Initial import

LoxiGen is the work of several developers, not just myself.
diff --git a/py_gen/templates/ b/py_gen/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71a2871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/py_gen/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+:: # Copyright 2013, Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+:: #
+:: # LoxiGen is licensed under the Eclipse Public License, version 1.0 (EPL), with
+:: # the following special exception:
+:: #
+:: # LOXI Exception
+:: #
+:: # As a special exception to the terms of the EPL, you may distribute libraries
+:: # generated by LoxiGen (LoxiGen Libraries) under the terms of your choice, provided
+:: # that copyright and licensing notices generated by LoxiGen are not altered or removed
+:: # from the LoxiGen Libraries and the notice provided below is (i) included in
+:: # the LoxiGen Libraries, if distributed in source code form and (ii) included in any
+:: # documentation for the LoxiGen Libraries, if distributed in binary form.
+:: #
+:: # Notice: "Copyright 2013, Big Switch Networks, Inc. This library was generated by the LoxiGen Compiler."
+:: #
+:: # You may not use this file except in compliance with the EPL or LOXI Exception. You may obtain
+:: # a copy of the EPL at:
+:: #
+:: # http:::
+:: #
+:: # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+:: # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+:: # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+:: # EPL for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+:: # under the EPL.
+:: import itertools
+:: include('')
+:: include('')
+import struct
+import loxi
+import const
+import common
+import action # for unpack_list
+import util
+class Message(object):
+    version = const.OFP_VERSION
+    type = None # override in subclass
+    xid = None
+:: for ofclass in ofclasses:
+:: nonskip_members = [m for m in ofclass.members if not m.skip]
+class ${ofclass.pyname}(Message):
+:: for m in ofclass.type_members:
+    ${} = ${m.value}
+:: #endfor
+    def __init__(self, ${', '.join(["%s=None" % for m in nonskip_members])}):
+        self.xid = xid
+:: for m in [x for x in nonskip_members if != 'xid']:
+        if ${} != None:
+            self.${} = ${}
+        else:
+            self.${} = ${m.oftype.gen_init_expr()}
+:: #endfor
+    def pack(self):
+        packed = []
+:: if == 'of_packet_out':
+:: include('', ofclass=ofclass)
+:: else:
+:: include('', ofclass=ofclass)
+:: #endif
+        return ''.join(packed)
+    @staticmethod
+    def unpack(buf):
+        if len(buf) < 8: raise loxi.ProtocolError("buffer too short to contain an OpenFlow message")
+        obj = ${ofclass.pyname}()
+:: if == 'of_packet_out':
+:: include('', ofclass=ofclass)
+:: else:
+:: include('', ofclass=ofclass)
+:: #endif
+        return obj
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if type(self) != type(other): return False
+        if self.version != other.version: return False
+        if self.type != other.type: return False
+:: for m in nonskip_members:
+        if self.${} != other.${}: return False
+:: #endfor
+        return True
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return not self.__eq__(other)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return
+    def show(self):
+        import loxi.pp
+        return loxi.pp.pp(self)
+    def pretty_print(self, q):
+:: include('', ofclass=ofclass)
+:: #endfor
+def parse_header(buf):
+    if len(buf) < 8:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("too short to be an OpenFlow message")
+    return struct.unpack_from("!BBHL", buf)
+def parse_message(buf):
+    msg_ver, msg_type, msg_len, msg_xid = parse_header(buf)
+    if msg_ver != const.OFP_VERSION and msg_type != ofp.OFPT_HELLO:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("wrong OpenFlow version")
+    if len(buf) != msg_len:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("incorrect message size")
+    if msg_type in parsers:
+        return parsers[msg_type](buf)
+    else:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected message type")
+:: # TODO fix for OF 1.1+
+def parse_flow_mod(buf):
+    if len(buf) < 56 + 2:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("message too short")
+    cmd, = struct.unpack_from("!H", buf, 56)
+    if cmd in flow_mod_parsers:
+        return flow_mod_parsers[cmd](buf)
+    else:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected flow mod cmd %u" % cmd)
+def parse_stats_reply(buf):
+    if len(buf) < 8 + 2:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("message too short")
+    stats_type, = struct.unpack_from("!H", buf, 8)
+    if stats_type in stats_reply_parsers:
+        return stats_reply_parsers[stats_type](buf)
+    else:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected stats type %u" % stats_type)
+def parse_stats_request(buf):
+    if len(buf) < 8 + 2:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("message too short")
+    stats_type, = struct.unpack_from("!H", buf, 8)
+    if stats_type in stats_request_parsers:
+        return stats_request_parsers[stats_type](buf)
+    else:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected stats type %u" % stats_type)
+def parse_vendor(buf):
+    if len(buf) < 16:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("experimenter message too short")
+    experimenter, = struct.unpack_from("!L", buf, 8)
+    if experimenter == 0x005c16c7: # Big Switch Networks
+        subtype, = struct.unpack_from("!L", buf, 12)
+    elif experimenter == 0x00002320: # Nicira
+        subtype, = struct.unpack_from("!L", buf, 12)
+    else:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected experimenter id %#x" % experimenter)
+    if subtype in experimenter_parsers[experimenter]:
+        return experimenter_parsers[experimenter][subtype](buf)
+    else:
+        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected experimenter %#x subtype %#x" % (experimenter, subtype))
+parsers = {
+:: sort_key = lambda x: x.type_members[1].value
+:: msgtype_groups = itertools.groupby(sorted(ofclasses, key=sort_key), sort_key)
+:: for (k, v) in msgtype_groups:
+:: v = list(v)
+:: if len(v) == 1:
+    ${k} : ${v[0].pyname}.unpack,
+:: else:
+    ${k} : parse_${k[11:].lower()},
+:: #endif
+:: #endfor
+flow_mod_parsers = {
+    const.OFPFC_ADD : flow_add.unpack,
+    const.OFPFC_MODIFY : flow_modify.unpack,
+    const.OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT : flow_modify_strict.unpack,
+    const.OFPFC_DELETE : flow_delete.unpack,
+    const.OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT : flow_delete_strict.unpack,
+stats_reply_parsers = {
+    const.OFPST_DESC : desc_stats_reply.unpack,
+    const.OFPST_FLOW : flow_stats_reply.unpack,
+    const.OFPST_AGGREGATE : aggregate_stats_reply.unpack,
+    const.OFPST_TABLE : table_stats_reply.unpack,
+    const.OFPST_PORT : port_stats_reply.unpack,
+    const.OFPST_QUEUE : queue_stats_reply.unpack,
+    const.OFPST_VENDOR : experimenter_stats_reply.unpack,
+stats_request_parsers = {
+    const.OFPST_DESC : desc_stats_request.unpack,
+    const.OFPST_FLOW : flow_stats_request.unpack,
+    const.OFPST_AGGREGATE : aggregate_stats_request.unpack,
+    const.OFPST_TABLE : table_stats_request.unpack,
+    const.OFPST_PORT : port_stats_request.unpack,
+    const.OFPST_QUEUE : queue_stats_request.unpack,
+    const.OFPST_VENDOR : experimenter_stats_request.unpack,
+:: experimenter_ofclasses = [x for x in ofclasses if x.type_members[1].value == 'const.OFPT_VENDOR']
+:: sort_key = lambda x: x.type_members[2].value
+:: experimenter_ofclasses.sort(key=sort_key)
+:: grouped = itertools.groupby(experimenter_ofclasses, sort_key)
+experimenter_parsers = {
+:: for (experimenter, v) in grouped:
+    ${experimenter} : {
+:: for ofclass in v:
+        ${ofclass.type_members[3].value}: ${ofclass.pyname}.unpack,
+:: #endfor
+    },
+:: #endfor