[Hummingbird - ONOS4647] Check for the standard l3vpn yang

Change-Id: I3008b9da2ed61c8902789abd064b8f77dfa73245
diff --git a/src/test/resources/ietfyang/l3vpnservice/ietf-sd-onos-service-types.yang b/src/test/resources/ietfyang/l3vpnservice/ietf-sd-onos-service-types.yang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fd7700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/resources/ietfyang/l3vpnservice/ietf-sd-onos-service-types.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
+   module ietf-sd-onos-service-types {
+       namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-sd-onos-service-types";
+       prefix service-types ;
+       import ietf-inet-types {prefix inet; }
+       import ietf-sd-onos-common-types {prefix  types;}
+     organization "";
+     contact "";
+     description
+       "Defines basic service types for L3VPN service.";
+     revision "2015-12-16" {
+       reference "";
+     }
+       typedef exp {
+           type enumeration {
+               enum BE {
+                   value 0 ;
+                   description "BE." ;
+               }
+               enum AF1 {
+                   value 1 ;
+                   description "AF1." ;
+               }
+               enum AF2 {
+                   value 2 ;
+                   description "AF2." ;
+               }
+               enum AF3 {
+                   value 3 ;
+                   description "AF3." ;
+               }
+               enum AF4 {
+                   value 4 ;
+                   description "AF4." ;
+               }
+               enum EF {
+                   value 5 ;
+                   description "EF." ;
+               }
+               enum CS6 {
+                   value 6 ;
+                   description "CS6." ;
+               }
+               enum CS7 {
+                   value 7 ;
+                   description "CS7." ;
+               }
+           }
+           default CS7;
+           description
+             "exp parameter.";
+       }
+       typedef pw-role{
+           type enumeration {
+               enum normal{
+                   value 0 ;
+                   description "normal." ;
+               }
+               enum master {
+                   value 1 ;
+                   description "master." ;
+               }
+               enum slave {
+                   value 2 ;
+                   description "slave." ;
+               }
+               enum DNI-PW {
+                   value 3 ;
+                   description "DNI PW." ;
+               }
+           }
+           default normal;
+           description
+             "The role of the PW.";
+       }
+       grouping qos-if-car {
+           description "qos parameter." ;
+         list qos-if-car {
+       key "direction";
+           description "cars qos policy." ;
+           leaf direction {
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum inbound{
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "inbound." ;
+                   }
+                   enum outbound {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "outbound." ;
+                   }
+               }
+        description "qos for interface car" ;
+           }
+           leaf cir {
+               type int32;
+          description "forward CIR. unit:Kbps" ;
+           }
+           leaf pir {
+               type int32;
+          description "forward PIR. unit:Kbps" ;
+           }
+           leaf cbs {
+               type int32;
+          description "forward CBS. unit:Kbps" ;
+           }
+           leaf pbs {
+               type int32;
+          description "forward PBS. unit:Kbps" ;
+           }
+        }
+       }
+       grouping protect-policy {
+           description "The protect policy of the VPN" ;
+           leaf protect-type {
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum unprotected {
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "unprotected." ;
+                   }
+                   enum protected {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "protection." ;
+                   }
+               }
+               default unprotected ;
+          description "protection type" ;
+           }
+           leaf revertive-type {
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum no-revertive {
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "unprotected." ;
+                   }
+                   enum revertive {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "protection." ;
+                   }
+               }
+          description "revertive mode" ;
+           }
+           leaf wtr {
+               type uint32;
+               default 300;
+          description "WTR.unit:s" ;
+           }
+       }
+       grouping oam-policy {
+         description "The oam policy of the vpn service." ;
+           leaf detect-type {
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum undetect {
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "unprotected." ;
+                   }
+                   enum APS {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "protection." ;
+                   }
+                   enum BFD {
+                       value 2 ;
+                       description "unprotected." ;
+                   }
+               }
+          description "detect type" ;
+           }
+           container bfd-detect-para {
+          description "bfd detect parameters." ;
+               leaf ingress-discriminator {
+                   type int32;
+            description "ingress-discriminator" ;
+               }
+               leaf egress-discriminator {
+                   type int32;
+            description "egress-discriminator" ;
+               }
+               leaf tx-interval {
+                   type int32;
+            description "tx-interval" ;
+               }
+               leaf rx-interval {
+                   type int32;
+            description "rx-interval" ;
+               }
+               leaf detect-interval {
+                   type int32;
+            description "detect-interval" ;
+              }
+           }
+       }
+       grouping ac {
+        description "Access information." ;
+           leaf id{
+               type string;
+          mandatory true;
+          description "ac id." ;
+           }
+           leaf name{
+               type string;
+          config false;
+          description "ac name." ;
+           }
+           leaf ne-id {
+               type string ;
+            mandatory true;
+            description "ne id." ;
+           }
+           leaf ltp-id {
+               type string ;
+               mandatory true;
+               description "ltp id." ;
+           }
+           leaf admin-status {
+                                     type types:admin-status;
+               description "Administration status." ;
+           }
+           leaf operate-status {
+              type types:operate-status;
+              description "Operation status." ;
+           }
+           container l2-access {
+               description "link layer access information of ac." ;
+               uses l2-access;
+           }
+           leaf role {
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum master {
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "master." ;
+                   }
+                   enum slave {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "slave." ;
+                   }
+                   enum hub {
+                       value 2 ;
+                       description "slave." ;
+                   }
+                   enum spoke {
+                       value 3 ;
+                       description "slave." ;
+                   }
+               }
+               default master;
+          description "role of snc lsp." ;
+           }
+           container qos-policy {
+          description "The qos policy of the vpn service." ;
+               container qos-if-cars {
+             description "qos policy if car." ;
+                   list qos-if-car {
+                     //key "direction";
+                     uses qos-if-car;
+             description "List of qos parameters." ;
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+       }
+       grouping l3-ac {
+        description "Access information of l3vpn." ;
+       list access-circuit {
+           key "id";
+           description "list of access circuit." ;
+           uses ac;
+           container connection {
+               description "connection information of ac." ;
+               uses connection;
+           }
+        }
+       }
+       grouping l2-access {
+        description "Access information of l2vpn." ;
+           leaf access-type{
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum Port {
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "master." ;
+                   }
+                   enum Dot1Q {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "slave." ;
+                   }
+                   enum QinQ {
+                       value 2 ;
+                       description "master." ;
+                   }
+               }
+        mandatory true;
+        description "The access type of the vpn service." ;
+           }
+           leaf dot1q-vlan-bitmap {
+               type string;
+          mandatory true;
+               description "Dot1Q Vlan Bitmap." ;
+           }
+           leaf qinq-svlan-bitmap {
+               type string;
+          mandatory true;
+               description "QinQ svlan Bitmap." ;
+           }
+           leaf qinq-cvlan-bitmap {
+               type string;
+          mandatory true;
+               description "QinQ cvlan Bitmap." ;
+           }
+           leaf access-action {
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum Keep {
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "keep." ;
+                   }
+                   enum Push {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "push." ;
+                   }
+                   enum Pop {
+                       value 2 ;
+                       description "pop." ;
+                   }
+                   enum Swap {
+                       value 3 ;
+                       description "swap." ;
+                   }
+               }
+          mandatory true;
+               description "access type." ;
+           }
+           leaf action-vlan-id {
+               type int32 {
+                   range "1..4094";
+               }
+          description "action vlan id." ;
+           }
+       }
+       grouping connection {
+           description "Describe the connection of the vpn service." ;
+           leaf ip-address {
+               type inet:ip-address ;
+          description "ip address of access circuit's connection." ;
+           }
+           leaf mask-length {
+               type int32 {
+                   range "1..32";
+               }
+          description "mask length of ip address." ;
+           }
+           leaf protocols {
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum static {
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "static." ;
+                   }
+                   enum ospf {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "ospf." ;
+                   }
+                   enum isis {
+                       value 2 ;
+                       description "bgp" ;
+                   }
+                   enum bgp {
+                       value 3 ;
+                       description "bgp" ;
+                   }
+               }
+        description "protocols between PE and CE." ;
+           }
+           container static-routes {
+          description "Defines the static routes." ;
+               list static-route {
+              key "ip-prefix mask-length";
+              description "List of static route." ;
+                   leaf ip-prefix {
+                       type inet:ipv4-address;
+               description "ip prefix" ;
+                   }
+                   leaf mask-length {
+                       type uint32 {
+                            range "1..32";
+                       }
+              description "mast length" ;
+                   }
+                   leaf next-hop {
+                       type inet:ipv4-address ;
+               description "next hop" ;
+                   }
+                   leaf preference {
+                       type uint32 {
+                           range "1..65535";
+                       }
+              description "preference of the route." ;
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+       }
+       grouping pw{
+           description "PW definition ";
+           leaf id {
+               type string ;
+          description "ID of pw." ;
+           }
+           uses encaplate-type-grouping;
+           leaf ingress-ne-id {
+               type string ;
+          description "ingress ne id." ;
+           }
+           leaf egress-ne-id {
+               type string ;
+          description "egress ne id." ;
+           }
+           leaf ctrl-word-support {
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum not-support {
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "pw doesn't support control word" ;
+                   }
+                   enum support {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "pw supports control word" ;
+                   }
+               }
+               default support;
+          description "ctrl word support. 0 : not support, 1 : support" ;
+           }
+           leaf sn-support {
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum not-support {
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "pw doesn't support control word" ;
+                   }
+                   enum support {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "pw supports control word" ;
+                   }
+               }
+               default not-support;
+          description "serial number support. 0 : not support, 1 : support" ;
+           }
+           leaf vccv-type {
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum not-support {
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "pw doesn't support vccv" ;
+                   }
+                   enum CWD {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "pw supports vccv" ;
+                   }
+                   enum Label-alert {
+                       value 2 ;
+                       description "pw supports vccv" ;
+                   }
+                   enum TTL {
+                       value 3 ;
+                       description "pw supports vccv" ;
+                   }
+                   enum CWD&Label-alert {
+                       value 4 ;
+                       description "pw supports vccv" ;
+                   }
+                   enum CWD&TTL {
+                       value 5 ;
+                       description "pw supports vccv" ;
+                   }
+                   enum Label-alert&TTL {
+                       value 6 ;
+                       description "pw supports vccv" ;
+                   }
+                   enum CWD&Label-alert&TTL {
+                       value 7 ;
+                       description "pw supports vccv" ;
+                   }
+               }
+               default not-support;
+               description "vccv type" ;
+           }
+           leaf conn-ack-type {
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum not-support {
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "pw doesn't support connection ack" ;
+                   }
+                   enum support {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "pw supports connection ack" ;
+                   }
+               }
+               default not-support;
+               description "Connectivity test type" ;
+           }
+           container tunnels {
+               description "Define tunnels." ;
+               list tunnel{
+                   key "tunnel-id";
+                   description "The list of tunnel id." ;
+                   uses tunnel;
+               }
+           }
+       }
+       grouping tunnel {
+           description "Reusable entity of tunnel." ;
+           leaf tunnel-id {
+               type string ;
+               description "ID of tunnel." ;
+           }
+       }
+       grouping encaplate-type-grouping {
+           description "encaplate type" ;
+           leaf encaplate-type {
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum NONE {
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "none." ;
+                   }
+                   enum fr-dlci-martini {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "fr-dlci-martini." ;
+                   }
+                   enum atm-aal5-sdu {
+                       value 2 ;
+                       description "atm-aal5-sdu." ;
+                   }
+                   enum atm-transparent {
+                       value 3 ;
+                       description "atm-transparent." ;
+                   }
+                   enum ethernet-vlan {
+                       value 4 ;
+                       description "ethernet-vlan." ;
+                   }
+                   enum ethernet  {
+                       value 5 ;
+                       description "ethernet ." ;
+                   }
+                   enum  hdlc {
+                       value 6 ;
+                       description " hdlc." ;
+                   }
+                   enum ppp {
+                       value 7 ;
+                       description "ppp." ;
+                   }
+                   enum cep-mpls {
+                       value 8 ;
+                       description " cep-mpls." ;
+                   }
+                   enum atm-ntol {
+                       value 9 ;
+                       description "atm-ntol." ;
+                   }
+                   enum atm-nto1-vpc {
+                       value 10 ;
+                       description "atm-nto1-vpc." ;
+                   }
+                   enum ip-layer2 {
+                       value 11 ;
+                       description " ip-layer2." ;
+                   }
+                   enum atm-1to1-vcc {
+                       value 12 ;
+                       description "atm-1to1-vcc." ;
+                   }
+                   enum atm-1to1-vpc {
+                       value 13 ;
+                       description "atm-1to1-vpc." ;
+                   }
+                   enum atm-aal5-pdu {
+                       value 14 ;
+                       description "atm-aal5-pdu." ;
+                   }
+                   enum fr-port {
+                       value 15 ;
+                       description "fr-port." ;
+                   }
+                   enum cep-packet {
+                       value 16 ;
+                       description "cep-packet." ;
+                   }
+                   enum e1 {
+                       value 17 ;
+                       description "e1." ;
+                   }
+                    enum t1 {
+                       value 18 ;
+                       description "t1." ;
+                   }
+                   enum e3 {
+                       value 19 ;
+                       description "e3." ;
+                   }
+                   enum t3 {
+                       value 20 ;
+                       description " t3." ;
+                   }
+                   enum cesopsn-basic {
+                       value 21 ;
+                       description "cesopsn-basic." ;
+                   }
+                   enum tdmoip-aal1 {
+                       value 22 ;
+                       description "tdmoip-aal1." ;
+                   }
+                   enum cesopsn-tdm {
+                       value 23 ;
+                       description "cesopsn-tdm." ;
+                   }
+                   enum tdmoip-aal2 {
+                       value 24 ;
+                       description "tdmoip-aal2." ;
+                   }
+                   enum fr-dlci {
+                       value 25 ;
+                       description "fr-dlci." ;
+                   }
+               }
+          description "encaplate type." ;
+           }
+       }
+       grouping pw-trail{
+       description "pw trail information." ;
+           leaf id {
+               type string ;
+          description "ID of pw-trail." ;
+           }
+           leaf role {
+               type pw-role;
+          description "role of pw-trail." ;
+            }
+           container pw-lists {
+          description "List of pw information." ;
+               list pw-list {
+                    key id;
+             description "List of pw information." ;
+                    uses pw ;
+               }
+           }
+       }
+       grouping tunnel-service {
+           description "Reusable entity of tunnel service." ;
+           leaf signaling-type {
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum RSVP-TE {
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "RSVP-TE" ;
+                   }
+                   enum LDP {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "LDP" ;
+                   }
+                   enum GRE {
+                       value 2 ;
+                       description "GRE" ;
+                   }
+                   enum SR-BE {
+                       value 3 ;
+                       description "SR-BE" ;
+                   }
+                   enum SR-TE {
+                       value 4 ;
+                       description "SR-TE" ;
+                   }
+               }
+               default RSVP-TE;
+          description "signaling type." ;
+           }
+           leaf tunnel-mode {
+               type enumeration {
+                   enum Nto1 {
+                       value 0 ;
+                       description "multi service one tunnel" ;
+                   }
+                   enum 1to1 {
+                       value 1 ;
+                       description "oner service one tunnel" ;
+                   }
+               }
+               default Nto1;
+          description "service to tunnel mode." ;
+           }
+           container protect-policy {
+          description "Protect policy." ;
+               uses protect-policy;
+           }
+           container oam-policy {
+          description "oam policy." ;
+               uses oam-policy;
+           }
+           leaf latency {
+               type int32;
+          description "tunnel latency requirement." ;
+           }
+       }
+       grouping service-path {
+           description "Service path of l3vpn." ;
+         list service-path{
+          key "service-id source-ne-id source-ac-id destination-ne-id destination-ac-id";
+        description
+         "The list of service path.";
+           leaf service-id {
+               type string ;
+          description "l2vpn or l3vpn service id." ;
+           }
+           leaf source-ne-id {
+               type string ;
+          description "source ne id." ;
+           }
+           leaf source-ac-id {
+               type string ;
+          description "source ltp id." ;
+           }
+           leaf destination-ne-id {
+               type string ;
+          description "destination ne id." ;
+           }
+           leaf destination-ac-id {
+               type string ;
+          description "destination ltp id." ;
+           }
+           container path-lists{
+          description "The path list of service path." ;
+               list path-list {
+                   key "path-layer path-role";
+               description "The path list of service path." ;
+                   leaf path-layer {
+                       type enumeration {
+                           enum PW {
+                               value 0 ;
+                               description "pw path." ;
+                           }
+                           enum BGP-LSP {
+                               value 1 ;
+                               description "BGP-LSP Path." ;
+                           }
+                           enum LSP {
+                               value 2 ;
+                               description "LSP Path." ;
+                           }
+                       }
+               description "path type. 0 : PW, 1 : BGP-LSP, 2 : PW" ;
+                   }
+                   leaf path-role {
+                       type enumeration {
+                           enum Primary {
+                               value 0 ;
+                               description "master path." ;
+                           }
+                           enum Backup {
+                               value 1 ;
+                               description "backup path." ;
+                           }
+                           enum Active {
+                               value 2 ;
+                               description "active path." ;
+                           }
+                       }
+                description "path role.. 0 : master, 1 : backup, 2 :
+   Bypass." ;
+                   }
+                   container paths {
+               description "path definition." ;
+                       list path {
+                           key "ne-id";
+                   description "Network element id list." ;
+                           leaf ne-id {
+                              type string;
+                   description "Network element id." ;
+                           }
+                           leaf ingress-ltp-id {
+                              type string;
+                   description "ingress ltd id." ;
+                           }
+                           leaf backward-peer-id {
+                              type string;
+                   description "backward peer id." ;
+                           }
+                           leaf egress-ltp-id {
+                              type string;
+                   description "egress ltd id." ;
+                           }
+                           leaf forward-peer-id {
+                              type string;
+                   description "forward peer id." ;
+                           }
+                       }
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+       }
+     }
+   }