
+            Sets.difference(prevLocations, newLocations).stream().filter(srManager::isMasterOf)
+                    .forEach(prevLocation -> {
+                // Redirect the flows to pair link if configured
+                // Note: Do not continue removing any rule
+                Optional<DeviceId> pairDeviceId = srManager.getPairDeviceId(prevLocation.deviceId());
+                Optional<PortNumber> pairLocalPort = srManager.getPairLocalPorts(prevLocation.deviceId());
+                if (pairDeviceId.isPresent() && pairLocalPort.isPresent() &&
+                        .anyMatch(location -> location.deviceId().equals(pairDeviceId.get()))) {
+                    // NOTE: Since the pairLocalPort is trunk port, use assigned vlan of original port
+                    //       when the host is untagged
+                    VlanId vlanId = Optional.ofNullable(srManager.getInternalVlanId(prevLocation)).orElse(hostVlanId);
+                    log.debug("HostMoved. populateRoute {}, {}, {}, {}", prevLocation, prefix, hostMac, vlanId);
+                    srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.populateRoute(prevLocation.deviceId(), prefix,
+                            hostMac, vlanId, pairLocalPort.get());
+                    return;
+                }
+                // No pair information supplied. Remove route
+                log.debug("HostMoved. revokeRoute {}, {}, {}, {}", prevLocation, prefix, hostMac, hostVlanId);
+                srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.revokeRoute(prevLocation.deviceId(), prefix,
+                        hostMac, hostVlanId, prevLocation.port());
+            });
+            // For each new location, add all new IPs.
+            Sets.difference(newLocations, prevLocations).stream().filter(srManager::isMasterOf)
+                    .forEach(newLocation -> {
+                log.debug("HostMoved. populateRoute {}, {}, {}, {}", newLocation, prefix, hostMac, hostVlanId);
+                srManager.defaultRoutingHandler.populateRoute(newLocation.deviceId(), prefix,
+                        hostMac, hostVlanId, newLocation.port());
+            });
+        });
+    }
+    private Set<ResolvedRoute> affectedRoutes(MacAddress mac, VlanId vlanId) {
+        return srManager.routeService.getRouteTables().stream()
+                .map(routeTableId -> srManager.routeService.getRoutes(routeTableId))
+                .flatMap(Collection::stream)
+                .map(RouteInfo::allRoutes)
+                .flatMap(Collection::stream)
+                .filter(resolvedRoute -> mac.equals(resolvedRoute.nextHopMac()) &&
+                        vlanId.equals(resolvedRoute.nextHopVlan())).collect(Collectors.toSet());
     private boolean isReady() {
         return Objects.nonNull(srManager.deviceConfiguration) &&
-                Objects.nonNull(srManager.defaultRoutingHandler) &&
-                Objects.nonNull(srManager.routingRulePopulator);
+                Objects.nonNull(srManager.defaultRoutingHandler);
+    }
+    void enqueueRouteEvent(RouteEvent routeEvent) {
+        log.debug("Enqueue routeEvent {}", routeEvent);
+        routeEventCache.put(routeEvent.subject().prefix(), routeEvent);
+    }
+    void dequeueRouteEvent(RouteEvent routeEvent) {
+        log.debug("Dequeue routeEvent {}", routeEvent);
+        switch (routeEvent.type()) {
+            case ROUTE_ADDED:
+                processRouteAddedInternal(routeEvent.alternatives());
+                break;
+            case ROUTE_REMOVED:
+                processRouteRemovedInternal(routeEvent.alternatives());
+                break;
+            case ROUTE_UPDATED:
+                processRouteUpdatedInternal(Sets.newHashSet(routeEvent.alternatives()),
+                        Sets.newHashSet(routeEvent.prevAlternatives()));
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }