Ported BGP tests from old codebase
diff --git a/apps/sdnip/src/test/java/org/onlab/onos/sdnip/bgp/BgpRouteEntryTest.java b/apps/sdnip/src/test/java/org/onlab/onos/sdnip/bgp/BgpRouteEntryTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52a0214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/sdnip/src/test/java/org/onlab/onos/sdnip/bgp/BgpRouteEntryTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+package org.onlab.onos.sdnip.bgp;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.createMock;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.expect;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.replay;
+import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is;
+import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
+import org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix;
+ * Unit tests for the BgpRouteEntry class.
+ */
+public class BgpRouteEntryTest {
+    private BgpSession bgpSession;
+    private static final IpAddress BGP_SESSION_BGP_ID =
+        IpAddress.valueOf("");
+    private static final IpAddress BGP_SESSION_IP_ADDRESS =
+        IpAddress.valueOf("");
+    private BgpSession bgpSession2;
+    private static final IpAddress BGP_SESSION_BGP_ID2 =
+        IpAddress.valueOf("");
+    private static final IpAddress BGP_SESSION_IP_ADDRESS2 =
+        IpAddress.valueOf("");
+    private BgpSession bgpSession3;
+    private static final IpAddress BGP_SESSION_BGP_ID3 =
+        IpAddress.valueOf("");
+    private static final IpAddress BGP_SESSION_IP_ADDRESS3 =
+        IpAddress.valueOf("");
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() throws Exception {
+        // Mock objects for testing
+        bgpSession = createMock(BgpSession.class);
+        bgpSession2 = createMock(BgpSession.class);
+        bgpSession3 = createMock(BgpSession.class);
+        // Setup the BGP Sessions
+        expect(bgpSession.getRemoteBgpId())
+            .andReturn(BGP_SESSION_BGP_ID).anyTimes();
+        expect(bgpSession.getRemoteIp4Address())
+            .andReturn(BGP_SESSION_IP_ADDRESS).anyTimes();
+        //
+        expect(bgpSession2.getRemoteBgpId())
+            .andReturn(BGP_SESSION_BGP_ID2).anyTimes();
+        expect(bgpSession2.getRemoteIp4Address())
+            .andReturn(BGP_SESSION_IP_ADDRESS2).anyTimes();
+        //
+        expect(bgpSession3.getRemoteBgpId())
+            .andReturn(BGP_SESSION_BGP_ID3).anyTimes();
+        expect(bgpSession3.getRemoteIp4Address())
+            .andReturn(BGP_SESSION_IP_ADDRESS3).anyTimes();
+        replay(bgpSession);
+        replay(bgpSession2);
+        replay(bgpSession3);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Generates a BGP Route Entry.
+     *
+     * @return a generated BGP Route Entry
+     */
+    private BgpRouteEntry generateBgpRouteEntry() {
+        IpPrefix prefix = IpPrefix.valueOf("");
+        IpAddress nextHop = IpAddress.valueOf("");
+        byte origin = BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP;
+        // Setup the AS Path
+        ArrayList<BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment> pathSegments = new ArrayList<>();
+        byte pathSegmentType1 = (byte) BgpConstants.Update.AsPath.AS_SEQUENCE;
+        ArrayList<Long> segmentAsNumbers1 = new ArrayList<>();
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 1);
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 2);
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 3);
+        BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment pathSegment1 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment(pathSegmentType1, segmentAsNumbers1);
+        pathSegments.add(pathSegment1);
+        //
+        byte pathSegmentType2 = (byte) BgpConstants.Update.AsPath.AS_SET;
+        ArrayList<Long> segmentAsNumbers2 = new ArrayList<>();
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 4);
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 5);
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 6);
+        BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment pathSegment2 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment(pathSegmentType2, segmentAsNumbers2);
+        pathSegments.add(pathSegment2);
+        //
+        BgpRouteEntry.AsPath asPath = new BgpRouteEntry.AsPath(pathSegments);
+        //
+        long localPref = 100;
+        long multiExitDisc = 20;
+        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession, prefix, nextHop, origin, asPath,
+                              localPref);
+        bgpRouteEntry.setMultiExitDisc(multiExitDisc);
+        return bgpRouteEntry;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests valid class constructor.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testConstructor() {
+        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry = generateBgpRouteEntry();
+        String expectedString =
+            "BgpRouteEntry{prefix=, nextHop=, " +
+            "bgpId=, origin=0, asPath=AsPath{pathSegments=" +
+            "[PathSegment{type=2, segmentAsNumbers=[1, 2, 3]}, " +
+            "PathSegment{type=1, segmentAsNumbers=[4, 5, 6]}]}, " +
+            "localPref=100, multiExitDisc=20}";
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.toString(), is(expectedString));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests invalid class constructor for null BGP Session.
+     */
+    @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
+    public void testInvalidConstructorNullBgpSession() {
+        BgpSession bgpSessionNull = null;
+        IpPrefix prefix = IpPrefix.valueOf("");
+        IpAddress nextHop = IpAddress.valueOf("");
+        byte origin = BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP;
+        // Setup the AS Path
+        ArrayList<BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment> pathSegments = new ArrayList<>();
+        BgpRouteEntry.AsPath asPath = new BgpRouteEntry.AsPath(pathSegments);
+        //
+        long localPref = 100;
+        new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSessionNull, prefix, nextHop, origin, asPath,
+                    localPref);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests invalid class constructor for null AS Path.
+     */
+    @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
+    public void testInvalidConstructorNullAsPath() {
+        IpPrefix prefix = IpPrefix.valueOf("");
+        IpAddress nextHop = IpAddress.valueOf("");
+        byte origin = BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP;
+        BgpRouteEntry.AsPath asPath = null;
+        long localPref = 100;
+        new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession, prefix, nextHop, origin, asPath,
+                    localPref);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests getting the fields of a BGP route entry.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testGetFields() {
+        // Create the fields to compare against
+        IpPrefix prefix = IpPrefix.valueOf("");
+        IpAddress nextHop = IpAddress.valueOf("");
+        byte origin = BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP;
+        // Setup the AS Path
+        ArrayList<BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment> pathSegments = new ArrayList<>();
+        byte pathSegmentType1 = (byte) BgpConstants.Update.AsPath.AS_SEQUENCE;
+        ArrayList<Long> segmentAsNumbers1 = new ArrayList<>();
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 1);
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 2);
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 3);
+        BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment pathSegment1 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment(pathSegmentType1, segmentAsNumbers1);
+        pathSegments.add(pathSegment1);
+        //
+        byte pathSegmentType2 = (byte) BgpConstants.Update.AsPath.AS_SET;
+        ArrayList<Long> segmentAsNumbers2 = new ArrayList<>();
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 4);
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 5);
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 6);
+        BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment pathSegment2 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment(pathSegmentType2, segmentAsNumbers2);
+        pathSegments.add(pathSegment2);
+        //
+        BgpRouteEntry.AsPath asPath = new BgpRouteEntry.AsPath(pathSegments);
+        //
+        long localPref = 100;
+        long multiExitDisc = 20;
+        // Generate the entry to test
+        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry = generateBgpRouteEntry();
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.prefix(), is(prefix));
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.nextHop(), is(nextHop));
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.getBgpSession(), is(bgpSession));
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.getOrigin(), is(origin));
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.getAsPath(), is(asPath));
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.getLocalPref(), is(localPref));
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.getMultiExitDisc(), is(multiExitDisc));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests whether a BGP route entry is a local route.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testIsLocalRoute() {
+        //
+        // Test non-local route
+        //
+        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry = generateBgpRouteEntry();
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.isLocalRoute(), is(false));
+        //
+        // Test local route with AS Path that begins with AS_SET
+        //
+        IpPrefix prefix = IpPrefix.valueOf("");
+        IpAddress nextHop = IpAddress.valueOf("");
+        byte origin = BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP;
+        // Setup the AS Path
+        ArrayList<BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment> pathSegments = new ArrayList<>();
+        byte pathSegmentType1 = (byte) BgpConstants.Update.AsPath.AS_SET;
+        ArrayList<Long> segmentAsNumbers1 = new ArrayList<>();
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 1);
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 2);
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 3);
+        BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment pathSegment1 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment(pathSegmentType1, segmentAsNumbers1);
+        pathSegments.add(pathSegment1);
+        //
+        byte pathSegmentType2 = (byte) BgpConstants.Update.AsPath.AS_SEQUENCE;
+        ArrayList<Long> segmentAsNumbers2 = new ArrayList<>();
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 4);
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 5);
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 6);
+        BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment pathSegment2 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment(pathSegmentType2, segmentAsNumbers2);
+        pathSegments.add(pathSegment2);
+        //
+        BgpRouteEntry.AsPath asPath = new BgpRouteEntry.AsPath(pathSegments);
+        //
+        long localPref = 100;
+        long multiExitDisc = 20;
+        //
+        bgpRouteEntry =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession, prefix, nextHop, origin, asPath,
+                              localPref);
+        bgpRouteEntry.setMultiExitDisc(multiExitDisc);
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.isLocalRoute(), is(true));
+        //
+        // Test local route with empty AS Path
+        //
+        pathSegments = new ArrayList<>();
+        asPath = new BgpRouteEntry.AsPath(pathSegments);
+        bgpRouteEntry =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession, prefix, nextHop, origin, asPath,
+                              localPref);
+        bgpRouteEntry.setMultiExitDisc(multiExitDisc);
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.isLocalRoute(), is(true));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests getting the BGP Neighbor AS number for a route.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testGetNeighborAs() {
+        //
+        // Get neighbor AS for non-local route
+        //
+        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry = generateBgpRouteEntry();
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.getNeighborAs(), is((long) 1));
+        //
+        // Get neighbor AS for a local route
+        //
+        IpPrefix prefix = IpPrefix.valueOf("");
+        IpAddress nextHop = IpAddress.valueOf("");
+        byte origin = BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP;
+        // Setup the AS Path
+        ArrayList<BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment> pathSegments = new ArrayList<>();
+        BgpRouteEntry.AsPath asPath = new BgpRouteEntry.AsPath(pathSegments);
+        //
+        long localPref = 100;
+        long multiExitDisc = 20;
+        //
+        bgpRouteEntry =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession, prefix, nextHop, origin, asPath,
+                              localPref);
+        bgpRouteEntry.setMultiExitDisc(multiExitDisc);
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.getNeighborAs(), is(BgpConstants.BGP_AS_0));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests whether a BGP route entry has AS Path loop.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testHasAsPathLoop() {
+        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry = generateBgpRouteEntry();
+        // Test for loops: test each AS number in the interval [1, 6]
+        for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
+            assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.hasAsPathLoop(i), is(true));
+        }
+        // Test for non-loops
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.hasAsPathLoop(500), is(false));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests the BGP Decision Process comparison of BGP routes.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testBgpDecisionProcessComparison() {
+        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry1 = generateBgpRouteEntry();
+        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry2 = generateBgpRouteEntry();
+        //
+        // Compare two routes that are same
+        //
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry1.isBetterThan(bgpRouteEntry2), is(true));
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry2.isBetterThan(bgpRouteEntry1), is(true));
+        //
+        // Compare two routes with different LOCAL_PREF
+        //
+        IpPrefix prefix = IpPrefix.valueOf("");
+        IpAddress nextHop = IpAddress.valueOf("");
+        byte origin = BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP;
+        // Setup the AS Path
+        ArrayList<BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment> pathSegments = new ArrayList<>();
+        byte pathSegmentType1 = (byte) BgpConstants.Update.AsPath.AS_SEQUENCE;
+        ArrayList<Long> segmentAsNumbers1 = new ArrayList<>();
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 1);
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 2);
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 3);
+        BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment pathSegment1 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment(pathSegmentType1, segmentAsNumbers1);
+        pathSegments.add(pathSegment1);
+        //
+        byte pathSegmentType2 = (byte) BgpConstants.Update.AsPath.AS_SET;
+        ArrayList<Long> segmentAsNumbers2 = new ArrayList<>();
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 4);
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 5);
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 6);
+        BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment pathSegment2 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment(pathSegmentType2, segmentAsNumbers2);
+        pathSegments.add(pathSegment2);
+        //
+        BgpRouteEntry.AsPath asPath = new BgpRouteEntry.AsPath(pathSegments);
+        //
+        long localPref = 50;                                    // Different
+        long multiExitDisc = 20;
+        bgpRouteEntry2 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession, prefix, nextHop, origin, asPath,
+                              localPref);
+        bgpRouteEntry2.setMultiExitDisc(multiExitDisc);
+        //
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry1.isBetterThan(bgpRouteEntry2), is(true));
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry2.isBetterThan(bgpRouteEntry1), is(false));
+        localPref = bgpRouteEntry1.getLocalPref();              // Restore
+        //
+        // Compare two routes with different AS_PATH length
+        //
+        ArrayList<BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment> pathSegments2 = new ArrayList<>();
+        pathSegments2.add(pathSegment1);
+        // Different AS Path
+        BgpRouteEntry.AsPath asPath2 = new BgpRouteEntry.AsPath(pathSegments2);
+        bgpRouteEntry2 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession, prefix, nextHop, origin, asPath2,
+                              localPref);
+        bgpRouteEntry2.setMultiExitDisc(multiExitDisc);
+        //
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry1.isBetterThan(bgpRouteEntry2), is(false));
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry2.isBetterThan(bgpRouteEntry1), is(true));
+        //
+        // Compare two routes with different ORIGIN
+        //
+        origin = BgpConstants.Update.Origin.EGP;                // Different
+        bgpRouteEntry2 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession, prefix, nextHop, origin, asPath,
+                              localPref);
+        bgpRouteEntry2.setMultiExitDisc(multiExitDisc);
+        //
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry1.isBetterThan(bgpRouteEntry2), is(true));
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry2.isBetterThan(bgpRouteEntry1), is(false));
+        origin = bgpRouteEntry1.getOrigin();                    // Restore
+        //
+        // Compare two routes with different MULTI_EXIT_DISC
+        //
+        multiExitDisc = 10;                                     // Different
+        bgpRouteEntry2 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession, prefix, nextHop, origin, asPath,
+                              localPref);
+        bgpRouteEntry2.setMultiExitDisc(multiExitDisc);
+        //
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry1.isBetterThan(bgpRouteEntry2), is(true));
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry2.isBetterThan(bgpRouteEntry1), is(false));
+        multiExitDisc = bgpRouteEntry1.getMultiExitDisc();      // Restore
+        //
+        // Compare two routes with different BGP ID
+        //
+        bgpRouteEntry2 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession2, prefix, nextHop, origin, asPath,
+                              localPref);
+        bgpRouteEntry2.setMultiExitDisc(multiExitDisc);
+        //
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry1.isBetterThan(bgpRouteEntry2), is(true));
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry2.isBetterThan(bgpRouteEntry1), is(false));
+        //
+        // Compare two routes with different BGP address
+        //
+        bgpRouteEntry2 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession3, prefix, nextHop, origin, asPath,
+                              localPref);
+        bgpRouteEntry2.setMultiExitDisc(multiExitDisc);
+        //
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry1.isBetterThan(bgpRouteEntry2), is(true));
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry2.isBetterThan(bgpRouteEntry1), is(false));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests equality of {@link BgpRouteEntry}.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testEquality() {
+        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry1 = generateBgpRouteEntry();
+        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry2 = generateBgpRouteEntry();
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry1, is(bgpRouteEntry2));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests non-equality of {@link BgpRouteEntry}.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testNonEquality() {
+        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry1 = generateBgpRouteEntry();
+        // Setup BGP Route 2
+        IpPrefix prefix = IpPrefix.valueOf("");
+        IpAddress nextHop = IpAddress.valueOf("");
+        byte origin = BgpConstants.Update.Origin.IGP;
+        // Setup the AS Path
+        ArrayList<BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment> pathSegments = new ArrayList<>();
+        byte pathSegmentType1 = (byte) BgpConstants.Update.AsPath.AS_SEQUENCE;
+        ArrayList<Long> segmentAsNumbers1 = new ArrayList<>();
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 1);
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 2);
+        segmentAsNumbers1.add((long) 3);
+        BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment pathSegment1 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment(pathSegmentType1, segmentAsNumbers1);
+        pathSegments.add(pathSegment1);
+        //
+        byte pathSegmentType2 = (byte) BgpConstants.Update.AsPath.AS_SET;
+        ArrayList<Long> segmentAsNumbers2 = new ArrayList<>();
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 4);
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 5);
+        segmentAsNumbers2.add((long) 6);
+        BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment pathSegment2 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry.PathSegment(pathSegmentType2, segmentAsNumbers2);
+        pathSegments.add(pathSegment2);
+        //
+        BgpRouteEntry.AsPath asPath = new BgpRouteEntry.AsPath(pathSegments);
+        //
+        long localPref = 500;                                   // Different
+        long multiExitDisc = 20;
+        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry2 =
+            new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession, prefix, nextHop, origin, asPath,
+                              localPref);
+        bgpRouteEntry2.setMultiExitDisc(multiExitDisc);
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry1, is(not(bgpRouteEntry2)));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests object string representation.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void testToString() {
+        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry = generateBgpRouteEntry();
+        String expectedString =
+            "BgpRouteEntry{prefix=, nextHop=, " +
+            "bgpId=, origin=0, asPath=AsPath{pathSegments=" +
+            "[PathSegment{type=2, segmentAsNumbers=[1, 2, 3]}, " +
+            "PathSegment{type=1, segmentAsNumbers=[4, 5, 6]}]}, " +
+            "localPref=100, multiExitDisc=20}";
+        assertThat(bgpRouteEntry.toString(), is(expectedString));
+    }