Adding ability to push remote bundle updates.
diff --git a/tools/test/bin/onos-push-update-bundle b/tools/test/bin/onos-push-update-bundle
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e6a9ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/bin/onos-push-update-bundle
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Pushes the specified bundle to the remote ONOS cell machines and updates it.
+[ ! -d "$ONOS_ROOT" ] && echo "ONOS_ROOT is not defined" >&2 && exit 1
+. $ONOS_ROOT/tools/build/envDefaults
+cd ~/.m2/repository
+jar=$(find org/onlab -type f -name '*.jar' | grep $1 | grep -v -e -tests | head -n 1)
+[ -z "$jar" ] && echo "No bundle $1 found for" && exit 1
+bundle=$(echo $(basename $jar .jar) | sed 's/-[0-9].*//g')
+nodes=$(env | sort | egrep "OC[0-9]+" | cut -d= -f2)
+for node in $nodes; do
+    scp $jar $ONOS_USER@$node:$ONOS_INSTALL_DIR/$KARAF_DIST/system/$jar
+    ssh $ONOS_USER@$node $ONOS_INSTALL_DIR/bin/onos update $bundle