Rewrite the SPGW P4 pipeline.

This commit makes two changes to the fabric.p4 source files:
1. Routing is now done on a metadata field instead of the ipv4 header.
Routing on the ipv4 header is incorrect if the packet is encapsulated
with an outer IPV4 header. The metadata field is updated each time the
ipv4 destination changes, or an outer header is added or removed. These
changes require no control plane modifications due to @name annotations.
2. The spgw control blocks have been rewritten to support the logical UP4
pipeline. Its location in the pipeline is unchanged, and its
interactions with other control blocks is unchanged.

These changes compile for both bmv2 and tofino, and There is currently a
PR for the fabric-p4test repo which updates the SPGW PTF tests to
account for these changes.

Change-Id: I80ccf30e136a2bb24a83029e22413af351e6eed6
(cherry picked from commit bec6b6a7b0f33812c6f6904d9f9b629539446e79)
diff --git a/pipelines/fabric/impl/src/main/resources/include/parser.p4 b/pipelines/fabric/impl/src/main/resources/include/parser.p4
index aa79179..efbb74a 100644
--- a/pipelines/fabric/impl/src/main/resources/include/parser.p4
+++ b/pipelines/fabric/impl/src/main/resources/include/parser.p4
@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@
         fabric_metadata.ip_proto = hdr.ipv4.protocol;
         fabric_metadata.ip_eth_type = ETHERTYPE_IPV4;
+        fabric_metadata.ipv4_src_addr = hdr.ipv4.src_addr;
+        fabric_metadata.ipv4_dst_addr = hdr.ipv4.dst_addr;
         last_ipv4_dscp = hdr.ipv4.dscp;
         //Need header verification?
         transition select(hdr.ipv4.protocol) {
@@ -316,4 +318,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file