FaultManagement: Adding multi-clock glyph to topo overlay.
- topo overlay buttons updated to use clock/clocks glyphs.
- Alarms nav icon also uses clock glyph.

Change-Id: I4d590c919781e4d11b37f4b8c520fe009653bfbd
diff --git a/apps/faultmanagement/fmgui/src/main/resources/app/view/alarmTable/alarmTable.js b/apps/faultmanagement/fmgui/src/main/resources/app/view/alarmTable/alarmTable.js
index 82ceeda..a742dae 100644
--- a/apps/faultmanagement/fmgui/src/main/resources/app/view/alarmTable/alarmTable.js
+++ b/apps/faultmanagement/fmgui/src/main/resources/app/view/alarmTable/alarmTable.js
@@ -44,114 +44,121 @@
     angular.module('ovAlarmTable', [])
-            .controller('OvAlarmTableCtrl',
-                    ['$log', '$scope', '$location', 'TableBuilderService',
-                        'FnService', 'WebSocketService',
-                        function (_$log_, _$scope_, _$location_, tbs, _fs_, _wss_) {
-                            var params;
+        .run(['IconService', function (is) {
+            // we want to be able to re-use the clock glyph in our nav icon...
+            is.registerIconMapping('nav_alarms', 'alarmsTopo-overlay-clock');
+        }])
-                            $log = _$log_;
-                            $scope = _$scope_;
-                            $loc = _$location_;
+        .controller('OvAlarmTableCtrl',
+            ['$log', '$scope', '$location', 'TableBuilderService',
+                'FnService', 'WebSocketService',
-                            fs = _fs_;
-                            wss = _wss_;
+            function (_$log_, _$scope_, _$location_, tbs, _fs_, _wss_) {
+                var params;
+                $log = _$log_;
+                $scope = _$scope_;
+                $loc = _$location_;
-                            params = $loc.search();
-                            if (params.hasOwnProperty('devId')) {
-                                $scope.devId = params['devId'];
-                            }
+                fs = _fs_;
+                wss = _wss_;
-                            var handlers = {};
-                            $scope.panelDetails = {};
+                params = $loc.search();
+                if (params.hasOwnProperty('devId')) {
+                    $scope.devId = params['devId'];
+                }
-                            // details response handler
-                            handlers[detailsResp] = respDetailsCb;
-                            wss.bindHandlers(handlers);
+                var handlers = {};
+                $scope.panelDetails = {};
-                            // custom selection callback
-                            function selCb($event, row) {
-                                $log.debug("selCb row=" + JSON.stringify(row, null, 4) +
-                                        ", $event=" + JSON.stringify($event, null, 4));
-                                $log.debug('$scope.selId=', $scope.selId);
-                                if ($scope.selId) {
-                                    $log.debug('send');
-                                    wss.sendEvent(detailsReq, {id: row.id});
-                                } else {
-                                    $log.debug('hidePanel');
-                                    $scope.hidePanel();
-                                }
-                                $log.debug('Got a click on:', row);
-                            }
+                // details response handler
+                handlers[detailsResp] = respDetailsCb;
+                wss.bindHandlers(handlers);
-                            // TableBuilderService creating a table for us
-                            tbs.buildTable({
-                                scope: $scope,
-                                tag: 'alarmTable',
-                                selCb: selCb,
-                                query: params
-                            });
+                // custom selection callback
+                function selCb($event, row) {
+                    $log.debug("selCb row=" + JSON.stringify(row, null, 4) +
+                            ", $event=" + JSON.stringify($event, null, 4));
+                    $log.debug('$scope.selId=', $scope.selId);
+                    if ($scope.selId) {
+                        $log.debug('send');
+                        wss.sendEvent(detailsReq, {id: row.id});
+                    } else {
+                        $log.debug('hidePanel');
+                        $scope.hidePanel();
+                    }
+                    $log.debug('Got a click on:', row);
+                }
-                            // cleanup
-                            $scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
-                                wss.unbindHandlers(handlers);
-                                $log.log('OvAlarmTableCtrl has been destroyed');
-                            });
+                // TableBuilderService creating a table for us
+                tbs.buildTable({
+                    scope: $scope,
+                    tag: 'alarmTable',
+                    selCb: selCb,
+                    query: params
+                });
-                            $log.log('OvAlarmTableCtrl has been created');
-                        }])
+                // cleanup
+                $scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
+                    wss.unbindHandlers(handlers);
+                    $log.log('OvAlarmTableCtrl has been destroyed');
+                });
-            .directive('ovAlarmTableItemDetailsPanel', ['PanelService', 'KeyService',
-                function (ps, ks) {
-                    return {
-                        restrict: 'E',
-                        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
-                            // insert details panel with PanelService
-                            // create the panel
-                            var panel = ps.createPanel(pName, {
-                                width: 400,
-                                margin: 20,
-                                hideMargin: 0
-                            });
+                $log.log('OvAlarmTableCtrl has been created');
+            }])
+        .directive('ovAlarmTableItemDetailsPanel',
+            ['PanelService', 'KeyService',
+            function (ps, ks) {
+                return {
+                    restrict: 'E',
+                    link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
+                        // insert details panel with PanelService
+                        // create the panel
+                        var panel = ps.createPanel(pName, {
+                            width: 400,
+                            margin: 20,
+                            hideMargin: 0
+                        });
+                        panel.hide();
+                        scope.hidePanel = function () {
-                            scope.hidePanel = function () {
+                        };
+                        function closePanel() {
+                            if (panel.isVisible()) {
+                                $scope.selId = null;
-                            };
-                            function closePanel() {
-                                if (panel.isVisible()) {
-                                    $scope.selId = null;
-                                    panel.hide();
-                                    return true;
-                                }
-                                return false;
+                                return true;
-                            // create key bindings to handle panel
-                            ks.keyBindings({
-                                esc: [closePanel, 'Close the details panel'],
-                                _helpFormat: ['esc']
-                            });
-                            ks.gestureNotes([
-                                ['click', 'Select a row to show item details']
-                            ]);
-                            // update the panel's contents when the data is changed
-                            scope.$watch('panelDetails', function () {
-                                if (!fs.isEmptyObject(scope.panelDetails)) {
-                                    panel.empty();
-                                    populatePanel(panel);
-                                    panel.show();
-                                }
-                            });
-                            // cleanup on destroyed scope
-                            scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
-                                ks.unbindKeys();
-                                ps.destroyPanel(pName);
-                            });
+                            return false;
-                    };
-                }]);
+                        // create key bindings to handle panel
+                        ks.keyBindings({
+                            esc: [closePanel, 'Close the details panel'],
+                            _helpFormat: ['esc']
+                        });
+                        ks.gestureNotes([
+                            ['click', 'Select a row to show item details']
+                        ]);
+                        // update the panel's contents when the data is changed
+                        scope.$watch('panelDetails', function () {
+                            if (!fs.isEmptyObject(scope.panelDetails)) {
+                                panel.empty();
+                                populatePanel(panel);
+                                panel.show();
+                            }
+                        });
+                        // cleanup on destroyed scope
+                        scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
+                            ks.unbindKeys();
+                            ps.destroyPanel(pName);
+                        });
+                    }
+                };
+            }]);
diff --git a/apps/faultmanagement/fmgui/src/main/resources/app/view/alarmTopov/alarmTopovOverlay.js b/apps/faultmanagement/fmgui/src/main/resources/app/view/alarmTopov/alarmTopovOverlay.js
index eeefa62..9025906 100644
--- a/apps/faultmanagement/fmgui/src/main/resources/app/view/alarmTopov/alarmTopovOverlay.js
+++ b/apps/faultmanagement/fmgui/src/main/resources/app/view/alarmTopov/alarmTopovOverlay.js
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
     // internal state should be kept in the service module (not here)
-    // alarm clock glyph (vbox 110x110)
+    var viewbox = '0 0 110 110';
+    // alarm clock glyph (view box 110x110)
     var clock = 'M92.9,61.3a39,39,0,1,1-39-39,39,39,0,0,1,39,39h0Z' +
         'M44,19.3c-4.4-7.4-14.8-9.3-23.2-4.2S9.1,30.2,13.5,37.6m80.8,0' +
         'c4.4-7.4,1.2-17.5-7.3-22.5s-18.8-3.2-23.3,4.2m-8.4,1.8V16.5h4.4' +
@@ -24,6 +26,43 @@
         'h0.2c2.6,0.4,10.7.9,10.3-1.2m-60.8,0c-0.4,2.1,7.7,1.6,10.3,1.2' +
+    // overlapping alarm clocks glyph (view box 110x110)
+    var clocks = "M65.7,26.6A34.7,34.7,0,0,0,31,61.5c0,19,16,35.2,35.5,34.8" +
+        "a35.1,35.1,0,0,0,34-35.1A34.7,34.7,0,0,0,65.7,26.6Z" +
+        "m8.6-2.7,27.4,16.4a31.3,31.3,0,0,0,1.2-3.1c1.3-5,0-9.4-3.2-13.2" +
+        "a16.9,16.9,0,0,0-16-6.2A12.8,12.8,0,0,0,74.3,23.9Z" +
+        "M57,23.9L56.4,23a12.9,12.9,0,0,0-10.7-5.5,16.9,16.9,0,0,0-15.1,8," +
+        "14.1,14.1,0,0,0-2.3,11.2,10.4,10.4,0,0,0,1.4,3.5Z" +
+        "M26.9,31.6A33.7,33.7,0,0,0,9.7,59.3C9.2,72.8,14.9,83.1,26,90.7l1-1.9" +
+        "a0.6,0.6,0,0,0-.2-1A34.2,34.2,0,0,1,15.5,50.4" +
+        "a33.8,33.8,0,0,1,10.8-16,1.2,1.2,0,0,0,.5-0.6" +
+        "C26.9,33.1,26.9,32.4,26.9,31.6Z" +
+        "m1,8.1C14.6,55.9,19.2,81,37.6,91.1l1-2.3-2.8-2.4" +
+        "C26.4,77.6,22.9,66.7,25.1,54" +
+        "a31.6,31.6,0,0,1,4.2-10.8,0.8,0.8,0,0,0,.1-0.6Z" +
+        "M12,38.4a11.2,11.2,0,0,1-1.4-5.8A13.7,13.7,0,0,1,14.3,24" +
+        "a17.3,17.3,0,0,1,10.5-5.7h0.4C19,18,13.7,20,9.9,25.2" +
+        "a14.5,14.5,0,0,0-3,11,11.2,11.2,0,0,0,1.6,4.3Z" +
+        "m5.5-2.7L21,33" +
+        "a1,1,0,0,0,.3-0.7,14,14,0,0,1,3.9-8.6,17.3,17.3,0,0,1,10.2-5.4" +
+        "l0.6-.2C24.4,17.3,16.4,27,17.4,35.7Z" +
+        "M70.9,17.2H60.7v4.1h4v4.2H67V21.3h3.9V17.2Z" +
+        "M90.9,87.9l-0.5.3L86,91.5a7.9,7.9,0,0,0-2.6,3.1" +
+        "c-0.3.6-.2,0.8,0.5,0.9a27.9,27.9,0,0,0,6.8.2l1.6-.4" +
+        "a0.8,0.8,0,0,0,.6-1.2l-0.4-1.4Z" +
+        "m-50.2,0-1.8,6c-0.3,1.1-.1,1.4.9,1.7h0.7a26.3,26.3,0,0,0,7.2-.1" +
+        "c0.8-.1.9-0.4,0.5-1.1a8.2,8.2,0,0,0-2.7-3.1Z" +
+        "m-10.8-.4-0.2.6L28,93.5a0.9,0.9,0,0,0,.7,1.3,7.7,7.7,0,0,0,2.2.4" +
+        "l5.9-.2c0.5,0,.7-0.3.5-0.8a7.6,7.6,0,0,0-2.2-2.9Z" +
+        "m-11.3,0-0.2.7-1.6,5.4c-0.2.8-.1,1.2,0.7,1.4a8,8,0,0,0,2.2.4l6-.2" +
+        "c0.4,0,.7-0.3.5-0.6a7.1,7.1,0,0,0-1.9-2.7l-2.8-2.1Z" +
+        "M65.7,26.6m-2,30.3a4.4,4.4,0,0,0-2.2,2,4.8,4.8,0,0,0,4,7.2," +
+        "4.1,4.1,0,0,0,4.3-2.3,0.8,0.8,0,0,1,.8-0.5H84.1" +
+        "a1.9,1.9,0,0,0,2-1.7,2.1,2.1,0,0,0-1.7-2.2H70.8" +
+        "a1,1,0,0,1-1-.5,6.4,6.4,0,0,0-1.5-1.6,1.1,1.1,0,0,1-.5-1" +
+        "q0-10.1,0-20.3a1.9,1.9,0,0,0-2.2-2.1,2.1,2.1,0,0,0-1.8,2.2" +
+        "q0,6.1,0,12.2C63.7,51.2,63.7,54,63.7,56.9Z";
     // our overlay definition
     var overlay = {
         // NOTE: this must match the ID defined in AppUiTopovOverlay
@@ -31,23 +70,17 @@
         glyphId: '*clock',
         tooltip: 'Alarms Overlay',
         // These glyphs get installed using the overlayId as a prefix.
-        // e.g. 'star4' is installed as 'alarmsTopo-overlay-star4'
-        // They can be referenced (from this overlay) as '*star4'
+        // e.g. 'clock' is installed as 'alarmsTopo-overlay-clock'
+        // They can be referenced (from this overlay) as '*clock'
         // That is, the '*' prefix stands in for 'alarmsTopo-overlay-'
         glyphs: {
             clock: {
-                vb: '0 0 110 110',
+                vb: viewbox,
                 d: clock
-            star4: {
-                vb: '0 0 8 8',
-                // TODO new icon needed
-                d: 'M1,4l2,-1l1,-2l1,2l2,1l-2,1l-1,2l-1,-2z'
-            },
-            banner: {
-                vb: '0 0 6 6',
-                // TODO new icon needed
-                d: 'M1,1v4l2,-2l2,2v-4z'
+            clocks: {
+                vb: viewbox,
+                d: clocks
         activate: function () {
@@ -60,21 +93,19 @@
         // detail panel button definitions
         buttons: {
             alarm1button: {
-                gid: 'chain',
+                gid: '*clock',
                 tt: 'Show alarms for this device',
                 cb: function (data) {
                     $log.debug('Show alarms for selected device. data:', data);
                     ns.navTo("alarmTable", {devId: data.id});
             alarm2button: {
-                gid: '*banner',
+                gid: '*clocks',
                 tt: 'Show alarms for all devices',
                 cb: function (data) {
                     $log.debug('Show alarms for all devices. data:', data);
@@ -93,7 +124,7 @@
                 tt: 'Start Alarm Count on Device',
-                gid: '*banner'
+                gid: '*clock'
             _keyOrder: [
                 '0', 'V'
@@ -141,13 +172,13 @@
     // invoke code to register with the overlay service
-            .run(['$log', 'TopoOverlayService', 'AlarmTopovDemoService', 'NavService',
-                function (_$log_, _tov_, _stds_, _ns_) {
-                    $log = _$log_;
-                    tov = _tov_;
-                    stds = _stds_;
-                    ns = _ns_;
-                    tov.register(overlay);
-                }]);
+        .run(['$log', 'TopoOverlayService', 'AlarmTopovDemoService', 'NavService',
+            function (_$log_, _tov_, _stds_, _ns_) {
+                $log = _$log_;
+                tov = _tov_;
+                stds = _stds_;
+                ns = _ns_;
+                tov.register(overlay);
+            }]);