blob: d7a42357915afb7c92a7d4d8ae8e74d1674d4272 [file] [log] [blame]
| Log file: |
| Compiler version: 5.1.0 (fca32d1) |
| Created on: Wed Sep 13 01:40:42 2017 |
----- Stage 0 ------
----- Stage 1 ------
----- Stage 2 ------
----- Stage 0 ------
----- Stage 1 ------
----- Stage 2 ------
----- Stage 0 ------
----- Stage 1 ------
----- Stage 2 ------
Running Table Placement 4
Can use hash action for table ingress_port_count_table??? True
Decided that match table ingress_port_count_table is more efficiently allocated using hash-action to ingress_port_counter.
Can use hash action for table egress_port_count_table??? True
Decided that match table egress_port_count_table is more efficiently allocated using hash-action to egress_port_counter.
Cannot use hash action for table process_packet_out_table.
Table process_packet_out_table has no side effect tables.
User requested to not attempt to place action data parameters in the match overhead.
Cannot use hash action for table table0.
Cannot use hash-action for table table0 because it requires a ternary-style match for field ig_intr_md.ingress_port.
Cannot use hash action for table ecmp_group_table.
Cannot use hash-action for table ecmp_group_table because it has more than one side-effect table
Table Groups
Table Grouping (ingress) with match table ingress_port_count_table (1024) [ingress_port_count_table__action__ (1024), ingress_port_counter (512)]
Table Grouping (ingress) with match table egress_port_count_table (1024) [egress_port_count_table__action__ (1024), egress_port_counter (512)]
Table Grouping (ingress) with match table process_packet_out_table (1024) [process_packet_out_table__action__ (1024)]
Table Grouping (ingress) with match table table0 (512) [table0__action__ (512), table0_counter (512)]
Table Grouping (ingress) with match table ecmp_group_table (1024) [ecmp_group_table__action__ (1024), ecmp_group_table_counter (1024)]
Table Grouping (ingress) with condition table _condition_0 (0) []
Table Grouping (ingress) with condition table _condition_2 (0) []
Phase 0 possible? False Cannot implement table0 in phase 0 resources because table uses side effect tables.
Starting placement pass 0
Nodes could place:
_condition_0 (2)
>> choose Table Grouping (ingress) with match table table0 (512) [table0__action__ (512), table0_counter (512)]
Earliest stage can place: 0
Placing table: table0__action__ with 512 entries
Placing table: table0_counter with 512 entries
Table table0__action__ with 8192 entries is directly referenced
Table table0_counter with 4096 entries is directly referenced
Match Table table0 has a total of 512 entries in stage 0
Direct mapped table table0__action__ has 8192 entries
Direct mapped table table0_counter has 4096 entries
>> set table0 (7) to placed
>> set _condition_0 (2) to placed
Nodes could place:
process_packet_out_table (3)
ecmp_group_table (8)
process_packet_out_table and _condition_0 not mutually exclusive
>> earliest stage can place Table Grouping (ingress) with match table process_packet_out_table (1024) [process_packet_out_table__action__ (1024)] is 0
>> earliest stage can place Table Grouping (ingress) with match table ecmp_group_table (1024) [ecmp_group_table__action__ (1024), ecmp_group_table_counter (1024)] is 1
process_packet_out_table and _condition_0 not mutually exclusive
>> choose Table Grouping (ingress) with match table process_packet_out_table (1024) [process_packet_out_table__action__ (1024)]
Earliest stage can place: 0
process_packet_out_table and _condition_0 not mutually exclusive
Placing table: process_packet_out_table__action__ with 1024 entries
Table process_packet_out_table__action__ with 0 entries is directly referenced
Match Table process_packet_out_table has a total of 1 entries in stage 0
Direct mapped table process_packet_out_table__action__ has 0 entries
>> set process_packet_out_table (3) to placed
Nodes could place:
ecmp_group_table (8)
>> choose Table Grouping (ingress) with match table ecmp_group_table (1024) [ecmp_group_table__action__ (1024), ecmp_group_table_counter (1024)]
Earliest stage can place: 1
Placing table: ecmp_group_table__action__ with 1024 entries
Placing table: ecmp_group_table_counter with 1024 entries
Table ecmp_group_table__action__ with 0 entries is directly referenced
Table ecmp_group_table_counter with 4096 entries is directly referenced
Match Table ecmp_group_table has a total of 3072 entries in stage 1
Direct mapped table ecmp_group_table__action__ has 0 entries
Direct mapped table ecmp_group_table_counter has 4096 entries
>> set ecmp_group_table (8) to placed
Nodes could place:
_condition_2 (4)
>> choose Table Grouping (ingress) with match table ingress_port_count_table (1024) [ingress_port_count_table__action__ (1024), ingress_port_counter (512)]
Earliest stage can place: 2
Placing table: ingress_port_count_table__action__ with 1024 entries
Placing table: ingress_port_counter with 512 entries
Table ingress_port_count_table__action__ with 0 entries is directly referenced
Table ingress_port_counter with 4096 entries is indirectly referenced
Match Table ingress_port_count_table has a total of 1024 entries in stage 2
Direct mapped table ingress_port_count_table__action__ has 0 entries
>> set ingress_port_count_table (5) to placed
>> set _condition_2 (4) to placed
Nodes could place:
egress_port_count_table (6)
egress_port_count_table and _condition_2 not mutually exclusive
egress_port_count_table and ingress_port_count_table not mutually exclusive
>> choose Table Grouping (ingress) with match table egress_port_count_table (1024) [egress_port_count_table__action__ (1024), egress_port_counter (512)]
Earliest stage can place: 2
egress_port_count_table and _condition_2 not mutually exclusive
egress_port_count_table and ingress_port_count_table not mutually exclusive
Placing table: egress_port_count_table__action__ with 1024 entries
Placing table: egress_port_counter with 512 entries
Table egress_port_count_table__action__ with 0 entries is directly referenced
Table egress_port_counter with 4096 entries is indirectly referenced
Match Table egress_port_count_table has a total of 1024 entries in stage 2
Direct mapped table egress_port_count_table__action__ has 0 entries
>> set egress_port_count_table (6) to placed
Logical Table IDs
Logical Table IDs in stage 0 are:
0 : table0
1 : process_packet_out_table
Logical Table IDs in stage 1 are:
0 : ecmp_group_table
Logical Table IDs in stage 2 are:
0 : ingress_port_count_table
1 : egress_port_count_table
action mapping for ingress_port_count_table
count_ingress -> egress_port_count_table
action mapping for egress_port_count_table
count_egress -> --END_OF_PIPELINE--
action mapping for process_packet_out_table
_process_packet_out -> _condition_2
action mapping for table0
set_egress_port -> _condition_2
ecmp_group -> ecmp_group_table
send_to_cpu -> _condition_2
_drop -> _condition_2
action mapping for ecmp_group_table
set_egress_port -> _condition_2
true/false mapping for _condition_0
False -> process_packet_out_table
True -> table0
true/false mapping for _condition_2
False -> --END_OF_PIPELINE--
True -> ingress_port_count_table