Ported BGP tests from old codebase
diff --git a/apps/sdnip/src/test/java/org/onlab/onos/sdnip/bgp/BgpSessionManagerTest.java b/apps/sdnip/src/test/java/org/onlab/onos/sdnip/bgp/BgpSessionManagerTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e3be1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/sdnip/src/test/java/org/onlab/onos/sdnip/bgp/BgpSessionManagerTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+package org.onlab.onos.sdnip.bgp;
+import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasItem;
+import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasSize;
+import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is;
+import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
+import java.net.InetAddress;
+import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
+import java.net.SocketAddress;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import org.jboss.netty.bootstrap.ClientBootstrap;
+import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer;
+import org.jboss.netty.channel.Channel;
+import org.jboss.netty.channel.ChannelFactory;
+import org.jboss.netty.channel.ChannelPipeline;
+import org.jboss.netty.channel.ChannelPipelineFactory;
+import org.jboss.netty.channel.Channels;
+import org.jboss.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioClientSocketChannelFactory;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.onlab.onos.sdnip.RouteListener;
+import org.onlab.onos.sdnip.RouteUpdate;
+import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
+import org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix;
+import org.onlab.util.TestUtils;
+import org.onlab.util.TestUtils.TestUtilsException;
+import com.google.common.net.InetAddresses;
+ * Unit tests for the BgpSessionManager class.
+ */
+public class BgpSessionManagerTest {
+    private static final IpAddress IP_LOOPBACK_ID =
+        IpAddress.valueOf("");
+    private static final IpAddress BGP_PEER1_ID = IpAddress.valueOf("");
+    private static final long DEFAULT_LOCAL_PREF = 10;
+    private static final long DEFAULT_MULTI_EXIT_DISC = 20;
+    // The BGP Session Manager to test
+    private BgpSessionManager bgpSessionManager;
+    // Remote Peer state
+    private ClientBootstrap peerBootstrap;
+    private TestBgpPeerChannelHandler peerChannelHandler =
+        new TestBgpPeerChannelHandler(BGP_PEER1_ID, DEFAULT_LOCAL_PREF);
+    private TestBgpPeerFrameDecoder peerFrameDecoder =
+        new TestBgpPeerFrameDecoder();
+    // The socket that the Remote Peer should connect to
+    private InetSocketAddress connectToSocket;
+    private final DummyRouteListener dummyRouteListener =
+        new DummyRouteListener();
+    /**
+     * Dummy implementation for the RouteListener interface.
+     */
+    private class DummyRouteListener implements RouteListener {
+        @Override
+        public void update(RouteUpdate routeUpdate) {
+            // Nothing to do
+        }
+    }
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() throws Exception {
+        //
+        // Setup the BGP Session Manager to test, and start listening for BGP
+        // connections.
+        //
+        bgpSessionManager = new BgpSessionManager(dummyRouteListener);
+        // NOTE: We use port 0 to bind on any available port
+        bgpSessionManager.startUp(0);
+        // Get the port number the BGP Session Manager is listening on
+        Channel serverChannel = TestUtils.getField(bgpSessionManager,
+                                                   "serverChannel");
+        SocketAddress socketAddress = serverChannel.getLocalAddress();
+        InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress =
+            (InetSocketAddress) socketAddress;
+        //
+        // Setup the BGP Peer, i.e., the "remote" BGP router that will
+        // initiate the BGP connection, send BGP UPDATE messages, etc.
+        //
+        ChannelFactory channelFactory =
+            new NioClientSocketChannelFactory(Executors.newCachedThreadPool(),
+                                              Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
+        ChannelPipelineFactory pipelineFactory = new ChannelPipelineFactory() {
+                @Override
+                public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() throws Exception {
+                    // Setup the transmitting pipeline
+                    ChannelPipeline pipeline = Channels.pipeline();
+                    pipeline.addLast("TestBgpPeerFrameDecoder",
+                                     peerFrameDecoder);
+                    pipeline.addLast("TestBgpPeerChannelHandler",
+                                     peerChannelHandler);
+                    return pipeline;
+                }
+            };
+        peerBootstrap = new ClientBootstrap(channelFactory);
+        peerBootstrap.setOption("child.keepAlive", true);
+        peerBootstrap.setOption("child.tcpNoDelay", true);
+        peerBootstrap.setPipelineFactory(pipelineFactory);
+        InetAddress connectToAddress = InetAddresses.forString("");
+        connectToSocket = new InetSocketAddress(connectToAddress,
+                                                inetSocketAddress.getPort());
+    }
+    @After
+    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
+        bgpSessionManager.shutDown();
+        bgpSessionManager = null;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets BGP RIB-IN routes by waiting until they are received.
+     * <p/>
+     * NOTE: We keep checking once a second the number of received routes,
+     * up to 5 seconds.
+     *
+     * @param bgpSession the BGP session that is expected to receive the
+     * routes
+     * @param expectedRoutes the expected number of routes
+     * @return the BGP RIB-IN routes as received within the expected
+     * time interval
+     */
+    private Collection<BgpRouteEntry> waitForBgpRibIn(BgpSession bgpSession,
+                                                      long expectedRoutes)
+        throws InterruptedException {
+        Collection<BgpRouteEntry> bgpRibIn = bgpSession.getBgpRibIn();
+        final int maxChecks = 5;                // Max wait of 5 seconds
+        for (int i = 0; i < maxChecks; i++) {
+            if (bgpRibIn.size() == expectedRoutes) {
+                break;
+            }
+            Thread.sleep(1000);
+            bgpRibIn = bgpSession.getBgpRibIn();
+        }
+        return bgpRibIn;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets BGP merged routes by waiting until they are received.
+     * <p/>
+     * NOTE: We keep checking once a second the number of received routes,
+     * up to 5 seconds.
+     *
+     * @param expectedRoutes the expected number of routes
+     * @return the BGP Session Manager routes as received within the expected
+     * time interval
+     */
+    private Collection<BgpRouteEntry> waitForBgpRoutes(long expectedRoutes)
+        throws InterruptedException {
+        Collection<BgpRouteEntry> bgpRoutes = bgpSessionManager.getBgpRoutes();
+        final int maxChecks = 5;                // Max wait of 5 seconds
+        for (int i = 0; i < maxChecks; i++) {
+            if (bgpRoutes.size() == expectedRoutes) {
+                break;
+            }
+            Thread.sleep(1000);
+            bgpRoutes = bgpSessionManager.getBgpRoutes();
+        }
+        return bgpRoutes;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests that the BGP OPEN messages have been exchanged, followed by
+     * KEEPALIVE.
+     * <p>
+     * The BGP Peer opens the sessions and transmits OPEN Message, eventually
+     * followed by KEEPALIVE. The tested BGP listener should respond by
+     * OPEN Message, followed by KEEPALIVE.
+     *
+     * @throws TestUtilsException TestUtils error
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testExchangedBgpOpenMessages()
+            throws InterruptedException, TestUtilsException {
+        // Initiate the connection
+        peerBootstrap.connect(connectToSocket);
+        // Wait until the OPEN message is received
+        peerFrameDecoder.receivedOpenMessageLatch.await(2000,
+                                                        TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
+        // Wait until the KEEPALIVE message is received
+        peerFrameDecoder.receivedKeepaliveMessageLatch.await(2000,
+                                                        TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
+        //
+        // Test the fields from the BGP OPEN message:
+        // BGP version, AS number, BGP ID
+        //
+        assertThat(peerFrameDecoder.remoteBgpVersion,
+                   is(BgpConstants.BGP_VERSION));
+        assertThat(peerFrameDecoder.remoteAs,
+                   is(TestBgpPeerChannelHandler.PEER_AS));
+        assertThat(peerFrameDecoder.remoteBgpIdentifier, is(IP_LOOPBACK_ID));
+        //
+        // Test that a BgpSession instance has been created
+        //
+        assertThat(bgpSessionManager.getMyBgpId(), is(IP_LOOPBACK_ID));
+        assertThat(bgpSessionManager.getBgpSessions(), hasSize(1));
+        BgpSession bgpSession =
+            bgpSessionManager.getBgpSessions().iterator().next();
+        assertThat(bgpSession, notNullValue());
+        long sessionAs = TestUtils.getField(bgpSession, "localAs");
+        assertThat(sessionAs, is(TestBgpPeerChannelHandler.PEER_AS));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests that the BGP UPDATE messages have been received and processed.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testProcessedBgpUpdateMessages() throws InterruptedException {
+        BgpSession bgpSession;
+        IpAddress nextHopRouter;
+        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry;
+        ChannelBuffer message;
+        Collection<BgpRouteEntry> bgpRibIn;
+        Collection<BgpRouteEntry> bgpRoutes;
+        // Initiate the connection
+        peerBootstrap.connect(connectToSocket);
+        // Wait until the OPEN message is received
+        peerFrameDecoder.receivedOpenMessageLatch.await(2000,
+                                                        TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
+        // Wait until the KEEPALIVE message is received
+        peerFrameDecoder.receivedKeepaliveMessageLatch.await(2000,
+                                                        TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
+        // Get the BGP Session handler
+        bgpSession = bgpSessionManager.getBgpSessions().iterator().next();
+        // Prepare routes to add/delete
+        nextHopRouter = IpAddress.valueOf("");
+        Collection<IpPrefix> addedRoutes = new LinkedList<>();
+        Collection<IpPrefix> withdrawnRoutes = new LinkedList<>();
+        addedRoutes.add(IpPrefix.valueOf(""));
+        addedRoutes.add(IpPrefix.valueOf(""));
+        addedRoutes.add(IpPrefix.valueOf(""));
+        addedRoutes.add(IpPrefix.valueOf(""));
+        addedRoutes.add(IpPrefix.valueOf(""));
+        withdrawnRoutes.add(IpPrefix.valueOf(""));
+        withdrawnRoutes.add(IpPrefix.valueOf(""));
+        withdrawnRoutes.add(IpPrefix.valueOf(""));
+        withdrawnRoutes.add(IpPrefix.valueOf(""));
+        // Write the routes
+        message = peerChannelHandler.prepareBgpUpdate(nextHopRouter,
+                                                      addedRoutes,
+                                                      withdrawnRoutes);
+        peerChannelHandler.savedCtx.getChannel().write(message);
+        // Check that the routes have been received, processed and stored
+        bgpRibIn = waitForBgpRibIn(bgpSession, 5);
+        assertThat(bgpRibIn, hasSize(5));
+        bgpRoutes = waitForBgpRoutes(5);
+        assertThat(bgpRoutes, hasSize(5));
+        // Setup the AS Path
+        ArrayList<BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment> pathSegments = new ArrayList<>();
+        byte pathSegmentType1 = (byte) BgpConstants.Update.AsPath.AS_SEQUENCE;
+        ArrayList<Long> segmentAsNumbers1 = new ArrayList<>();
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 65010);
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 65020);
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 65030);
+        BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment pathSegment1 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment(pathSegmentType1, segmentAsNumbers1);
+        pathSegments.add(pathSegment1);
+        //
+        byte pathSegmentType2 = (byte) BgpConstants.Update.AsPath.AS_SET;
+        ArrayList<Long> segmentAsNumbers2 = new ArrayList<>();
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 65041);
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 65042);
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 65043);
+        BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment pathSegment2 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment(pathSegmentType2, segmentAsNumbers2);
+        pathSegments.add(pathSegment2);
+        //
+        BgpRouteEntry.AsPath asPath = new BgpRouteEntry.AsPath(pathSegments);
+        //
+        bgpRouteEntry =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession,
+                              IpPrefix.valueOf(""),
+                              nextHopRouter,
+                              (byte) BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP,
+                              asPath,
+                              DEFAULT_LOCAL_PREF);
+        bgpRouteEntry.setMultiExitDisc(DEFAULT_MULTI_EXIT_DISC);
+        assertThat(bgpRibIn, hasItem(bgpRouteEntry));
+        //
+        bgpRouteEntry =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession,
+                              IpPrefix.valueOf(""),
+                              nextHopRouter,
+                              (byte) BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP,
+                              asPath,
+                              DEFAULT_LOCAL_PREF);
+        bgpRouteEntry.setMultiExitDisc(DEFAULT_MULTI_EXIT_DISC);
+        assertThat(bgpRibIn, hasItem(bgpRouteEntry));
+        //
+        bgpRouteEntry =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession,
+                              IpPrefix.valueOf(""),
+                              nextHopRouter,
+                              (byte) BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP,
+                              asPath,
+                              DEFAULT_LOCAL_PREF);
+        bgpRouteEntry.setMultiExitDisc(DEFAULT_MULTI_EXIT_DISC);
+        assertThat(bgpRibIn, hasItem(bgpRouteEntry));
+        //
+        bgpRouteEntry =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession,
+                              IpPrefix.valueOf(""),
+                              nextHopRouter,
+                              (byte) BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP,
+                              asPath,
+                              DEFAULT_LOCAL_PREF);
+        bgpRouteEntry.setMultiExitDisc(DEFAULT_MULTI_EXIT_DISC);
+        assertThat(bgpRibIn, hasItem(bgpRouteEntry));
+        //
+        bgpRouteEntry =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession,
+                              IpPrefix.valueOf(""),
+                              nextHopRouter,
+                              (byte) BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP,
+                              asPath,
+                              DEFAULT_LOCAL_PREF);
+        bgpRouteEntry.setMultiExitDisc(DEFAULT_MULTI_EXIT_DISC);
+        assertThat(bgpRibIn, hasItem(bgpRouteEntry));
+        // Delete some routes
+        addedRoutes = new LinkedList<>();
+        withdrawnRoutes = new LinkedList<>();
+        withdrawnRoutes.add(IpPrefix.valueOf(""));
+        withdrawnRoutes.add(IpPrefix.valueOf(""));
+        // Write the routes
+        message = peerChannelHandler.prepareBgpUpdate(nextHopRouter,
+                                                      addedRoutes,
+                                                      withdrawnRoutes);
+        peerChannelHandler.savedCtx.getChannel().write(message);
+        // Check that the routes have been received, processed and stored
+        bgpRibIn = waitForBgpRibIn(bgpSession, 3);
+        assertThat(bgpRibIn, hasSize(3));
+        bgpRoutes = waitForBgpRoutes(3);
+        assertThat(bgpRoutes, hasSize(3));
+        //
+        bgpRouteEntry =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession,
+                              IpPrefix.valueOf(""),
+                              nextHopRouter,
+                              (byte) BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP,
+                              asPath,
+                              DEFAULT_LOCAL_PREF);
+        bgpRouteEntry.setMultiExitDisc(DEFAULT_MULTI_EXIT_DISC);
+        assertThat(bgpRibIn, hasItem(bgpRouteEntry));
+        //
+        bgpRouteEntry =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession,
+                              IpPrefix.valueOf(""),
+                              nextHopRouter,
+                              (byte) BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP,
+                              asPath,
+                              DEFAULT_LOCAL_PREF);
+        bgpRouteEntry.setMultiExitDisc(DEFAULT_MULTI_EXIT_DISC);
+        assertThat(bgpRibIn, hasItem(bgpRouteEntry));
+        //
+        bgpRouteEntry =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession,
+                              IpPrefix.valueOf(""),
+                              nextHopRouter,
+                              (byte) BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP,
+                              asPath,
+                              DEFAULT_LOCAL_PREF);
+        bgpRouteEntry.setMultiExitDisc(DEFAULT_MULTI_EXIT_DISC);
+        assertThat(bgpRibIn, hasItem(bgpRouteEntry));
+        // Close the channel and test there are no routes
+        peerChannelHandler.closeChannel();
+        bgpRoutes = waitForBgpRoutes(0);
+        assertThat(bgpRoutes, hasSize(0));
+    }