This directory contains files necessary to build and provision a VM to test and develop ONOS support for P4 Runtime.
For more information on P4 support in ONOS please visit the following web page:
This document contains also instructions on how to download a pre-built VM.
The VM is based on Ubuntu 16.04 (server) and contains the following software:
It is possible to generate a variant of the VM to be used during tutorials. This version of the VM comes with a Lubuntu desktop environment and various code editors with P4 syntax highlighting (vim, Sublime Text, and Atom).
The VM is configured with 4 GB of RAM and 2 CPU cores (4 cores for the tutorial variant), while the disk has size of approx. 8 GB. For a flawless experience we recommend running the VM on a host system that has at least the double of resources.
These are the recommended minimum requirements to be able to run a Mininet network with 1-10 BMv2 devices controlled by 1 ONOS instance. To emulate larger networks with multiple instances of ONOS (for example using
), we recommend configuring the VM to use at least 4 CPU cores.
To modify the VM configuration you can either modify the Vagrantfile (look for vb.cpus
) before starting the build process, or use the VirtualBox VM settings after you have imported the pre-built VM.
Building the VM takes around 30-50 minutes, depending on your Internet connection speed. If you would rather not wait, you can use the following link to download an Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) package to be imported using VirtualBox or any other x86 virtualization system that supports this format.
Pre-built OVA package (approx. 3.5 GB):
The tutorial variant of the OVA package can be found here (approx 5.5 GB):
The VM comes with one user with sudo privileges named sdn
with password rocks
. Use these credentials to log in the guest Ubuntu system.
To build the VM you will need the following software installed in your host machine:
Optionally, to export the VM as an OVA package you will also need sshpass.
The VM can be generated locally using Vagrant. In a terminal window type:
cd $ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/p4vm vagrant up
Once Vagrant has provisioned the VM, you can access to it using the vagrant ssh
command. However, this command will log in to the guest Ubuntu shell with the default vagrant
user. To use ONOS and the other P4 tools, we suggest using the sdn
user. Once you are able to access the VM using vagrant ssh
, use the following command to switch to the sdn
sudo su sdn
It is possible to generate an OVA package to distribute a pre-built VM. To generate the OVA file, in a terminal window type the following commands:
cd $ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/p4vm ./
This script will:
.The generated OVA file will have size of approx. 3.5-4 GB.
To build the tutorial VM, simply set the environment variable P4_VM_TYPE
to tutorial
before building.
For example:
P4_VM_TYPE=tutorial vagrant up
In alternative, to generate the OVA package:
P4_VM_TYPE=tutorial ./