This application, created from the ONOS UI2 archetype can be deployed in 2 ways
There are 2 main parts to it:
${symbol_h2} Standalone Application outside of ONOS In the standalone scenario this library can continue to be built with Maven like:
The app/BUILD.rename and web/roadm/BUILD.rename files can be discarded or ignored because they are only for building with Bazel.
The ONOS OAR application may be installed with
onos-app localhost install! app/target/roadm-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.oar
The JavaScript GUI library roadm-gui-lib-1.0.0.tgz may be included in a new Angular Project by adding the line:
"roadm-gui-lib": "file:../roadm/web/roadm-gui/roadm-gui-lib-1.0.0.tgz"
(ensuring the path is correct) to the dependencies section of the package.json of the new Angular application.
Then in the main folder of the new Angular app run
npm install roadm-gui-lib gui2-fw-lib d3
Finally to use the roadm-gui-lib in your new Angular application, add it to the Angular Router and make a link to it
{ path: 'roadm-gui', loadChildren: 'roadm-gui-lib#RoadmGuiLibModule' }
import { RoadmGuiLibModule } from 'roadm-gui-lib';
in the imports section at the top of the same file.
providers: [ { provide: LogService, useClass: ConsoleLoggerService }, { provide: 'Window', useValue: window } ],
and to the imports section:
and to the import section:
import { Gui2FwLibModule, ConsoleLoggerService, LogService } from 'gui2-fw-lib';
At this stage you should be able to build the new application:
ng build --prod
and then copy the files to the html folder of an Apache or Nginx web server
cp -r dist/<your-app-name>/* /var/www/html
And you should be able to open it in your browser at http://localhost
${symbol_h2} Application embedded within ONOS To embed the application inside ONOS (permanently add it to the ONOS code base) move the application folder in to the ~/onos/apps directory (ensuring its name does not clash with anything already there).
cd ~/onos/apps/roadm && \ mvn -pl web/roadm-gui install && \ mvn -pl web/roadm-gui clean
once inside the folder - this is the easiest way to fetch the dependent node modules for the Angular application.
To ensure it gets built along with ONOS rename the files BUILD.rename, app/BUILD.rename and web/roadm/BUILD.rename to BUILD, and remove the pom.xml files, and some extra files left over from the build.
cd ~/onos/apps/roadm && \ mv BUILD.rename BUILD && \ mv app/BUILD.rename app/BUILD && \ mv web/roadm-gui/BUILD.rename web/roadm-gui/BUILD && \ rm pom.xml && \ rm app/pom.xml && \ rm web/roadm-gui/pom.xml && \ mv web/roadm-gui/gitignore web/roadm-gui/.gitignore && \ chmod +x web/roadm-gui/ && \ rm -rf web/roadm-gui/node_modules/rxjs/src
In the file
Add a reference to the app in ~/onos/tools/build/bazel/modules.bzl at the end of the ONOS_APPS section as:
In the file ~/onos/web/gui2/BUILD in the genrule section _onos-gui2-ng-build add to the srcs section:
and in the cmd section of the same genrule add the following 3 lines (just before the comment "# End of add in modules from external packages"):
" ROADM_GUI_LIB_FILES=($(locations //apps/roadm/web/roadm-gui:roadm-gui-lib-build)) &&" + # An array of filenames - sorted by time created " tar xf $$ROOT/$${ROADM_GUI_LIB_FILES[0]} &&" + " mv package/ node_modules/roadm-gui-lib/ &&" +
Finally to use the roadm-gui-lib in the ONOS GUI, add it to the Angular Router
{ path: 'roadm-gui', loadChildren: 'roadm-gui-lib#RoadmGuiLibModule' },
and in the imports section at the top of the same file
import { RoadmGuiLibModule } from 'roadm-gui-lib';
Run Bazel build with
cd ~/onos && \ ob
or equivalent.
Start ONOS in the normal way.
Using the ONOS command line, activate the application:
app activate roadm
To turn on ONOS Server side logging, from the same ONOS CLI use:
log:set DEBUG ${package} log:set DEBUG org.onosproject.ui.impl
On the ONOS GUI the navigation menu should show the new application link. Clicking on it will navigate to the new app (there is a system of lazy-loading implemented here so that applications are not loaded until they are first used).
To rebuild and run the web side of the application do:
bazel build //web/gui2:onos-web-gui2-oar && \ onos-app localhost reinstall! bazel-bin/web/gui2/onos-web-gui2-oar.oar
To rebuild and run the server side of the application do:
bazel build //apps/roadm:onos-apps-roadm-oar && \ onos-app localhost reinstall! bazel-bin/apps/roadm/onos-apps-roadm-oar.oar
The application demonstrates some major concepts:
The use of Angular 7 concepts like Modules, Components, Service
The top level component - contains the "Fetch Data" button and the connection to the server backend through a WebSocket
Passing a number in the request
Receiving a JSON object in reply
Reuse of items from the gui2-fw-lib - with LogService, WebSocketService and IconComponent
The use of a child component (WelcomeComponent) in 3 different ways
The embedding of SVG content in to the web page
The use of TypeScript (as opposed to JavaScript or ECMAScript directly) to ensure type safety