First shot at Broadcom OFDPA 1.0 pipeline
Requires changes to the group description to accept groupId from callers.

Change-Id: Ic21dfe8ae7c246b7d3a6b00e8e5c986e1dc21fa0
diff --git a/drivers/src/main/java/org/onosproject/driver/pipeline/ b/drivers/src/main/java/org/onosproject/driver/pipeline/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3509148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/src/main/java/org/onosproject/driver/pipeline/
@@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
+ * Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.onosproject.driver.pipeline;
+import static org.onlab.util.Tools.groupedThreads;
+import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
+import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import org.onlab.osgi.ServiceDirectory;
+import org.onlab.packet.Ethernet;
+import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
+import org.onlab.util.KryoNamespace;
+import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;
+import org.onosproject.core.CoreService;
+import org.onosproject.core.DefaultGroupId;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+ * Driver for Broadcom's OF-DPA v1.0 TTP.
+ *
+ */
+public class OFDPA1Pipeline extends AbstractHandlerBehaviour implements Pipeliner {
+    protected static final int PORT_TABLE = 0;
+    protected static final int VLAN_TABLE = 10;
+    protected static final int TMAC_TABLE = 20;
+    protected static final int UNICAST_ROUTING_TABLE = 30;
+    protected static final int MULTICAST_ROUTING_TABLE = 40;
+    protected static final int BRIDGING_TABLE = 50;
+    protected static final int ACL_TABLE = 60;
+    protected static final int MAC_LEARNING_TABLE = 254;
+    @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+    private static final int HIGHEST_PRIORITY = 0xffff;
+    private static final int DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 0x8000;
+    private static final int LOWEST_PRIORITY = 0x0;
+    /*
+     * Group keys are normally generated by using the next Objective id. In the
+     * case of a next objective resulting in a group chain, each group derives a
+     * group key from the next objective id in the following way:
+     * The upper 4 bits of the group-key are used to denote the position of the
+     * group in the group chain. For example, in the chain
+     * group0 --> group1 --> group2 --> port
+     * group0's group key would have the upper 4 bits as 0, group1's upper four
+     * bits would be 1, and so on
+     */
+    private static final int GROUP0MASK = 0x0;
+    private static final int GROUP1MASK = 0x10000000;
+    /*
+     * OFDPA requires group-id's to have a certain form.
+     * L2 Interface Groups have <4bits-0><12bits-vlanid><16bits-portid>
+     * L3 Unicast Groups have <4bits-2><28bits-index>
+     */
+    private static final int L2INTERFACEMASK = 0x0;
+    private static final int L3UNICASTMASK = 0x20000000;
+    private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());
+    private ServiceDirectory serviceDirectory;
+    private FlowRuleService flowRuleService;
+    private CoreService coreService;
+    private GroupService groupService;
+    private FlowObjectiveStore flowObjectiveStore;
+    private DeviceId deviceId;
+    private ApplicationId appId;
+    private KryoNamespace appKryo = new KryoNamespace.Builder()
+        .register(GroupKey.class)
+        .register(DefaultGroupKey.class)
+        .register(OfdpaGroupChain.class)
+        .register(byte[].class)
+        .build();
+    private Cache<GroupKey, OfdpaGroupChain> pendingNextObjectives;
+    private ConcurrentHashMap<GroupKey, GroupChainElem> pendingGroups;
+    private ScheduledExecutorService groupChecker =
+            Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2, groupedThreads("onos/pipeliner",
+                                                               "ofdpa1-%d"));
+    @Override
+    public void init(DeviceId deviceId, PipelinerContext context) {
+        this.serviceDirectory =;
+        this.deviceId = deviceId;
+        pendingNextObjectives = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
+                .expireAfterWrite(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
+                .removalListener((RemovalNotification<GroupKey, OfdpaGroupChain> notification) -> {
+                    if (notification.getCause() == RemovalCause.EXPIRED) {
+                        fail(notification.getValue().nextObjective(),
+                             ObjectiveError.GROUPINSTALLATIONFAILED);
+                    }
+                }).build();
+        groupChecker.scheduleAtFixedRate(new GroupChecker(), 0, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
+        pendingGroups = new ConcurrentHashMap<GroupKey, GroupChainElem>();
+        coreService = serviceDirectory.get(CoreService.class);
+        flowRuleService = serviceDirectory.get(FlowRuleService.class);
+        groupService = serviceDirectory.get(GroupService.class);
+        flowObjectiveStore =;
+        groupService.addListener(new InnerGroupListener());
+        appId = coreService.registerApplication(
+                "org.onosproject.driver.OFDPA1Pipeline");
+        initializePipeline();
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void filter(FilteringObjective filteringObjective) {
+        if (filteringObjective.type() == FilteringObjective.Type.PERMIT) {
+            processFilter(filteringObjective,
+                          filteringObjective.op() == Objective.Operation.ADD,
+                          filteringObjective.appId());
+        } else {
+            fail(filteringObjective, ObjectiveError.UNSUPPORTED);
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void forward(ForwardingObjective fwd) {
+        Collection<FlowRule> rules;
+        FlowRuleOperations.Builder flowOpsBuilder = FlowRuleOperations.builder();
+        rules = processForward(fwd);
+        switch (fwd.op()) {
+            case ADD:
+                        .filter(rule -> rule != null)
+                        .forEach(flowOpsBuilder::add);
+                break;
+            case REMOVE:
+                        .filter(rule -> rule != null)
+                        .forEach(flowOpsBuilder::remove);
+                break;
+            default:
+                fail(fwd, ObjectiveError.UNKNOWN);
+                log.warn("Unknown forwarding type {}", fwd.op());
+        }
+        flowRuleService.apply( FlowRuleOperationsContext() {
+            @Override
+            public void onSuccess(FlowRuleOperations ops) {
+                pass(fwd);
+            }
+            @Override
+            public void onError(FlowRuleOperations ops) {
+                fail(fwd, ObjectiveError.FLOWINSTALLATIONFAILED);
+            }
+        }));
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void next(NextObjective nextObjective) {
+        switch (nextObjective.type()) {
+        case SIMPLE:
+            Collection<TrafficTreatment> treatments =;
+            if (treatments.size() != 1) {
+                log.error("Next Objectives of type Simple should only have a "
+                        + "single Traffic Treatment. Next Objective Id:{}",;
+               fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.BADPARAMS);
+               return;
+            }
+            processSimpleNextObjective(nextObjective);
+            break;
+        case HASHED:
+        case BROADCAST:
+        case FAILOVER:
+            fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.UNSUPPORTED);
+            log.warn("Unsupported next objective type {}", nextObjective.type());
+            break;
+        default:
+            fail(nextObjective, ObjectiveError.UNKNOWN);
+            log.warn("Unknown next objective type {}", nextObjective.type());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * As per OFDPA 1.0 TTP, filtering of VLAN ids, MAC addresses (for routing)
+     * and IP addresses configured on switch ports happen in different tables.
+     * Note that IP filtering rules need to be added to the ACL table, as there
+     * is no mechanism to send to controller via IP table.
+     *
+     * @param filt
+     * @param install
+     * @param applicationId
+     */
+    private void processFilter(FilteringObjective filt,
+                               boolean install, ApplicationId applicationId) {
+        // This driver only processes filtering criteria defined with switch
+        // ports as the key
+        PortCriterion p = null; EthCriterion e = null; VlanIdCriterion v = null;
+        Collection<IPCriterion> ips = new ArrayList<IPCriterion>();
+        if (!filt.key().equals(Criteria.dummy()) &&
+                filt.key().type() == Criterion.Type.IN_PORT) {
+            p = (PortCriterion) filt.key();
+        } else {
+            log.warn("No key defined in filtering objective from app: {}. Not"
+                    + "processing filtering objective", applicationId);
+            fail(filt, ObjectiveError.UNKNOWN);
+            return;
+        }
+        // convert filtering conditions for switch-intfs into flowrules
+        FlowRuleOperations.Builder ops = FlowRuleOperations.builder();
+        for (Criterion c : filt.conditions()) {
+            if (c.type() == Criterion.Type.ETH_DST) {
+                e = (EthCriterion) c;
+            } else if (c.type() == Criterion.Type.VLAN_VID) {
+                v = (VlanIdCriterion) c;
+            } else if (c.type() == Criterion.Type.IPV4_DST) {
+                ips.add((IPCriterion) c);
+            } else {
+                log.error("Unsupported filter {}", c);
+                fail(filt, ObjectiveError.UNSUPPORTED);
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        log.debug("adding VLAN filtering rule in VLAN table: {}", e.mac());
+        TrafficSelector.Builder selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder();
+        TrafficTreatment.Builder treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+        selector.matchInPort(p.port());
+        selector.matchVlanId(v.vlanId());
+        treatment.transition(TMAC_TABLE);
+        FlowRule rule = DefaultFlowRule.builder()
+                .forDevice(deviceId)
+                .withSelector(
+                .withTreatment(
+                .withPriority(DEFAULT_PRIORITY)
+                .fromApp(appId)
+                .makePermanent()
+                .forTable(VLAN_TABLE).build();
+        ops =  ops.add(rule);
+        log.debug("adding MAC filtering rules in TMAC table: {}", e.mac());
+        selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder();
+        treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+        selector.matchInPort(p.port());
+        selector.matchVlanId(v.vlanId());
+        selector.matchEthType(Ethernet.TYPE_IPV4);
+        selector.matchEthDst(e.mac());
+        treatment.transition(UNICAST_ROUTING_TABLE);
+        rule = DefaultFlowRule.builder()
+                .forDevice(deviceId)
+                .withSelector(
+                .withTreatment(
+                .withPriority(DEFAULT_PRIORITY)
+                .fromApp(appId)
+                .makePermanent()
+                .forTable(TMAC_TABLE).build();
+        ops = ops.add(rule);
+        log.debug("adding IP filtering rules in ACL table");
+        for (IPCriterion ipaddr : ips) {
+            selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder();
+            treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+            selector.matchEthType(Ethernet.TYPE_IPV4);
+            selector.matchIPDst(ipaddr.ip());
+            treatment.setOutput(PortNumber.CONTROLLER);
+            rule = DefaultFlowRule.builder()
+                    .forDevice(deviceId)
+                    .withSelector(
+                    .withTreatment(
+                    .withPriority(DEFAULT_PRIORITY)
+                    .fromApp(appId)
+                    .makePermanent()
+                    .forTable(ACL_TABLE).build();
+            ops =  ops.add(rule);
+        }
+        ops = install ? ops.add(rule) : ops.remove(rule);
+        // apply filtering flow rules
+        flowRuleService.apply( FlowRuleOperationsContext() {
+            @Override
+            public void onSuccess(FlowRuleOperations ops) {
+                pass(filt);
+      "Applied filtering rules");
+            }
+            @Override
+            public void onError(FlowRuleOperations ops) {
+                fail(filt, ObjectiveError.FLOWINSTALLATIONFAILED);
+      "Failed to apply filtering rules");
+            }
+        }));
+    }
+    /**
+     * As per the OFDPA 1.0 TTP, packets are sent out of ports by using
+     * a chain of groups, namely an L3 Unicast Group that points to an L2 Interface
+     * Group which in turns points to an output port. The Next Objective passed
+     * in by the application has to be broken up into a group chain
+     * to satisfy this TTP.
+     *
+     * @param nextObj  the nextObjective of type SIMPLE
+     */
+    private void processSimpleNextObjective(NextObjective nextObj) {
+        // break up next objective to GroupChain objects
+        TrafficTreatment treatment =;
+        // for the l2interface group, get vlan and port info
+        // for the l3unicast group, get the src/dst mac and vlan info
+        TrafficTreatment.Builder l3utt = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+        TrafficTreatment.Builder l2itt = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+        VlanId vlanid = null;
+        long portNum = 0;
+        for (Instruction ins : treatment.allInstructions()) {
+            if (ins.type() == Instruction.Type.L2MODIFICATION) {
+                L2ModificationInstruction l2ins = (L2ModificationInstruction) ins;
+                switch (l2ins.subtype()) {
+                case ETH_DST:
+                    l3utt.setEthDst(((ModEtherInstruction) l2ins).mac());
+                    break;
+                case ETH_SRC:
+                    l3utt.setEthSrc(((ModEtherInstruction) l2ins).mac());
+                    break;
+                case VLAN_ID:
+                    vlanid = ((ModVlanIdInstruction) l2ins).vlanId();
+                    l3utt.setVlanId(vlanid);
+                    break;
+                case DEC_MPLS_TTL:
+                case MPLS_LABEL:
+                case MPLS_POP:
+                case MPLS_PUSH:
+                case VLAN_PCP:
+                case VLAN_POP:
+                case VLAN_PUSH:
+                default:
+                    break;
+                }
+            } else if (ins.type() == Instruction.Type.OUTPUT) {
+                portNum = ((OutputInstruction) ins).port().toLong();
+                l2itt.add(ins);
+            } else {
+                log.warn("Driver does not handle this type of TrafficTreatment"
+                        + " instruction in nextObjectives:  {}", ins.type());
+            }
+        }
+        // assemble information for ofdpa l2interface group
+        int l2gk = | GROUP1MASK;
+        final GroupKey l2groupkey = new DefaultGroupKey(appKryo.serialize(l2gk));
+        Integer l2groupId = L2INTERFACEMASK | (vlanid.toShort() << 16) | (int) portNum;
+        // assemble information for ofdpa l3unicast group
+        int l3gk = | GROUP0MASK;
+        final GroupKey l3groupkey = new DefaultGroupKey(appKryo.serialize(l3gk));
+        Integer l3groupId = L3UNICASTMASK | (int) portNum;
+ DefaultGroupId(l2groupId));
+        GroupChainElem gce = new GroupChainElem(l3groupkey, l3groupId,
+                                      , nextObj.appId());
+        // create object for local and distributed storage
+        List<GroupKey> gkeys = new ArrayList<GroupKey>();
+        gkeys.add(l3groupkey); // group0 in chain
+        gkeys.add(l2groupkey); // group1 in chain
+        OfdpaGroupChain ofdpaGrp = new OfdpaGroupChain(gkeys, nextObj);
+        // store l2groupkey with the groupChainElem for the l3group that depends on it
+        pendingGroups.put(l2groupkey, gce);
+        // store l3groupkey with the ofdpaGroupChain for the nextObjective that depends on it
+        pendingNextObjectives.put(l3groupkey, ofdpaGrp);
+        // create group description for the ofdpa l2interfacegroup and send to groupservice
+        GroupBucket bucket =
+                DefaultGroupBucket.createIndirectGroupBucket(;
+        GroupDescription groupDescription = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId,
+                             GroupDescription.Type.INDIRECT,
+                             new GroupBuckets(Collections.singletonList(bucket)),
+                             l2groupkey,
+                             l2groupId,
+                             nextObj.appId());
+        groupService.addGroup(groupDescription);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Processes next element of a group chain. Assumption is that if this
+     * group points to another group, the latter has already been created
+     * and this driver has received notification for it. A second assumption is
+     * that if there is another group waiting for this group then the appropriate
+     * stores already have the information to act upon the notification for the
+     * creating of this group.
+     *
+     * @param gce the group chain element to be processed next
+     */
+    private void processGroupChain(GroupChainElem gce) {
+        GroupBucket bucket = DefaultGroupBucket
+                .createIndirectGroupBucket(gce.getBucketActions());
+        GroupDescription groupDesc = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId,
+                             GroupDescription.Type.INDIRECT,
+                             new GroupBuckets(Collections.singletonList(bucket)),
+                             gce.getGkey(),
+                             gce.getGivenGroupId(),
+                             gce.getAppId());
+        groupService.addGroup(groupDesc);
+    }
+    private Collection<FlowRule> processForward(ForwardingObjective fwd) {
+        switch (fwd.flag()) {
+            case SPECIFIC:
+                return processSpecific(fwd);
+            case VERSATILE:
+                return processVersatile(fwd);
+            default:
+                fail(fwd, ObjectiveError.UNKNOWN);
+                log.warn("Unknown forwarding flag {}", fwd.flag());
+        }
+        return Collections.emptySet();
+    }
+    /**
+     * In the OF-DPA 1.0 pipeline, versatile forwarding objectives go to the
+     * ACL table.
+     * @param fwd  the forwarding objective of type 'versatile'
+     * @return     a collection of flow rules to be sent to the switch. An empty
+     *             collection may be returned if there is a problem in processing
+     *             the flow rule
+     */
+    private Collection<FlowRule> processVersatile(ForwardingObjective fwd) {
+"Processing versatile forwarding objective");
+        TrafficSelector selector = fwd.selector();
+        EthTypeCriterion ethType =
+                (EthTypeCriterion) selector.getCriterion(Criterion.Type.ETH_TYPE);
+        if (ethType == null) {
+            log.error("Versatile forwarding objective must include ethType");
+            fail(fwd, ObjectiveError.UNKNOWN);
+            return Collections.emptySet();
+        }
+        if (ethType.ethType() == Ethernet.TYPE_ARP) {
+            log.warn("Installing ARP rule to table 60");
+            // currently need to punt from ACL table should use:
+            // OF apply-actions-instruction
+            // To use OF write-actions-instruction
+            /*TrafficTreatment.Builder tb = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+            fwd.treatment().allInstructions().stream()
+                .forEach(ti -> tb.deferred().add(ti));*/
+            FlowRule.Builder ruleBuilder = DefaultFlowRule.builder()
+                    .fromApp(fwd.appId())
+                    .withPriority(fwd.priority())
+                    .forDevice(deviceId)
+                    .withSelector(fwd.selector())
+                    .withTreatment(fwd.treatment())
+                    .makePermanent()
+                    .forTable(ACL_TABLE);
+            // XXX  bug in OFDPA
+            return Collections.singletonList(;
+        }
+        // XXX not handling other versatile flows yet
+        return Collections.emptySet();
+    }
+    /**
+     * In the OF-DPA 1.0 pipeline, specific forwarding refers to the IP table
+     * (unicast or multicast) or the L2 table (mac + vlan).
+     *
+     * @param fwd the forwarding objective of type 'specific'
+     * @return    a collection of flow rules. Typically there will be only one
+     *            for this type of forwarding objective. An empty set may be
+     *            returned if there is an issue in processing the objective.
+     */
+    private Collection<FlowRule> processSpecific(ForwardingObjective fwd) {
+        log.debug("Processing specific forwarding objective");
+        TrafficSelector selector = fwd.selector();
+        EthTypeCriterion ethType =
+                (EthTypeCriterion) selector.getCriterion(Criterion.Type.ETH_TYPE);
+        // XXX currently supporting only the L3 unicast table
+        if (ethType == null || ethType.ethType() != Ethernet.TYPE_IPV4) {
+            fail(fwd, ObjectiveError.UNSUPPORTED);
+            return Collections.emptySet();
+        }
+        TrafficSelector filteredSelector =
+                DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()
+                        .matchEthType(Ethernet.TYPE_IPV4)
+                        .matchIPDst(
+                                ((IPCriterion)
+                                        selector.getCriterion(Criterion.Type.IPV4_DST)).ip())
+                        .build();
+        TrafficTreatment.Builder tb = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+        if (fwd.nextId() != null) {
+            NextGroup next = flowObjectiveStore.getNextGroup(fwd.nextId());
+            List<GroupKey> gkeys = appKryo.deserialize(;
+            Group group = groupService.getGroup(deviceId, gkeys.get(0));
+            if (group == null) {
+                log.warn("The group left!");
+                fail(fwd, ObjectiveError.GROUPMISSING);
+                return Collections.emptySet();
+            }
+  ;
+        }
+        FlowRule.Builder ruleBuilder = DefaultFlowRule.builder()
+                .fromApp(fwd.appId())
+                .withPriority(fwd.priority())
+                .forDevice(deviceId)
+                .withSelector(filteredSelector)
+                .withTreatment(;
+        if (fwd.permanent()) {
+            ruleBuilder.makePermanent();
+        } else {
+            ruleBuilder.makeTemporary(fwd.timeout());
+        }
+        ruleBuilder.forTable(UNICAST_ROUTING_TABLE);
+        return Collections.singletonList(;
+    }
+    private void pass(Objective obj) {
+        if (obj.context().isPresent()) {
+            obj.context().get().onSuccess(obj);
+        }
+    }
+    private void fail(Objective obj, ObjectiveError error) {
+        if (obj.context().isPresent()) {
+            obj.context().get().onError(obj, error);
+        }
+    }
+    private void initializePipeline() {
+        processPortTable();
+        processVlanTable();
+        processTmacTable();
+        processIpTable();
+        //processMcastTable();
+        //processBridgingTable();
+        //processAclTable();
+        //processGroupTable();
+    }
+    private void processPortTable() {
+        //XXX is table miss entry enough or do we need to do the maskable in-port 0?
+        FlowRuleOperations.Builder ops = FlowRuleOperations.builder();
+        TrafficSelector.Builder selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder();
+        selector.matchInPort(PortNumber.portNumber(0)); // should be maskable?
+        TrafficTreatment.Builder treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+        treatment.transition(VLAN_TABLE);
+        FlowRule tmisse = DefaultFlowRule.builder()
+                .forDevice(deviceId)
+                .withSelector(
+                .withTreatment(
+                .withPriority(LOWEST_PRIORITY)
+                .fromApp(appId)
+                .makePermanent()
+                .forTable(PORT_TABLE).build();
+        ops = ops.add(tmisse);
+        flowRuleService.apply( FlowRuleOperationsContext() {
+            @Override
+            public void onSuccess(FlowRuleOperations ops) {
+      "Initialized port table");
+            }
+            @Override
+            public void onError(FlowRuleOperations ops) {
+      "Failed to initialize port table");
+            }
+        }));
+    }
+    private void processVlanTable() {
+        // make these up for now - should really be filtering rules
+        /*FlowRuleOperations.Builder ops = FlowRuleOperations.builder();
+        TrafficSelector.Builder selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder();
+        TrafficTreatment.Builder treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+        selector.matchInPort(PortNumber.portNumber(10));
+        selector.matchVlanId(VlanId.vlanId((short) 100));
+        treatment.transition(TMAC_TABLE);
+        FlowRule rule = DefaultFlowRule.builder()
+                .forDevice(deviceId)
+                .withSelector(
+                .withTreatment(
+                .withPriority(DEFAULT_PRIORITY)
+                .fromApp(appId)
+                .makePermanent()
+                .forTable(VLAN_TABLE).build();
+        ops =  ops.add(rule);
+        flowRuleService.apply( FlowRuleOperationsContext() {
+            @Override
+            public void onSuccess(FlowRuleOperations ops) {
+      "Initialized vlan table");
+            }
+            @Override
+            public void onError(FlowRuleOperations ops) {
+      "Failed to initialize vlan table");
+            }
+        }));*/
+        // Table miss entry is not required as ofdpa default is to drop
+        // In OF terms, the absence of a t.m.e. also implies drop
+    }
+    private void processTmacTable() {
+        // this is made up as well -- should be a filtering rule
+        /*selector.matchInPort(PortNumber.portNumber(10));
+        selector.matchVlanId(VlanId.vlanId((short) 100));
+        selector.matchEthType(Ethernet.TYPE_IPV4);
+        selector.matchEthDst(MacAddress.valueOf("00:00:00:ba:ba:00"));
+        treatment.transition(UNICAST_ROUTING_TABLE);
+        FlowRule rule = DefaultFlowRule.builder()
+                .forDevice(deviceId)
+                .withSelector(
+                .withTreatment(
+                .withPriority(DEFAULT_PRIORITY)
+                .fromApp(appId)
+                .makePermanent()
+                .forTable(TMAC_TABLE).build();
+        ops =  ops.add(rule);*/
+        //table miss entry
+        FlowRuleOperations.Builder ops = FlowRuleOperations.builder();
+        TrafficSelector.Builder selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder();
+        TrafficTreatment.Builder treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+        selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder();
+        treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+        treatment.transition(BRIDGING_TABLE);
+        FlowRule rule = DefaultFlowRule.builder()
+                .forDevice(deviceId)
+                .withSelector(
+                .withTreatment(
+                .withPriority(LOWEST_PRIORITY)
+                .fromApp(appId)
+                .makePermanent()
+                .forTable(TMAC_TABLE).build();
+        ops =  ops.add(rule); // XXX bug in ofdpa
+        flowRuleService.apply( FlowRuleOperationsContext() {
+            @Override
+            public void onSuccess(FlowRuleOperations ops) {
+      "Initialized tmac table");
+            }
+            @Override
+            public void onError(FlowRuleOperations ops) {
+      "Failed to initialize tmac table");
+            }
+        }));
+    }
+    private void processIpTable() {
+        //table miss entry
+        FlowRuleOperations.Builder ops = FlowRuleOperations.builder();
+        TrafficSelector.Builder selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder();
+        TrafficTreatment.Builder treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+        selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder();
+        treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+        treatment.transition(ACL_TABLE);
+        FlowRule rule = DefaultFlowRule.builder()
+                .forDevice(deviceId)
+                .withSelector(
+                .withTreatment(
+                .withPriority(LOWEST_PRIORITY)
+                .fromApp(appId)
+                .makePermanent()
+                .forTable(UNICAST_ROUTING_TABLE).build();
+        ops =  ops.add(rule);
+        flowRuleService.apply( FlowRuleOperationsContext() {
+            @Override
+            public void onSuccess(FlowRuleOperations ops) {
+      "Initialized IP table");
+            }
+            @Override
+            public void onError(FlowRuleOperations ops) {
+      "Failed to initialize unicast IP table");
+            }
+        }));
+    }
+    @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+    private void processGroupTable() {
+        // Creating a dummy L2 group as per OFDPA requirements
+       /* TrafficTreatment treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder()
+                                        .setOutput(PortNumber.portNumber(10))
+                                        .build();
+        NextObjective nextObjective = DefaultNextObjective.builder()
+                .addTreatment(treatment)
+                .fromApp(appId)
+                .withId(678) // dummy next objective id
+                .withType(NextObjective.Type.SIMPLE)
+                .add();
+        Integer l2groupId = 0x0064000a;
+        GroupBucket bucket =
+                DefaultGroupBucket.createIndirectGroupBucket(treatment);
+        final GroupKey key = new DefaultGroupKey(appKryo.serialize(678));
+        GroupDescription groupDescriptionl2
+            = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId,
+                                      GroupDescription.Type.INDIRECT,
+                                      new GroupBuckets(Collections
+                                                       .singletonList(bucket)),
+                                      key,
+                                      l2groupId,
+                                      appId);
+        groupService.addGroup(groupDescriptionl2);*/
+        //pendingNextObjectives.put(key, nextObjective);
+    }
+    @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+    private void tryGroupChain() {
+      //Create a dummy L3 group as per OFDPA requirements
+        /*TrafficTreatment treatment2 = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder()
+                .setEthDst(MacAddress.valueOf("00:00:00:aa:aa:aa"))
+                .setEthSrc(MacAddress.valueOf("00:00:00:dd:dd:dd"))
+                .setVlanId(VlanId.vlanId((short) 100))
+                .group(new DefaultGroupId(0x0064000a))
+                .build();
+        NextObjective nextObjective2 = DefaultNextObjective.builder()
+                .addTreatment(treatment2)
+                .fromApp(appId)
+                .withId(67800) // another dummy next objective id
+                .withType(NextObjective.Type.SIMPLE)
+                .add();
+        Integer l3groupId = 0x2000000a;
+        GroupBucket bucket2 = DefaultGroupBucket.createIndirectGroupBucket(treatment2);
+        final GroupKey key2 = new DefaultGroupKey(appKryo.serialize(67800));
+        GroupDescription groupDescriptionl3
+               = new DefaultGroupDescription(deviceId,
+                                  GroupDescription.Type.INDIRECT,
+                                  new GroupBuckets(Collections
+                                                   .singletonList(bucket2)),
+                                  key2,
+                                  l3groupId,
+                                  appId);
+        groupService.addGroup(groupDescriptionl3);
+        pendingNextObjectives.put(key2, nextObjective2);
+    */
+    }
+    private class GroupChecker implements Runnable {
+        @Override
+        public void run() {
+            Set<GroupKey> keys = pendingNextObjectives.asMap().keySet().stream()
+                    .filter(key -> groupService.getGroup(deviceId, key) != null)
+                    .collect(Collectors.toSet());
+   -> {
+                //first check for group chain
+                GroupChainElem gce = pendingGroups.remove(key);
+                if (gce != null) {
+          "Heard back from group service. Processing next "
+                            + "group in group chain with group key {}", gce.getGkey());
+                    processGroupChain(gce);
+                } else {
+                    OfdpaGroupChain obj = pendingNextObjectives.getIfPresent(key);
+                    if (obj == null) {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    pass(obj.nextObjective());
+                    pendingNextObjectives.invalidate(key);
+          "Heard back from group service. Applying pending "
+                            + "objectives for nextId {}", obj.nextObjective().id());
+                    flowObjectiveStore.putNextGroup(obj.nextObjective().id(), obj);
+                }
+            });
+        }
+    }
+    private class InnerGroupListener implements GroupListener {
+        @Override
+        public void event(GroupEvent event) {
+            if (event.type() == GroupEvent.Type.GROUP_ADDED) {
+                GroupKey key = event.subject().appCookie();
+                // first check for group chain
+                GroupChainElem gce = pendingGroups.remove(key);
+                if (gce != null) {
+          "group ADDED .. Processing next group in group chain "
+                            + "with group key {}", gce.getGkey());
+                    processGroupChain(gce);
+                } else {
+                    OfdpaGroupChain obj = pendingNextObjectives.getIfPresent(key);
+          "group ADDED .. Applying pending objectives if any");
+                    if (obj != null) {
+                        flowObjectiveStore.putNextGroup(obj.nextObjective().id(), obj);
+                        pass(obj.nextObjective());
+                        pendingNextObjectives.invalidate(key);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Represents a group-chain that implements a Next-Objective from
+     * the application. Includes information about the next objective Id, and the
+     * group keys for the groups in the group chain. The chain is expected to
+     * look like group0 --> group 1 --> outPort. Information about the groups
+     * themselves can be fetched from the Group Service using the group keys from
+     * objects instantiating this class.
+     */
+    private class OfdpaGroupChain implements NextGroup {
+        private final NextObjective nextObj;
+        private final List<GroupKey> gkeys;
+        /** expected group chain: group0 --> group1 --> port. */
+        public OfdpaGroupChain(List<GroupKey> gkeys, NextObjective nextObj) {
+            this.gkeys = gkeys;
+            this.nextObj = nextObj;
+        }
+        @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+        public List<GroupKey> groupKeys() {
+            return gkeys;
+        }
+        public NextObjective nextObjective() {
+            return nextObj;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public byte[] data() {
+            return appKryo.serialize(gkeys);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Represents a group element that is part of a chain of groups.
+     * Stores enough information to create a Group Description to add the group
+     * to the switch by requesting the Group Service. Objects instantiating this
+     * class are meant to be temporary and live as long as it is needed to wait for
+     * preceding groups in the group chain to be created.
+     */
+    private class GroupChainElem {
+        private TrafficTreatment bucketActions;
+        private Integer givenGroupId;
+        private GroupKey gkey;
+        private ApplicationId appId;
+        public GroupChainElem(GroupKey gkey, Integer givenGroupId,
+                              TrafficTreatment tr, ApplicationId appId) {
+            this.bucketActions = tr;
+            this.givenGroupId = givenGroupId;
+            this.gkey = gkey;
+            this.appId = appId;
+        }
+        public TrafficTreatment getBucketActions() {
+            return bucketActions;
+        }
+        public Integer getGivenGroupId() {
+            return givenGroupId;
+        }
+        public GroupKey getGkey() {
+            return gkey;
+        }
+        public ApplicationId getAppId() {
+            return appId;
+        }
+    }