onos.py: ONOS cluster and control network modeling in Mininet

This is intended to facilitate ONOS development and testing when
you require an ONOS cluster and a modeled control network. More
information is available in the file comments/module docstring.

Change-Id: I8a7338b61bd21eb82ea4e27adbf3cea15be312ee
diff --git a/tools/dev/mininet/onos.py b/tools/dev/mininet/onos.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b3d9b4b
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+++ b/tools/dev/mininet/onos.py
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+onos.py: ONOS cluster and control network in Mininet
+With onos.py, you can use Mininet to create a complete
+ONOS network, including an ONOS cluster with a modeled
+control network as well as the usual data nework.
+This is intended to be useful for distributed ONOS
+development and testing in the case that you require
+a modeled control network.
+Invocation (using OVS as default switch):
+mn --custom onos.py --controller onos,3 --topo torus,4,4
+Or with the user switch (or CPqD if installed):
+mn --custom onos.py --controller onos,3 \
+   --switch onosuser --topo torus,4,4
+Currently you meed to specify a custom switch class
+because Mininet's Switch() class does't (yet?) handle
+controllers with multiple IP addresses directly.
+The classes may also be imported and used via Mininet's
+python API.
+- We need --switch onosuser for the user switch because
+  Switch() doesn't currently handle Controller objects
+  with multiple IP addresses.
+- ONOS startup and configuration is painful/undocumented.
+- Too many ONOS environment vars - do we need them all?
+- ONOS cluster startup is very, very slow. If Linux can
+  boot in 4 seconds, why can't ONOS?
+- It's a pain to mess with the control network from the
+  CLI
+- Setting a default controller for Mininet should be easier
+from mininet.node import Controller, OVSSwitch, UserSwitch
+from mininet.nodelib import LinuxBridge
+from mininet.net import Mininet
+from mininet.topo import SingleSwitchTopo, Topo
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from mininet.util import quietRun, errRun, waitListening
+from mininet.clean import killprocs
+from mininet.examples.controlnet import MininetFacade
+from os import environ
+from os.path import dirname, join, isfile
+from sys import argv
+from glob import glob
+import time
+### ONOS Environment
+KarafPort = 8101  # ssh port indicating karaf is running
+def defaultUser():
+    "Return a reasonable default user"
+    if 'SUDO_USER' in environ:
+        return environ[ 'SUDO_USER' ]
+    try:
+        user = quietRun( 'who am i' ).split()[ 0 ]
+    except:
+        user = 'nobody'
+    return user
+# Module vars, initialized below
+def initONOSEnv():
+    """Initialize ONOS environment (and module) variables
+       This is ugly and painful, but they have to be set correctly
+       in order for the onos-setup-karaf script to work.
+       nodes: list of ONOS nodes
+       returns: ONOS environment variable dict"""
+    # pylint: disable=global-statement
+    env = {}
+    def sd( var, val ):
+        "Set default value for environment variable"
+        env[ var ] = environ.setdefault( var, val )
+        return env[ var ]
+    HOME = sd( 'HOME', environ[ 'HOME' ] )
+    assert HOME
+    ONOS_ROOT = sd( 'ONOS_ROOT',  join( HOME, 'onos' ) )
+                      glob( join( HOME,
+                                  'Applications/apache-karaf-*' ) )[ -1 ] )
+    ONOS_HOME = sd( 'ONOS_HOME',  dirname( KARAF_ROOT ) )
+    environ[ 'ONOS_USER' ] = defaultUser()
+    ONOS_USER = sd( 'ONOS_USER', defaultUser() )
+    ONOS_APPS = sd( 'ONOS_APPS',
+                     'drivers,openflow,fwd,proxyarp,mobility' )
+    # ONOS_WEB_{USER,PASS} isn't respected by onos-karaf:
+    environ.update( ONOS_WEB_USER='karaf', ONOS_WEB_PASS='karaf' )
+    ONOS_WEB_USER = sd( 'ONOS_WEB_USER', 'karaf' )
+    ONOS_WEB_PASS = sd( 'ONOS_WEB_PASS', 'karaf' )
+    return env
+def updateNodeIPs( env, nodes ):
+    "Update env dict and environ with node IPs"
+    # Get rid of stale junk
+    for var in 'ONOS_NIC', 'ONOS_CELL', 'ONOS_INSTANCES':
+        env[ var ] = ''
+    for var in environ.keys():
+        if var.startswith( 'OC' ):
+            env[ var ] = ''
+    for index, node in enumerate( nodes, 1 ):
+        var = 'OC%d' % index
+        env[ var ] = node.IP()
+    env[ 'OCI' ] = env[ 'OCN' ] = env[ 'OC1' ]
+    env[ 'ONOS_INSTANCES' ] = '\n'.join(
+        node.IP() for node in nodes )
+    environ.update( env )
+    return env
+tarDefaultPath = 'buck-out/gen/tools/package/onos-package/onos.tar.gz'
+def unpackONOS( destDir='/tmp' ):
+    "Unpack ONOS and return its location"
+    global ONOS_TAR
+    environ.setdefault( 'ONOS_TAR', join( ONOS_ROOT, tarDefaultPath ) )
+    ONOS_TAR = environ[ 'ONOS_TAR' ]
+    tarPath = ONOS_TAR
+    if not isfile( tarPath ):
+        raise Exception( 'Missing ONOS tarball %s - run buck build onos?'
+                         % tarPath )
+    info( '(unpacking %s)' % destDir)
+    cmds = ( 'mkdir -p "%s" && cd "%s" && tar xvzf "%s"'
+             % ( destDir, destDir, tarPath) )
+    out, _err, _code  = errRun( cmds, shell=True, verbose=True )
+    first = out.split( '\n' )[ 0 ]
+    assert '/' in first
+    onosDir = join( destDir, dirname( first ) )
+    # Add symlink to log file
+    quietRun( 'cd %s; ln -s onos*/apache* karaf;'
+              'ln -s karaf/data/log/karaf.log log' % destDir,
+              shell=True )
+    return onosDir
+### Mininet classes
+def RenamedTopo( topo, *args, **kwargs ):
+    """Return specialized topo with renamed hosts
+       topo: topo class/class name to specialize
+       args, kwargs: topo args
+       sold: old switch name prefix (default 's')
+       snew: new switch name prefix
+       hold: old host name prefix (default 'h')
+       hnew: new host name prefix
+       This may be used from the mn command, e.g.
+       mn --topo renamed,single,spref=sw,hpref=host"""
+    sold = kwargs.pop( 'sold', 's' )
+    hold = kwargs.pop( 'hold', 'h' )
+    snew = kwargs.pop( 'snew', 'cs' )
+    hnew = kwargs.pop( 'hnew' ,'ch' )
+    topos = {}  # TODO: use global TOPOS dict
+    if isinstance( topo, str ):
+        # Look up in topo directory - this allows us to
+        # use RenamedTopo from the command line!
+        if topo in topos:
+            topo = topos.get( topo )
+        else:
+            raise Exception( 'Unknown topo name: %s' % topo )
+    # pylint: disable=no-init
+    class RenamedTopoCls( topo ):
+        "Topo subclass with renamed nodes"
+        def addNode( self, name, *args, **kwargs ):
+            "Add a node, renaming if necessary"
+            if name.startswith( sold ):
+                name = snew + name[ len( sold ): ]
+            elif name.startswith( hold ):
+                name = hnew + name[ len( hold ): ]
+            return topo.addNode( self, name, *args, **kwargs )
+    return RenamedTopoCls( *args, **kwargs )
+class ONOSNode( Controller ):
+    "ONOS cluster node"
+    # Default karaf client location
+    client = '/tmp/onos1/karaf/bin/client'
+    def __init__( self, name, **kwargs ):
+        kwargs.update( inNamespace=True )
+        Controller.__init__( self, name, **kwargs )
+        self.dir = '/tmp/%s' % self.name
+        # Satisfy pylint
+        self.ONOS_HOME = '/tmp'
+    # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+    def start( self, env ):
+        """Start ONOS on node
+           env: environment var dict"""
+        env = dict( env )
+        self.cmd( 'rm -rf', self.dir )
+        self.ONOS_HOME = unpackONOS( self.dir )
+        env.update( ONOS_HOME=self.ONOS_HOME )
+        self.updateEnv( env )
+        karafbin = glob( '%s/apache*/bin' % self.ONOS_HOME )[ 0 ]
+        onosbin = join( ONOS_ROOT, 'tools/test/bin' )
+        self.cmd( 'export PATH=%s:%s:$PATH' % ( onosbin, karafbin ) )
+        self.cmd( 'cd', self.ONOS_HOME )
+        self.cmd( 'mkdir -p config && '
+                  'onos-gen-partitions config/cluster.json' )
+        info( '(starting %s)' % self )
+        service = join( self.ONOS_HOME, 'bin/onos-service' )
+        self.cmd( service, 'server 1>../onos.log 2>../onos.log &' )
+        self.cmd( 'echo $! > onos.pid' )
+    # pylint: enable=arguments-differ
+    def stop( self ):
+        # XXX This will kill all karafs - too bad!
+        self.cmd( 'pkill -HUP -f karaf.jar && wait' )
+        self.cmd( 'rm -rf', self.dir )
+    def waitStarted( self ):
+        "Wait until we've really started"
+        info( '(checking: karaf' )
+        while True:
+            status = self.cmd( 'karaf status' ).lower()
+            if 'running' in status and 'not running' not in status:
+                break
+            info( '.' )
+            time.sleep( 1 )
+        info( ' ssh-port' )
+        waitListening( client=self, server=self, port=8101 )
+        info( ' openflow-port' )
+        waitListening( server=self, port=6653 )
+        info( ' client' )
+        while True:
+            result = quietRun( 'echo apps -a | %s -h %s' % ( self.client, self.IP() ),
+                               shell=True )
+            if 'openflow' in result:
+                break
+            info( '.' )
+            time.sleep( 1 )
+        info( ')\n' )
+    def updateEnv( self, envDict ):
+        "Update environment variables"
+        cmd = ';'.join( 'export %s="%s"' % ( var, val )
+                        for var, val in envDict.iteritems() )
+        self.cmd( cmd )
+class ONOSCluster( Controller ):
+    "ONOS Cluster"
+    def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
+        """name: (first parameter)
+           *args: topology class parameters
+           ipBase: IP range for ONOS nodes
+           topo: topology class or instance
+           **kwargs: additional topology parameters"""
+        args = list( args )
+        name = args.pop( 0 )
+        topo = kwargs.pop( 'topo', None )
+        # Default: single switch with 1 ONOS node
+        if not topo:
+            topo = SingleSwitchTopo
+            if not args:
+                args = ( 1, )
+        if not isinstance( topo, Topo ):
+            topo = RenamedTopo( topo, *args, hnew='onos', **kwargs )
+        ipBase = kwargs.pop( 'ipbase', '' )
+        super( ONOSCluster, self ).__init__( name, inNamespace=False )
+        fixIPTables()
+        self.env = initONOSEnv()
+        self.net = Mininet( topo=topo, ipBase=ipBase,
+                            host=ONOSNode, switch=LinuxBridge,
+                            controller=None )
+        self.net.addNAT().configDefault()
+        updateNodeIPs( self.env, self.nodes() )
+        self._remoteControllers = []
+    def start( self ):
+        "Start up ONOS cluster"
+        killprocs( 'karaf.jar' )
+        info( '*** ONOS_APPS = %s\n' % ONOS_APPS )
+        self.net.start()
+        for node in self.nodes():
+            node.start( self.env )
+        info( '\n' )
+        self.waitStarted()
+        return
+    def waitStarted( self ):
+        "Wait until all nodes have started"
+        startTime = time.time()
+        for node in self.nodes():
+            info( node )
+            node.waitStarted()
+        info( '*** Waited %.2f seconds for ONOS startup' % ( time.time() - startTime ) )
+    def stop( self ):
+        "Shut down ONOS cluster"
+        for node in self.nodes():
+            node.stop()
+        self.net.stop()
+    def nodes( self ):
+        "Return list of ONOS nodes"
+        return [ h for h in self.net.hosts if isinstance( h, ONOSNode ) ]
+class ONOSSwitchMixin( object ):
+    "Mixin for switches that connect to an ONOSCluster"
+    def start( self, controllers ):
+        "Connect to ONOSCluster"
+        self.controllers = controllers
+        assert ( len( controllers ) is 1 and
+                 isinstance( controllers[ 0 ], ONOSCluster ) )
+        clist = controllers[ 0 ].nodes()
+        return super( ONOSSwitchMixin, self ).start( clist )
+class ONOSOVSSwitch( ONOSSwitchMixin, OVSSwitch ):
+    "OVSSwitch that can connect to an ONOSCluster"
+    pass
+class ONOSUserSwitch( ONOSSwitchMixin, UserSwitch):
+    "UserSwitch that can connect to an ONOSCluster"
+    pass
+### Ugly utility routines
+def fixIPTables():
+    "Fix LinuxBridge warning"
+    for s in 'arp', 'ip', 'ip6':
+        quietRun( 'sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-%stables=0' % s )
+### Test code
+def test( serverCount ):
+    "Test this setup"
+    setLogLevel( 'info' )
+    net = Mininet( topo=SingleSwitchTopo( 3 ),
+                   controller=[ ONOSCluster( 'c0', serverCount ) ],
+                   switch=ONOSOVSSwitch )
+    net.start()
+    net.waitConnected()
+    CLI( net )
+    net.stop()
+### CLI Extensions
+class ONOSCLI( OldCLI ):
+    "CLI Extensions for ONOS"
+    prompt = 'mininet-onos> '
+    def __init__( self, net, **kwargs ):
+        c0 = net.controllers[ 0 ]
+        if isinstance( c0, ONOSCluster ):
+            net = MininetFacade( net, cnet=c0.net )
+        OldCLI.__init__( self, net, **kwargs )
+    def do_onos( self, line ):
+        "Send command to ONOS CLI"
+        c0 = self.mn.controllers[ 0 ]
+        if isinstance( c0, ONOSCluster ):
+            # cmdLoop strips off command name 'onos'
+            if line.startswith( ':' ):
+                line = 'onos' + line
+            cmd = 'onos1 client -h onos1 ' + line
+            quietRun( 'stty -echo' )
+            self.default( cmd )
+            quietRun( 'stty echo' )
+    def do_wait( self, line ):
+        "Wait for switches to connect"
+        self.mn.waitConnected()
+    def do_balance( self, line ):
+        "Balance switch mastership"
+        self.do_onos( ':balance-masters' )
+    def do_log( self, line ):
+        "Run tail -f /tmp/onos1/log on onos1; press control-C to stop"
+        self.default( 'onos1 tail -f /tmp/onos1/log' )
+### Exports for bin/mn
+controllers = { 'onos': ONOSCluster, 'default': ONOSCluster }
+# XXX Hack to change default controller as above doesn't work
+findController = lambda: ONOSCluster
+switches = { 'onos': ONOSOVSSwitch,
+             'onosovs': ONOSOVSSwitch,
+             'onosuser': ONOSUserSwitch,
+             'default': ONOSOVSSwitch }
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    if len( argv ) != 2:
+        test( 3 )
+    else:
+        test( int( argv[ 1 ] ) )