reformat bazel files to use Google coding standards

Change-Id: I320f0ca7ccb1b2247ccdd9fa58fefca7dad8a16f
diff --git a/tools/build/bazel/BUILD b/tools/build/bazel/BUILD
index 8b13789..e69de29 100644
--- a/tools/build/bazel/BUILD
+++ b/tools/build/bazel/BUILD
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tools/build/bazel/generate_test_rules.bzl b/tools/build/bazel/generate_test_rules.bzl
index c8c3976..03f5073 100644
--- a/tools/build/bazel/generate_test_rules.bzl
+++ b/tools/build/bazel/generate_test_rules.bzl
@@ -21,93 +21,93 @@
 def testIsExcluded(exclude_tests, test):
-  for excluded_test in exclude_tests:
-    normalized_excluded_test = excluded_test.replace('.', '/')
-    if test.endswith(normalized_excluded_test):
-      return True;
-  return False
+    for excluded_test in exclude_tests:
+        normalized_excluded_test = excluded_test.replace(".", "/")
+        if test.endswith(normalized_excluded_test):
+            return True
+    return False
-def generate_test_rules(name,
-                 test_files,
-                 deps,
-                 exclude_tests=[],
-                 default_test_size="small",
-                 small_tests=[],
-                 medium_tests=[],
-                 large_tests=[],
-                 enormous_tests=[],
-                 resources=[],
-                 flaky_tests=[],
-                 tags=[],
-                 prefix="",
-                 jvm_flags=["-XX:MaxPermSize=128m"],
-                 args=[],
-                 visibility=None,
-                 shard_count=1):
-  for test in _get_test_names(test_files):
-    if testIsExcluded(exclude_tests, test):
-      continue
-    test_size = default_test_size
-    if test in small_tests:
-      test_size = "small"
-    if test in medium_tests:
-      test_size = "medium"
-    if test in large_tests:
-      test_size = "large"
-    if test in enormous_tests:
-      test_size = "enormous"
-    flaky = 0
-    if (test in flaky_tests) or ("flaky" in tags):
-      flaky = 1
-    java_class = _package_from_path(
-        PACKAGE_NAME + "/" + _strip_right(test, ".java"))
-    package = java_class[:java_class.rfind(".")]
-    native.java_test(name = prefix + test,
-                     runtime_deps = deps,
-                     resources = resources,
-                     size = test_size,
-                     jvm_flags = jvm_flags,
-                     args = args,
-                     flaky = flaky,
-                     tags = tags,
-                     test_class = java_class,
-                     visibility = visibility,
-                     shard_count = shard_count)
+def generate_test_rules(
+        name,
+        test_files,
+        deps,
+        exclude_tests = [],
+        default_test_size = "small",
+        small_tests = [],
+        medium_tests = [],
+        large_tests = [],
+        enormous_tests = [],
+        resources = [],
+        flaky_tests = [],
+        tags = [],
+        prefix = "",
+        jvm_flags = ["-XX:MaxPermSize=128m"],
+        args = [],
+        visibility = None,
+        shard_count = 1):
+    for test in _get_test_names(test_files):
+        if testIsExcluded(exclude_tests, test):
+            continue
+        test_size = default_test_size
+        if test in small_tests:
+            test_size = "small"
+        if test in medium_tests:
+            test_size = "medium"
+        if test in large_tests:
+            test_size = "large"
+        if test in enormous_tests:
+            test_size = "enormous"
+        flaky = 0
+        if (test in flaky_tests) or ("flaky" in tags):
+            flaky = 1
+        java_class = _package_from_path(
+            PACKAGE_NAME + "/" + _strip_right(test, ".java"),
+        )
+        package = java_class[:java_class.rfind(".")]
+        native.java_test(
+            name = prefix + test,
+            runtime_deps = deps,
+            resources = resources,
+            size = test_size,
+            jvm_flags = jvm_flags,
+            args = args,
+            flaky = flaky,
+            tags = tags,
+            test_class = java_class,
+            visibility = visibility,
+            shard_count = shard_count,
+        )
 def _get_test_names(test_files):
-  test_names = []
-  for test_file in test_files:
-    if not test_file.endswith(""):
-      continue
-    test_names += [test_file[:-5]]
-  return test_names
+    test_names = []
+    for test_file in test_files:
+        if not test_file.endswith(""):
+            continue
+        test_names += [test_file[:-5]]
+    return test_names
-def _package_from_path(package_path, src_impls=None):
-  src_impls = src_impls or ['javatests/', 'java/']
-  for src_impl in src_impls:
-    if not src_impl.endswith('/'):
-      src_impl += '/'
-    index = _index_of_end(package_path, src_impl)
-    if index >= 0:
-      package_path = package_path[index:]
-      break
-  return package_path.replace('/', '.')
+def _package_from_path(package_path, src_impls = None):
+    src_impls = src_impls or ["javatests/", "java/"]
+    for src_impl in src_impls:
+        if not src_impl.endswith("/"):
+            src_impl += "/"
+        index = _index_of_end(package_path, src_impl)
+        if index >= 0:
+            package_path = package_path[index:]
+            break
+    return package_path.replace("/", ".")
 def _strip_right(str, suffix):
-  """Returns str without the suffix if it ends with suffix."""
-  if str.endswith(suffix):
-    return str[0: len(str) - len(suffix)]
-  else:
-    return str
+    """Returns str without the suffix if it ends with suffix."""
+    if str.endswith(suffix):
+        return str[0:len(str) - len(suffix)]
+    else:
+        return str
 def _index_of_end(str, part):
-  """If part is in str, return the index of the first character after part.
-  Return -1 if part is not in str."""
-  index = str.find(part)
-  if index >= 0:
-    return index + len(part)
-  return -1
+    """If part is in str, return the index of the first character after part.
+    Return -1 if part is not in str."""
+    index = str.find(part)
+    if index >= 0:
+        return index + len(part)
+    return -1
diff --git a/tools/build/bazel/osgi-java-library.bzl b/tools/build/bazel/osgi-java-library.bzl
index 680ecc9..e47c3d7 100644
--- a/tools/build/bazel/osgi-java-library.bzl
+++ b/tools/build/bazel/osgi-java-library.bzl
@@ -3,82 +3,81 @@
 load("//tools/build/bazel:generate_test_rules.bzl", "generate_test_rules")
 def all_java_sources():
-  return native.glob(["src/main/java/**/*.java"])
+    return native.glob(["src/main/java/**/*.java"])
 def all_java_test_sources():
-  return native.glob(["src/test/java/**/*.java"])
+    return native.glob(["src/test/java/**/*.java"])
 def all_test_resources():
-  return native.glob(["src/test/resources/**"])
+    return native.glob(["src/test/resources/**"])
 def all_resources(resources_root):
-  if resources_root == None:
-    return native.glob(["src/main/resources/**"])
-  else:
-    return native.glob([resources_root + '**'])
+    if resources_root == None:
+        return native.glob(["src/main/resources/**"])
+    else:
+        return native.glob([resources_root + "**"])
 # Implementation of the rule to call bnd to make an OSGI jar file
 def _bnd_impl(ctx):
+    jar = ctx.file.source.path
+    output = ctx.outputs.osgi_jar.path
+    cp = ""
+    name =
+    group = ctx.attr.package_name_root
+    version = ctx.attr.version
+    license = ""
+    importPackages = "*"
+    exportPackages = "*"
+    includeResources = ""
+    webContext = "NONE"
+    dynamicimportPackages = ""
-  jar = ctx.file.source.path
-  output = ctx.outputs.osgi_jar.path
-  cp = ""
-  name =
-  group = ctx.attr.package_name_root
-  version = ctx.attr.version
-  license = ""
-  importPackages = "*"
-  exportPackages = "*"
-  includeResources = ""
-  webContext = "NONE"
-  dynamicimportPackages = ""
+    inputDependencies = [ctx.file.source]
-  inputDependencies = [ctx.file.source]
+    # determine the dependencies and build the class path
+    for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
+        file =[0].class_jar
-  # determine the dependencies and build the class path
-  for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
-      file =[0].class_jar
+        if cp:
+            cp += ":"
+        cp += file.path
+        inputDependencies = inputDependencies + [file]
-      if cp:
-         cp += ":"
-      cp += file.path
-      inputDependencies = inputDependencies + [file]
+    # extract the class files for use by bnd
+    classes = ctx.actions.declare_file("classes")
+    classesPath = classes.path
+    jarCommand = "mkdir -p %s && cp %s %s && cd %s && jar xf *.jar" % (classesPath, jar, classesPath, classesPath)
+    ctx.actions.run_shell(
+        inputs = inputDependencies,
+        outputs = [classes],
+        command = jarCommand,
+        progress_message = "Expanding jar file: %s" % jar,
+    )
+    inputDependencies += [classes]
-  # extract the class files for use by bnd
-  classes = ctx.actions.declare_file("classes")
-  classesPath = classes.path
-  jarCommand = "mkdir -p %s && cp %s %s && cd %s && jar xf *.jar" % (classesPath, jar, classesPath, classesPath)
-  ctx.actions.run_shell(
-      inputs=inputDependencies,
-            outputs=[classes],
-            command=jarCommand,
-            progress_message="Expanding jar file: %s" % jar,
-        )
-  inputDependencies += [classes]
-  # call bnd to make the OSGI jar file
-  arguments=[
-            jar,
-            output,
-            cp,
-            name,
-            group,
-            version,
-            license,
-            importPackages,
-            exportPackages,
-            includeResources,
-            webContext,
-            dynamicimportPackages,
-            classesPath,
-        ]
-      inputs=inputDependencies,
-      outputs=[ctx.outputs.osgi_jar],
-      arguments=arguments,
-      progress_message="Running bnd wrapper on: %s" %,
-      executable=ctx.executable._bnd_exe,
-  )
+    # call bnd to make the OSGI jar file
+    arguments = [
+        jar,
+        output,
+        cp,
+        name,
+        group,
+        version,
+        license,
+        importPackages,
+        exportPackages,
+        includeResources,
+        webContext,
+        dynamicimportPackages,
+        classesPath,
+    ]
+        inputs = inputDependencies,
+        outputs = [ctx.outputs.osgi_jar],
+        arguments = arguments,
+        progress_message = "Running bnd wrapper on: %s" %,
+        executable = ctx.executable._bnd_exe,
+    )
 bnd = rule(
     attrs = {
@@ -101,82 +100,87 @@
 def _fwd_bnd(name, source, deps, version, package_name_root, visibility):
-  bnd(name = name, source = source, deps = deps, version = version, package_name_root = package_name_root, visibility = visibility)
+    bnd(name = name, source = source, deps = deps, version = version, package_name_root = package_name_root, visibility = visibility)
-def wrapped_osgi_library(name, jar, deps, version = ONOS_VERSION, package_name_root = "org.onosproject", visibility = [ "//visibility:private" ]):
-  _fwd_bnd(name, jar, deps, version, package_name_root, visibility)
+def wrapped_osgi_library(name, jar, deps, version = ONOS_VERSION, package_name_root = "org.onosproject", visibility = ["//visibility:private"]):
+    _fwd_bnd(name, jar, deps, version, package_name_root, visibility)
-def osgi_jar_with_tests(name = None,
-                        deps = None,
-                        test_deps = None,
-                        package_name_root = "org.onosproject",
-                        srcs = None,
-                        resources_root = None,
-                        resources = None,
-                        test_srcs = None,
-                        exclude_tests = None,
-                        test_resources = None,
-                        visibility = [ "//visibility:public" ],
-                        version = ONOS_VERSION):
-  if name == None:
-    name = "onos-" + native.package_name().replace("/", "-")
-  if srcs == None:
-    srcs = all_java_sources()
-  if resources == None:
-    resources = all_resources(resources_root)
-  if test_srcs == None:
-    test_srcs = all_java_test_sources()
-  if test_resources == None:
-    test_resources = all_test_resources()
-  if exclude_tests == None:
-    exclude_tests = []
-  if deps == None:
-    deps = COMPILE
-  if test_deps == None:
-    test_deps = TEST
-  tests_name = name + '-tests'
-  tests_jar_deps = list(depset(deps + test_deps)) + [ name ]
-  all_test_deps = tests_jar_deps + [ tests_name ]
-  native.java_library(name = name, srcs = srcs, resources = resources, deps = deps, visibility = visibility)
-  _fwd_bnd(name + '-osgi', name, deps, version, package_name_root, visibility)
-  if test_srcs != []:
-    native.java_library(name = tests_name,
-                        srcs = test_srcs,
-                        resources = test_resources,
-                        deps = tests_jar_deps,
-                        visibility = visibility)
-    generate_test_rules(
-      name = name + "-tests-gen",
-      test_files = test_srcs,
-      exclude_tests = exclude_tests,
-      deps = all_test_deps
-    )
-def osgi_jar(name = None,
-             deps = None,
-             package_name_root = "org.onosproject",
-             srcs = None,
-             resources_root = None,
-             resources = None,
-             visibility = [ "//visibility:public" ],
-             version = ONOS_VERSION):
+def osgi_jar_with_tests(
+        name = None,
+        deps = None,
+        test_deps = None,
+        package_name_root = "org.onosproject",
+        srcs = None,
+        resources_root = None,
+        resources = None,
+        test_srcs = None,
+        exclude_tests = None,
+        test_resources = None,
+        visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+        version = ONOS_VERSION):
+    if name == None:
+        name = "onos-" + native.package_name().replace("/", "-")
     if srcs == None:
-      srcs = all_java_sources()
+        srcs = all_java_sources()
+    if resources == None:
+        resources = all_resources(resources_root)
+    if test_srcs == None:
+        test_srcs = all_java_test_sources()
+    if test_resources == None:
+        test_resources = all_test_resources()
+    if exclude_tests == None:
+        exclude_tests = []
     if deps == None:
-      deps = COMPILE
+        deps = COMPILE
+    if test_deps == None:
+        test_deps = TEST
+    tests_name = name + "-tests"
+    tests_jar_deps = list(depset(deps + test_deps)) + [name]
+    all_test_deps = tests_jar_deps + [tests_name]
-    osgi_jar_with_tests(name = name,
-                        deps = deps,
-                        test_deps = [],
-                        package_name_root = package_name_root,
-                        srcs = srcs,
-                        resources = resources,
-                        resources_root = resources_root,
-                        test_srcs = [],
-                        exclude_tests = [],
-                        test_resources = [],
-                        visibility = visibility,
-                        version = version)
+    native.java_library(name = name, srcs = srcs, resources = resources, deps = deps, visibility = visibility)
+    _fwd_bnd(name + "-osgi", name, deps, version, package_name_root, visibility)
+    if test_srcs != []:
+        native.java_library(
+            name = tests_name,
+            srcs = test_srcs,
+            resources = test_resources,
+            deps = tests_jar_deps,
+            visibility = visibility,
+        )
+        generate_test_rules(
+            name = name + "-tests-gen",
+            test_files = test_srcs,
+            exclude_tests = exclude_tests,
+            deps = all_test_deps,
+        )
+def osgi_jar(
+        name = None,
+        deps = None,
+        package_name_root = "org.onosproject",
+        srcs = None,
+        resources_root = None,
+        resources = None,
+        visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+        version = ONOS_VERSION):
+    if srcs == None:
+        srcs = all_java_sources()
+    if deps == None:
+        deps = COMPILE
+    osgi_jar_with_tests(
+        name = name,
+        deps = deps,
+        test_deps = [],
+        package_name_root = package_name_root,
+        srcs = srcs,
+        resources = resources,
+        resources_root = resources_root,
+        test_srcs = [],
+        exclude_tests = [],
+        test_resources = [],
+        visibility = visibility,
+        version = version,
+    )
diff --git a/tools/build/bazel/rules.bzl b/tools/build/bazel/rules.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dd5922..0000000
--- a/tools/build/bazel/rules.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-        "generated_java_libraries", "COMPILE", "CORE_DEPS", "JACKSON",
-def onos_bazel_rules() :
-    return
-def g() :
-    generated_java_libraries()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/build/bazel/variables.bzl b/tools/build/bazel/variables.bzl
index 1ef7121..cad0944 100644
--- a/tools/build/bazel/variables.bzl
+++ b/tools/build/bazel/variables.bzl
@@ -1,2 +1 @@