GUI -- WIP Device View details panel. Egress Links backend added, updated FnService, added CSS for panel, populates panel with properties and a close button.

Change-Id: Ia510b1e47fecc9140adcb1596c365a4114784b88
diff --git a/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/device/device.js b/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/device/device.js
index cd8d8b0..fbe5dbb 100644
--- a/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/device/device.js
+++ b/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/device/device.js
@@ -21,15 +21,209 @@
 (function () {
     'use strict';
+    // injected refs
+    var $log, $scope, fs, mast, ps, wss, is;
+    // internal state
+    var self,
+        detailsPane,
+        container, top, bottom, closeBtn;
+    // constants
+    // TODO: consider having a set y height that all tables start at
+    var h2Pdg = 40,
+        mastPdg = 8,
+        tbodyPdg = 5,
+        cntrPdg = 24,
+        pName = 'device-details-panel',
+        detailsReq = 'deviceDetailsRequest',
+        detailsResp = 'deviceDetailsResponse',
+        propOrder = [
+            'type', 'masterid', 'chassisid',
+            'mfr', 'hw', 'sw', 'protocol', 'serial'
+        ],
+        friendlyProps = [
+            'Type', 'Master ID', 'Chassis ID',
+            'Vendor', 'H/W Version', 'S/W Version', 'Protocol', 'Serial #'
+        ],
+        portCols = [
+            'enabled', 'id', 'speed', 'type', 'elinks_dest'
+        ],
+        friendlyPortCols = [
+            'Enabled', 'ID', 'Speed', 'Type', 'Egress Links'
+        ];
+    function setUpPanel() {
+        detailsPane.empty();
+        container = detailsPane.append('div').classed('container', true);
+        top = container.append('div').classed('top', true);
+        closeBtn = top.append('div').classed('close-btn', true);
+        addCloseBtn(closeBtn);
+        top.append('h2');
+        top.append('table');
+        container.append('hr');
+        bottom = container.append('div').classed('bottom', true);
+        bottom.append('h2').text('Ports');
+        bottom.append('table');
+    }
+    function createDetailsPane() {
+        var headerHeight = h2Pdg + fs.noPxStyle('h2'), 'height'),
+            panelTop = headerHeight + tbodyPdg + mast.mastHeight() + mastPdg,
+            wSize = fs.windowSize(panelTop);
+        detailsPane = ps.createPanel(pName, {
+            height: wSize.height,
+            width: wSize.width / 2,
+            margin: 0,
+            hideMargin: 0
+        });
+        detailsPane.el().style({
+            position: 'absolute',
+            top: panelTop + 'px'
+        });
+        setUpPanel();
+        detailsPane.hide();
+    }
+    function addCloseBtn(div) {
+        is.loadEmbeddedIcon(div, 'appPlus', 30);
+'g').attr('transform', 'translate(25, 0) rotate(45)');
+        div.on('click', function () {
+            detailsPane.hide();
+            // TODO: deselect the table row when button is clicked
+            //$scope.sel = null;
+        });
+    }
+    function populateTopHalf(tbody, details) {
+        propOrder.forEach(function (prop, i) {
+            addProp(tbody, i, details[prop]);
+        });
+    }
+    function populateBottomHalf(table, ports) {
+        var theader = table.append('thead').append('tr'),
+            tbody = table.append('tbody'),
+            tbWidth, tbHeight,
+            scrollSize = 20,
+            btmPdg = 50;
+        friendlyPortCols.forEach(function (header) {
+            theader.append('th').html(header);
+        });
+        ports.forEach(function (port) {
+            addPortRow(tbody, port);
+        });
+        tbWidth = fs.noPxStyle(tbody, 'width') + scrollSize;
+        tbHeight = detailsPane.height()
+                    - (fs.noPxStyle(detailsPane.el().select('.top'), 'height')
+                    + fs.noPxStyle(detailsPane.el().select('hr'), 'height')
+                    + fs.noPxStyle(detailsPane.el().select('h2'), 'height')
+                    + btmPdg);
+            height: tbHeight + 'px',
+            width: tbWidth + 'px',
+            overflow: 'auto',
+            display: 'block'
+        });
+        detailsPane.width(tbWidth + cntrPdg);
+    }
+    function addProp(tbody, index, value) {
+        var tr = tbody.append('tr');
+        function addCell(cls, txt) {
+            tr.append('td').attr('class', cls).html(txt);
+        }
+        addCell('label', friendlyProps[index] + ' :');
+        addCell('value', value);
+    }
+    function addPortRow(tbody, port) {
+        var tr = tbody.append('tr');
+        portCols.forEach(function (col) {
+            if (col === 'type' || col === 'id') {
+                port[col] = fs.cap(port[col]);
+            }
+            tr.append('td').html(port[col]);
+        });
+    }
+    function populateDetails(details) {
+        setUpPanel();
+        var toptbody ='table').append('tbody'),
+            btmTable ='table'),
+            ports = details.ports;
+        populateTopHalf(toptbody, details);
+        populateBottomHalf(btmTable, ports);
+    }
+    function respDetailsCb(data) {
+        self.panelData = data['details'];
+        populateDetails(self.panelData);
+    }
     angular.module('ovDevice', [])
-        ['$log', '$scope', 'TableBuilderService',
+        ['$log', '$scope', 'TableBuilderService', 'FnService',
+            'MastService', 'PanelService', 'WebSocketService', 'IconService',
-        function ($log, $scope, tbs) {
+        function (_$log_, _$scope_, tbs, _fs_, _mast_, _ps_, _wss_, _is_) {
+            $log = _$log_;
+            $scope = _$scope_;
+            fs = _fs_;
+            mast = _mast_;
+            ps = _ps_;
+            wss = _wss_;
+            is = _is_;
+            self = this;
+            var handlers = {};
+            self.panelData = [];
+            function selCb(row) {
+                // request the server for more information
+                // get the id from the row to request details with
+                if ($scope.sel) {
+                    wss.sendEvent(detailsReq, { id: });
+                } else {
+                    detailsPane.hide();
+                }
+                $log.debug('Got a click on:', row);
+            }
-                self: this,
+                self: self,
                 scope: $scope,
-                tag: 'device'
+                tag: 'device',
+                selCb: selCb
+            });
+            createDetailsPane();
+            // bind websocket handlers
+            handlers[detailsResp] = respDetailsCb;
+            wss.bindHandlers(handlers);
+            $scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
+                ps.destroyPanel(pName);
+                wss.unbindHandlers(handlers);
             $log.log('OvDeviceCtrl has been created');