loci: remove dead code
diff --git a/c_gen/build_of_g.py b/c_gen/build_of_g.py
index 85be353..41d8ab2 100755
--- a/c_gen/build_of_g.py
+++ b/c_gen/build_of_g.py
@@ -286,10 +286,6 @@
for cls in of_g.ordered_list_objects:
of_g.unified[cls]["object_id"] = of_g.object_id
of_g.object_id += 1
- for cls in of_g.ordered_pseudo_objects:
- of_g.unified[cls] = {}
- of_g.unified[cls]["object_id"] = of_g.object_id
- of_g.object_id += 1
def initialize_versions():
@@ -471,70 +467,3 @@
classes = versions[version]["classes"]
for cls in of_g.ordered_classes[wire_version]:
add_class(wire_version, cls, classes[cls])
-def log_all_class_info():
- """
- Log the results of processing the input
- Debug function
- """
- for cls in of_g.unified:
- for v in of_g.unified[cls]:
- if type(v) == type(0):
- log("cls: %s. ver: %d. base len %d. %s" %
- (str(cls), v, of_g.base_length[(cls, v)],
- loxi_utils.class_is_var_len(cls,v) and "not fixed"
- or "fixed"))
- if "use_version" in of_g.unified[cls][v]:
- log("cls %s: v %d mapped to %d" % (str(cls), v,
- of_g.unified[cls][v]["use_version"]))
- if "members" in of_g.unified[cls][v]:
- for member in of_g.unified[cls][v]["members"]:
- log(" %-20s: type %-20s. offset %3d" %
- (member["name"], member["m_type"],
- member["offset"]))
-def generate_all_files():
- """
- Create the files for the language target
- """
- for (name, fn) in lang_module.targets.items():
- path = of_g.options.install_dir + '/' + name
- os.system("mkdir -p %s" % os.path.dirname(path))
- with open(path, "w") as outfile:
- fn(outfile, os.path.basename(name))
- print("Wrote contents for " + name)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- of_g.loxigen_log_file = open("loxigen.log", "w")
- of_g.loxigen_dbg_file = sys.stdout
- of_g.process_commandline()
- # @fixme Use command line params to select log
- if not config_sanity_check():
- debug("Config sanity check failed\n")
- sys.exit(1)
- # Import the language file
- lang_file = "lang_%s" % of_g.options.lang
- lang_module = __import__(lang_file)
- # If list files, just list auto-gen files to stdout and exit
- if of_g.options.list_files:
- for name in lang_module.targets:
- print of_g.options.install_dir + '/' + name
- sys.exit(0)
- log("\nGenerating files for target language %s\n" % of_g.options.lang)
- initialize_versions()
- read_input()
- populate_type_maps()
- analyze_input()
- unify_input()
- order_and_assign_object_ids()
- log_all_class_info()
- generate_all_files()
diff --git a/c_gen/c_code_gen.py b/c_gen/c_code_gen.py
index 91bd07f..4f5ee7f 100644
--- a/c_gen/c_code_gen.py
+++ b/c_gen/c_code_gen.py
@@ -306,20 +306,6 @@
log("Generated %d identifiers" % (count - 1))
out.write("\n#endif /* Loci identifiers header file */\n")
-def base_h_external(out, filename):
- """
- Copy contents of external file to base header
- The contents of the filename are copied literally into the
- out file handler. This allows openflow common defines to
- be entered into the LoxiGen code base. The content of this
- code must depend only on standard C headers.
- """
- infile = open(filename, "r")
- contents = infile.read()
- out.write(contents)
- infile.close()
def match_h_gen(out, name):
Generate code for
@@ -330,7 +316,6 @@
-# c_match.gen_match_accessors(out)
out.write("\n#endif /* Match header file */\n")
def top_h_gen(out, name):
@@ -909,12 +894,6 @@
last = of_g.unified[cls]["object_id"]
- out.write("\n /* Generic stats request/reply types; pseudo objects */\n")
- for cls in of_g.ordered_pseudo_objects:
- out.write(" %s = %d,\n" % (enum_name(cls),
- of_g.unified[cls]["object_id"]))
- last = of_g.unified[cls]["object_id"]
} of_object_id_t;
@@ -1038,23 +1017,6 @@
return params
-def typed_function_base(cls, m_name):
- """
- Generate the core name for accessors based on the type
- @param cls The class name
- @param m_name The member name
- """
- (m_type, get_rv) = get_acc_rv(cls, m_name)
- return "%s_%s" % (cls, m_type)
-def member_function_base(cls, m_name):
- """
- Generate the core name for accessors based on the member name
- @param cls The class name
- @param m_name The member name
- """
- return "%s_%s" % (cls, m_name)
def field_ver_get(cls, m_name):
Generate a dict, indexed by wire version, giving a pair (type, offset)
@@ -1107,13 +1069,6 @@
-def gen_of_object_defs(out):
- """
- Generate low level of_object core operations
- @param out The file for output, already open
- """
def gen_generics(out):
for (cls, subclasses) in type_maps.inheritance_map.items():
@@ -1314,58 +1269,6 @@
""" % dict(cls=cls, e_type=e_type, u_type=enum_name(e_type), len_str=len_str))
-def gen_bind(out, cls, m_name, m_type):
- """
- Generate the body of a bind function
- @param out The file to which to write
- @param cls The class name for which code is being generated
- @param m_name The name of the data member
- @param m_type The type of the data member
- """
- bparams = ",\n ".join(param_list(cls, m_name, "bind"))
- i_call = init_call(e_type, "child", "parent->version", "0", "1")
- out.write("""
- * Bind the child object to the parent object for read processing
- * @param parent The parent object
- * @param child The child object
- *
- * The child obj instance is completely initialized.
- */
-%(cls)s_%(m_name)_bind(%(cls)s_t *parent,
- %(e_type)s_t *child)
- int rv;
- %(i_call)s;
- /* Derive offset and length of child in parent */
- OF_TRY(of_object_child_attach(parent, child,
- if ((rv = of_list_first((of_object_t *)list, (of_object_t *)obj)) < 0) {
- return rv;
- }
-""" % dict(cls=cls, e_type=e_type, i_call=i_call))
- # Special case flow_stats_entry lists
- out.write("""
- rv = of_object_wire_init((of_object_t *) obj, %(u_type)s,
- list->length);
- if ((rv == OF_ERROR_NONE) && (%(len_str)s == 0)) {
- return OF_ERROR_PARSE;
- }
- return rv;
-""" % dict(cls=cls, e_type=e_type, u_type=enum_name(e_type), len_str=len_str))
def gen_list_next(out, cls, e_type):
Generate the body of a list_next operation
@@ -1994,20 +1897,6 @@
-# First, some utility functions for new/delete
-def del_function_proto(cls):
- """
- Return the prototype for the delete operator for the given class
- @param cls The class name
- """
- fn = "void\n"
- return fn
# Routines to generate the body of new/delete functions
@@ -2420,201 +2309,3 @@
""" % dict(cls=cls))
out.write("#endif /* _LOCI_DOC_H_ */\n")
-# For fun, here are some unified, traditional C structure representation
-def gen_cof_to_wire(out):
- pass
-def gen_wire_to_cof(out):
- pass
-def gen_cof_instance(out, cls):
- out.write("struct c%s_s {\n" % cls)
- for m in of_g.ordered_members[cls]:
- if m in of_g.skip_members:
- continue
- entry = of_g.unified[cls]["union"][m]
- cof_type = type_to_cof_type(entry["m_type"])
- out.write(" %-20s %s;\n" % (cof_type, m))
- out.write("};\n\n");
-def gen_cof_structs(out):
- """
- Generate non-version specific (common) representation of structures
- @param out The file to which to write the functions
- """
- out.write("\n/* Common, unified OpenFlow structure representations */\n")
- for cls in of_g.standard_class_order:
- if cls in type_maps.inheritance_map:
- continue
- gen_cof_instance(out, cls)
-# Generate code samples for applications.
-def gen_code_samples(out, name):
- out.write("""
-#if 0 /* Do not compile in */
- * @file %(name)s
- *
- * These are code samples for inclusion in other components
- */
-""" % dict(name=name))
- gen_jump_table_template(out)
- # These are messages that a switch might expect.
- msg_list = ["of_echo_request",
- "of_hello",
- "of_packet_in",
- "of_packet_out",
- "of_port_mod",
- "of_port_stats_request",
- "of_queue_get_config_request",
- "of_queue_stats_request",
- "of_flow_add",
- "of_flow_modify",
- "of_flow_modify_strict",
- "of_flow_delete",
- "of_flow_delete_strict",
- "of_get_config_request",
- "of_flow_stats_request",
- "of_barrier_request",
- "of_echo_reply",
- "of_aggregate_stats_request",
- "of_desc_stats_request",
- "of_table_stats_request",
- "of_features_request",
- "of_table_mod",
- "of_set_config",
- "of_experimenter",
- "of_experimenter_stats_request",
- "of_group_desc_stats_request",
- "of_group_features_stats_request",
- "of_role_request"]
- gen_message_handler_templates(out, msgs=msg_list)
- out.write("""
-def gen_jump_table_template(out=sys.stdout, all_unhandled=True,
- cxn_type="ls_cxn_handle_t",
- unhandled="unhandled_message"):
- """
- Generate a template for a jump table.
- @param out The file to which to write the functions
- """
- out.write("""
- * Simple jump table definition for message handling
- */
-typedef int (*msg_handler_f)(%(cxn_type)s cxn, of_object_t *obj);
-typedef msg_handler_f msg_jump_table_t[OF_MESSAGE_OBJECT_COUNT];
-/* Jump table template for message objects */
-extern msg_jump_table_t jump_table;
-/* C-code template */
-msg_jump_table_t jump_table = {
- %(unhandled)s, /* OF_OBJECT; place holder for generic object */
-""" % dict(unhandled=unhandled, cxn_type=cxn_type))
- count = 0
- fn_name = unhandled
- for cls in of_g.ordered_messages:
- comma = ","
- count += 1
- if count == len(of_g.ordered_messages):
- comma = " "
- if not all_unhandled:
- fn_name = "%s_handler" % cls[3:]
- out.write(" %s%s /* %s */\n" % (fn_name, comma, enum_name(cls)))
- out.write("};\n")
-def gen_message_switch_stmt_tmeplate(out=sys.stdout, all_unhandled=True,
- cxn_type="ls_cxn_handle_t",
- unhandled="unhandled_message"):
- out.write("""
- * Simple switch statement for message handling
- */
- switch (obj->object_id):
- fn_name = unhandled
- for cls in of_g.ordered_messages:
- if not all_unhandled:
- fn_name = "%s_handler" % cls[3:]
- out.write("""
- case %(enum)s:
- rv = %(fn_name)s(cxn, obj);
- break;
-""" % dict(fn_name=fn_name, cls=cls, enum=enum_name(cls)))
- out.write("""
- default:
- break;
- }
- TRACE("Handled msg %p with rv %d (%s)", obj, rv, ls_error_strings[rv]);
- return rv;
-def gen_message_handler_templates(out=sys.stdout, cxn_type="ls_cxn_handle_t",
- unhandled="unhandled_message", msgs=None):
- gen_jump_table_template(out, False, cxn_type)
- out.write("""
- * Function for unhandled message
- */
-static int
-unhandled_message(%(cxn_type)s cxn, of_object_t *obj)
- (void)cxn;
- (void)obj;
- TRACE("Unhandled message %%p. Object id %%d", obj, obj->object_id);
-""" % dict(unhandled=unhandled, cxn_type=cxn_type))
- if not msgs:
- msgs = of_g.ordered_messages
- for cls in msgs:
- out.write("""
- * Handle a %(s_cls)s message
- * @param cxn Connection handler for the owning connection
- * @param _obj Generic type object for the message to be coerced
- * @returns Error code
- */
-static int
-%(s_cls)s_handler(%(cxn_type)s cxn, of_object_t *_obj)
- %(cls)s_t *obj;
- TRACE("Handling %(cls)s message: %%p.", obj);
- obj = (%(cls)s_t *)_obj;
- /* Handle object of type %(cls)s_t */
- return LS_ERROR_NONE;
-""" % dict(s_cls=cls[3:], cls=cls, cxn_type=cxn_type))
- gen_message_switch_stmt_tmeplate(out, False, cxn_type)
diff --git a/c_gen/c_dump_gen.py b/c_gen/c_dump_gen.py
index a0af14e..d4a016c 100644
--- a/c_gen/c_dump_gen.py
+++ b/c_gen/c_dump_gen.py
@@ -86,9 +86,6 @@
- type_to_emitter = dict(
- )
for version in of_g.of_version_range:
for cls in of_g.standard_class_order:
if not loxi_utils.class_in_version(cls, version):
diff --git a/c_gen/c_match.py b/c_gen/c_match.py
index 3aad03e..fdb8afe 100644
--- a/c_gen/c_match.py
+++ b/c_gen/c_match.py
@@ -618,7 +618,6 @@
/* For each active member, add an OXM entry to the list */
for key in match.match_keys_sorted:
- entry = match.of_match_members[key]
if (OF_MATCH_MASK_%(ku)s_ACTIVE_TEST(src)) {
if (!OF_MATCH_MASK_%(ku)s_EXACT_TEST(src)) {
diff --git a/c_gen/c_show_gen.py b/c_gen/c_show_gen.py
index fc3edb8..9d84477 100644
--- a/c_gen/c_show_gen.py
+++ b/c_gen/c_show_gen.py
@@ -87,9 +87,6 @@
- type_to_emitter = dict(
- )
for version in of_g.of_version_range:
for cls in of_g.standard_class_order:
if not loxi_utils.class_in_version(cls, version):
diff --git a/c_gen/c_test_gen.py b/c_gen/c_test_gen.py
index a0cdca1..f0c9b0f 100644
--- a/c_gen/c_test_gen.py
+++ b/c_gen/c_test_gen.py
@@ -385,9 +385,6 @@
for version in of_g.of_version_range:
for cls in of_g.ordered_list_objects:
- if cls in type_maps.inheritance_map:
- continue
if version in of_g.unified[cls]:
extern int
@@ -693,7 +690,7 @@
# Helper function to set up a subclass instance for a test
-def setup_instance(out, cls, subcls, instance, v_name, inst_len, version):
+def setup_instance(out, cls, subcls, instance, v_name, version):
base_type = loxi_utils.list_to_entry_type(cls)
setup_template = """
%(subcls)s_init(%(inst)s, %(v_name)s, -1, 1);
@@ -710,23 +707,11 @@
for i in range(2):
out.write(setup_template %
dict(inst=instance, subcls=subcls, v_name=v_name,
- base_type=base_type, cls=cls, inst_len=inst_len,
+ base_type=base_type, cls=cls,
-def check_instance(out, cls, subcls, instance, v_name, inst_len, version, last):
- check_template = ""
- if inst_len >= 0:
- check_template = """
- TEST_ASSERT(%(inst)s->length == %(inst_len)d);
- if (loci_class_metadata[%(inst)s->object_id].wire_length_get != NULL) {
- int length;
- loci_class_metadata[%(inst)s->object_id].wire_length_get(
- (of_object_t *)&elt, &length);
- TEST_ASSERT(length == %(inst_len)d);
- }
- check_template += """
+def check_instance(out, cls, subcls, instance, v_name, version, last):
+ check_template = """
TEST_ASSERT(%(inst)s->object_id == %(elt_name)s);
value = %(subcls)s_%(v_name)s_check(
%(inst)s, value);
@@ -735,7 +720,7 @@
out.write("\n /* Check two instances of type %s */" % instance)
out.write(check_template %
- dict(elt_name=loxi_utils.enum_name(subcls), inst_len=inst_len,
+ dict(elt_name=loxi_utils.enum_name(subcls),
inst=instance, subcls=subcls,
@@ -743,7 +728,7 @@
""" % dict(cls=cls))
out.write(check_template %
- dict(elt_name=loxi_utils.enum_name(subcls), inst_len=inst_len,
+ dict(elt_name=loxi_utils.enum_name(subcls),
inst=instance, subcls=subcls,
if last:
@@ -792,12 +777,10 @@
out.write(" %s = &elt.%s;\n" % (instance, instance))
if len(sub_classes) == 0: # No inheritance case
- inst_len = loxi_utils.base_type_to_length(base_type, version)
- setup_instance(out, cls, base_type, "elt_p", v_name, inst_len, version)
+ setup_instance(out, cls, base_type, "elt_p", v_name, version)
for instance, subcls in sub_classes:
- inst_len = of_g.base_length[(subcls, version)]
- setup_instance(out, cls, subcls, instance, v_name, inst_len, version)
+ setup_instance(out, cls, subcls, instance, v_name, version)
return value;
@@ -841,21 +824,12 @@
out.write(" TEST_OK(%(cls)s_first(list, &elt));\n" % dict(cls=cls))
if len(sub_classes) == 0: # No inheritance case
- if loxi_utils.class_is_var_len(base_type, version):
- inst_len = -1
- else:
- inst_len = loxi_utils.base_type_to_length(base_type, version)
- check_instance(out, cls, base_type, "elt_p", v_name, inst_len,
- version, True)
+ check_instance(out, cls, base_type, "elt_p", v_name, version, True)
count = 0
for instance, subcls in sub_classes:
count += 1
- if loxi_utils.class_is_var_len(subcls, version):
- inst_len = -1
- else:
- inst_len = of_g.base_length[(subcls, version)]
- check_instance(out, cls, subcls, instance, v_name, inst_len,
+ check_instance(out, cls, subcls, instance, v_name,
version, count==len(sub_classes))
@@ -866,9 +840,6 @@
def gen_list_set_check_funs(out):
for version in of_g.of_version_range:
for cls in of_g.ordered_list_objects:
- if cls in type_maps.inheritance_map:
- continue
if version in of_g.unified[cls]:
setup_list_fn(out, version, cls)
check_list_fn(out, version, cls)
@@ -940,8 +911,6 @@
""" % v_name)
for cls in of_g.ordered_list_objects:
- if cls in type_maps.inheritance_map:
- continue
if version in of_g.unified[cls]:
list_test(out, version, cls)
@@ -953,8 +922,6 @@
for version in of_g.of_version_range:
v_name = loxi_utils.version_to_name(version)
for cls in of_g.ordered_list_objects:
- if cls in type_maps.inheritance_map:
- continue
if version in of_g.unified[cls]:
test_name = "%s_%s" % (cls, v_name)
out.write(" RUN_TEST(%s);\n" % test_name)
@@ -1222,24 +1189,11 @@
for instance, subcls in sub_classes:
out.write(" %s = &elt.%s;\n" % (instance, instance))
-# if type_maps.class_is_virtual(base_type):
-# out.write("""\
-# TEST_OK(%(base_type)s_header_init(
-# (%(base_type)s_header_t *)&elt, %(v_name)s, -1, 1));
-# """ % dict(base_type=base_type, v_name=loxi_utils.version_to_name(version)))
-# else:
-# out.write("""\
-# TEST_OK(%(base_type)s_init(&elt, %(v_name)s, -1, 1));
-# """ % dict(base_type=base_type, v_name=loxi_utils.version_to_name(version)))
if len(sub_classes) == 0: # No inheritance case
- inst_len = loxi_utils.base_type_to_length(base_type, version)
- setup_instance(out, cls, base_type, "elt_p", v_name, inst_len, version)
+ setup_instance(out, cls, base_type, "elt_p", v_name, version)
for instance, subcls in sub_classes:
- inst_len = of_g.base_length[(subcls, version)]
- setup_instance(out, cls, subcls, instance, v_name,
- inst_len, version)
+ setup_instance(out, cls, subcls, instance, v_name, version)
return value;
@@ -1285,21 +1239,13 @@
out.write(" TEST_OK(%(cls)s_first(list, &elt));\n" % dict(cls=cls))
if len(sub_classes) == 0: # No inheritance case
- if loxi_utils.class_is_var_len(base_type, version):
- inst_len = -1
- else:
- inst_len = loxi_utils.base_type_to_length(base_type, version)
- check_instance(out, cls, base_type, "elt_p", v_name, inst_len,
+ check_instance(out, cls, base_type, "elt_p", v_name,
version, True)
count = 0
for instance, subcls in sub_classes:
count += 1
- if loxi_utils.class_is_var_len(subcls, version):
- inst_len = -1
- else:
- inst_len = of_g.base_length[(subcls, version)]
- check_instance(out, cls, subcls, instance, v_name, inst_len,
+ check_instance(out, cls, subcls, instance, v_name,
version, count==len(sub_classes))
""" % dict(base_type=base_type))
diff --git a/c_gen/c_type_maps.py b/c_gen/c_type_maps.py
index 2b46932..6e6f3fe 100644
--- a/c_gen/c_type_maps.py
+++ b/c_gen/c_type_maps.py
@@ -367,7 +367,6 @@
/* Do a simple if/else search for the ver, experimenter and subtype */
- first = True
for version, experimenter_lists in type_maps.extension_message_subtype.items():
for exp, subtypes in experimenter_lists.items():
experimenter_function += """
diff --git a/c_gen/codegen.py b/c_gen/codegen.py
index 82de380..fe5e2ad 100644
--- a/c_gen/codegen.py
+++ b/c_gen/codegen.py
@@ -244,8 +244,6 @@
elif uclass.name == "of_packet_queue":
wire_length_get = 'of_packet_queue_wire_length_get'
wire_length_set = 'of_packet_queue_wire_length_set'
- elif uclass.name == "of_list_meter_band_stats":
- wire_length_get = 'of_list_meter_band_stats_wire_length_get'
elif uclass.name == "of_meter_stats":
wire_length_get = 'of_meter_stats_wire_length_get'
wire_length_set = 'of_meter_stats_wire_length_set'
diff --git a/c_gen/identifiers.py b/c_gen/identifiers.py
index 5862967..a3304c9 100644
--- a/c_gen/identifiers.py
+++ b/c_gen/identifiers.py
@@ -65,15 +65,6 @@
if name not in idents_by_group[ofp_group]:
-def all_versions_agree(all_idents, version_list, name):
- val_list = all_idents[name]["values_by_version"]
- for version in version_list:
- if not version in val_list:
- return False
- if str(val_list[version]) != str(all_idents[name]["common_value"]):
- return False
- return True
def defined_versions_agree(all_idents, version_list, name):
val_list = all_idents[name]["values_by_version"]
for version in version_list:
diff --git a/c_gen/loci_utils.py b/c_gen/loci_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 686fb0f..0000000
--- a/c_gen/loci_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-import c_gen.of_g_legacy as of_g
-def class_signature(members):
- """
- Generate a signature string for a class in canonical form
- @param cls The class whose signature is to be generated
- """
- return ";".join([",".join([x["m_type"], x["name"], str(x["offset"])])
- for x in members])
-def type_dec_to_count_base(m_type):
- """
- Resolve a type declaration like uint8_t[4] to a count (4) and base_type
- (uint8_t)
- @param m_type The string type declaration to process
- """
- count = 1
- chk_ar = m_type.split('[')
- if len(chk_ar) > 1:
- count_str = chk_ar[1].split(']')[0]
- if count_str in of_g.ofp_constants:
- count = of_g.ofp_constants[count_str]
- else:
- count = int(count_str)
- base_type = chk_ar[0]
- else:
- base_type = m_type
- return count, base_type
-def list_to_entry_type(cls):
- """
- Return the entry type for a list
- """
- slen = len("of_list_")
- return "of_" + cls[slen:]
-def type_to_short_name(m_type):
- if m_type in of_g.of_base_types:
- tname = of_g.of_base_types[m_type]["short_name"]
- elif m_type in of_g.of_mixed_types:
- tname = of_g.of_mixed_types[m_type]["short_name"]
- else:
- tname = "unknown"
- return tname
-def type_to_name_type(cls, member_name):
- """
- Generate the root name of a member for accessor functions, etc
- @param cls The class name
- @param member_name The member name
- """
- members = of_g.unified[cls]["union"]
- if not member_name in members:
- debug("Error: %s is not in class %s for acc_name defn" %
- (member_name, cls))
- os.exit()
- mem = members[member_name]
- m_type = mem["m_type"]
- id = mem["memid"]
- tname = type_to_short_name(m_type)
- return "o%d_m%d_%s" % (of_g.unified[cls]["object_id"], id, tname)
-def member_to_index(m_name, members):
- """
- Given a member name, return the index in the members dict
- @param m_name The name of the data member to search for
- @param members The dict of members
- @return Index if found, -1 not found
- Note we could generate an index when processing the original input
- """
- count = 0
- for d in members:
- if d["name"] == m_name:
- return count
- count += 1
- return -1
-def member_base_type(cls, m_name):
- """
- Map a member to its of_ type
- @param cls The class name
- @param m_name The name of the member being gotten
- @return The of_ type of the member
- """
- rv = of_g.unified[cls]["union"][m_name]["m_type"]
- if rv[-2:] == "_t":
- return rv
- return rv + "_t"
-def member_type_is_octets(cls, m_name):
- return member_base_type(cls, m_name) == "of_octets_t"
-def h_file_to_define(name):
- """
- Convert a .h file name to the define used for the header
- """
- h_name = name[:-2].upper()
- h_name = "_" + h_name + "_H_"
- return h_name
-def type_to_cof_type(m_type):
- if m_type in of_g.of_base_types:
- if "cof_type" in of_g.of_base_types[m_type]:
- return of_g.of_base_types[m_type]["cof_type"]
- return m_type
-def member_is_scalar(cls, m_name):
- return of_g.unified[cls]["union"][m_name]["m_type"] in of_g.of_scalar_types
-def type_is_scalar(m_type):
- return m_type in of_g.of_scalar_types
-def skip_member_name(name):
- return name.find("pad") == 0 or name in of_g.skip_members
-def enum_name(cls):
- """
- Return the name used for an enum identifier for the given class
- @param cls The class name
- """
- return cls.upper()
-def class_in_version(cls, ver):
- """
- Return boolean indicating if cls is defined for wire version ver
- """
- return (cls, ver) in of_g.base_length
-def instance_to_class(instance, parent):
- """
- Return the name of the class for an instance of inheritance type parent
- """
- return parent + "_" + instance
-def sub_class_to_var_name(cls):
- """
- Given a subclass name like of_action_output, generate the
- name of a variable like 'output'
- @param cls The class name
- """
- pass
-def class_is_var_len(cls, version):
- # Match is special case. Only version 1.2 (wire version 3) is var
- if cls == "of_match":
- return version == 3
- return not (cls, version) in of_g.is_fixed_length
-def base_type_to_length(base_type, version):
- if base_type + "_t" in of_g.of_base_types:
- inst_len = of_g.of_base_types[base_type + "_t"]["bytes"]
- else:
- inst_len = of_g.base_length[(base_type, version)]
-def version_to_name(version):
- """
- Convert an integer version to the C macro name
- """
- return "OF_" + of_g.version_names[version]
-# Is class a flow modify of some sort?
-def cls_is_flow_mod(cls):
- return cls in ["of_flow_mod", "of_flow_modify", "of_flow_add", "of_flow_delete",
- "of_flow_modify_strict", "of_flow_delete_strict"]
-def all_member_types_get(cls, version):
- """
- Get the members and list of types for members of a given class
- @param cls The class name to process
- @param version The version for the class
- """
- member_types = []
- if not version in of_g.unified[cls]:
- return ([], [])
- if "use_version" in of_g.unified[cls][version]:
- v = of_g.unified[cls][version]["use_version"]
- members = of_g.unified[cls][v]["members"]
- else:
- members = of_g.unified[cls][version]["members"]
- # Accumulate variables that are supported
- for member in members:
- m_type = member["m_type"]
- m_name = member["name"]
- if skip_member_name(m_name):
- continue
- if not m_type in member_types:
- member_types.append(m_type)
- return (members, member_types)
-def list_name_extract(list_type):
- """
- Return the base name for a list object of the given type
- @param list_type The type of the list as appears in the input,
- for example list(of_port_desc_t).
- @return A pair, (list-name, base-type) where list-name is the
- base name for the list, for example of_list_port_desc, and base-type
- is the type of list elements like of_port_desc_t
- """
- base_type = list_type[5:-1]
- list_name = base_type
- if list_name.find("of_") == 0:
- list_name = list_name[3:]
- if list_name[-2:] == "_t":
- list_name = list_name[:-2]
- list_name = "of_list_" + list_name
- return (list_name, base_type)
-def version_to_name(version):
- """
- Convert an integer version to the C macro name
- """
- return "OF_" + of_g.version_names[version]
-def gen_c_copy_license(out):
- """
- Generate the top comments for copyright and license
- """
- import c_gen.util
- c_gen.util.render_template(out, '_copyright.c')
-def accessor_returns_error(a_type, m_type):
- is_var_len = (not type_is_scalar(m_type)) and \
- [x for x in of_g.of_version_range if class_is_var_len(m_type[:-2], x)] != []
- if a_type == "set" and is_var_len:
- return True
- elif m_type == "of_match_t":
- return True
- else:
- return False
diff --git a/c_gen/loxi_utils_legacy.py b/c_gen/loxi_utils_legacy.py
index df93c2b..38feb44 100644
--- a/c_gen/loxi_utils_legacy.py
+++ b/c_gen/loxi_utils_legacy.py
@@ -161,122 +161,12 @@
return False
-def class_is_action_id(cls):
- """
- Return True if cls_name is an action object
- Note that action_id is not an action object, though it has
- the same header. It looks like an action header, but the type
- is used to identify a kind of action, it does not indicate the
- type of the object following.
- """
- if cls.find("of_action_id") == 0:
- return True
- # For each vendor, check for vendor specific action
- for exp in of_g.experimenter_name_to_id:
- if cls.find("of_action_id_" + exp) == 0:
- return True
- return False
-def class_is_instruction(cls):
- """
- Return True if cls_name is an instruction object
- """
- if cls.find("of_instruction_id") == 0:
- return False
- if cls.find("of_instruction") == 0:
- return True
- # For each vendor, check for vendor specific action
- for exp in of_g.experimenter_name_to_id:
- if cls.find("of_instruction" + exp) == 0:
- return True
- return False
-def class_is_instruction_id(cls):
- """
- Return True if cls_name is an action object
- Note that instruction_id is not an instruction object, though it has
- the same header. It looks like an instruction header, but the type
- is used to identify a kind of instruction, it does not indicate the
- type of the object following.
- """
- if cls.find("of_instruction_id") == 0:
- return True
- # For each vendor, check for vendor specific action
- for exp in of_g.experimenter_name_to_id:
- if cls.find("of_instruction_id_" + exp) == 0:
- return True
- return False
-def class_is_meter_band(cls):
- """
- Return True if cls_name is an instruction object
- """
- # meter_band_stats is not a member of meter_band class hierarchy
- if cls.find("of_meter_band_stats") == 0:
- return False
- if cls.find("of_meter_band") == 0:
- return True
- return False
-def class_is_hello_elem(cls):
- """
- Return True if cls_name is an instruction object
- """
- if cls.find("of_hello_elem") == 0:
- return True
- return False
-def class_is_queue_prop(cls):
- """
- Return True if cls_name is a queue_prop object
- """
- if cls.find("of_queue_prop") == 0:
- return True
- # For each vendor, check for vendor specific action
- for exp in of_g.experimenter_name_to_id:
- if cls.find("of_queue_prop_" + exp) == 0:
- return True
- return False
-def class_is_table_feature_prop(cls):
- """
- Return True if cls_name is a queue_prop object
- """
- if cls.find("of_table_feature_prop") == 0:
- return True
- return False
-def class_is_stats_message(cls):
- """
- Return True if cls_name is a message object based on info in unified
- """
- return "stats_type" in of_g.unified[cls]["union"]
def class_is_list(cls):
Return True if cls_name is a list object
return (cls.find("of_list_") == 0)
-def class_is_bsn_tlv(cls):
- """
- Return True if cls_name is a BSN TLV object
- """
- if cls.find("of_bsn_tlv") == 0:
- return True
- return False
def type_is_of_object(m_type):
Return True if m_type is an OF object type
@@ -302,26 +192,6 @@
tname = "unknown"
return tname
-def type_to_name_type(cls, member_name):
- """
- Generate the root name of a member for accessor functions, etc
- @param cls The class name
- @param member_name The member name
- """
- members = of_g.unified[cls]["union"]
- if not member_name in members:
- debug("Error: %s is not in class %s for acc_name defn" %
- (member_name, cls))
- os.exit()
- mem = members[member_name]
- m_type = mem["m_type"]
- id = mem["memid"]
- tname = type_to_short_name(m_type)
- return "o%d_m%d_%s" % (of_g.unified[cls]["object_id"], id, tname)
def member_to_index(m_name, members):
Given a member name, return the index in the members dict
@@ -350,27 +220,6 @@
return rv
return rv + "_t"
-def member_type_is_octets(cls, m_name):
- return member_base_type(cls, m_name) == "of_octets_t"
-def h_file_to_define(name):
- """
- Convert a .h file name to the define used for the header
- """
- h_name = name[:-2].upper()
- h_name = "_" + h_name + "_H_"
- return h_name
-def type_to_cof_type(m_type):
- if m_type in of_g.of_base_types:
- if "cof_type" in of_g.of_base_types[m_type]:
- return of_g.of_base_types[m_type]["cof_type"]
- return m_type
-def member_is_scalar(cls, m_name):
- return of_g.unified[cls]["union"][m_name]["m_type"] in of_g.of_scalar_types
def type_is_scalar(m_type):
return m_type in of_g.of_scalar_types
@@ -397,14 +246,6 @@
return parent + "_" + instance
-def sub_class_to_var_name(cls):
- """
- Given a subclass name like of_action_output, generate the
- name of a variable like 'output'
- @param cls The class name
- """
- pass
def class_is_var_len(cls, version):
# Match is special case. Only version 1.2 (wire version 3) is var
if cls == "of_match":
@@ -412,18 +253,6 @@
return not (cls, version) in of_g.is_fixed_length
-def base_type_to_length(base_type, version):
- if base_type + "_t" in of_g.of_base_types:
- inst_len = of_g.of_base_types[base_type + "_t"]["bytes"]
- else:
- inst_len = of_g.base_length[(base_type, version)]
-def version_to_name(version):
- """
- Convert an integer version to the C macro name
- """
- return "OF_" + of_g.version_names[version]
# Is class a flow modify of some sort?
@@ -499,31 +328,3 @@
return True
return False
-def render_template(out, name, path, context, prefix = None):
- """
- Render a template using tenjin.
- out: a file-like object
- name: name of the template
- path: array of directories to search for the template
- context: dictionary of variables to pass to the template
- prefix: optional prefix to use for embedding (for other languages than python)
- """
- pp = [ tenjin.PrefixedLinePreprocessor(prefix=prefix) if prefix else tenjin.PrefixedLinePreprocessor() ] # support "::" syntax
- template_globals = { "to_str": str, "escape": str } # disable HTML escaping
- engine = TemplateEngine(path=path, pp=pp)
- out.write(engine.render(name, context, template_globals))
-def render_static(out, name, path):
- """
- Write out a static template.
- out: a file-like object
- name: name of the template
- path: array of directories to search for the template
- """
- # Reuse the tenjin logic for finding the template
- template_filename = tenjin.FileSystemLoader().find(name, path)
- if not template_filename:
- raise ValueError("template %s not found" % name)
- with open(template_filename) as infile:
- out.write(infile.read())
diff --git a/c_gen/of_g_legacy.py b/c_gen/of_g_legacy.py
index 3311282..b58ca08 100644
--- a/c_gen/of_g_legacy.py
+++ b/c_gen/of_g_legacy.py
@@ -292,47 +292,12 @@
VERSION_1_2 = 3
VERSION_1_3 = 4
-# Ignore version for some functions
-## @var supported_wire_protos
-# The wire protocols this version of LoxiGen supports
-supported_wire_protos = set([1, 2, 3, 4])
version_names = {1:"VERSION_1_0", 2:"VERSION_1_1", 3:"VERSION_1_2",
short_version_names = {1:"OF_1_0", 2:"OF_1_1", 3:"OF_1_2", 4:"OF_1_3"}
-param_version_names = {1:"1.0", 2:"1.1", 3:"1.2", 4:"1.3"}
-# Maps and ranges related to versioning
-# For parameter version indications
-of_param_version_map = {
- "1.0":VERSION_1_0,
- "1.1":VERSION_1_1,
- "1.2":VERSION_1_2,
- "1.3":VERSION_1_3
- }
-# For parameter version indications
-of_version_map = {
- "1.0":VERSION_1_0,
- "1.1":VERSION_1_1,
- "1.2":VERSION_1_2,
- "1.3":VERSION_1_3
- }
# The iteration object that gives the wire versions supported
of_version_range = [VERSION_1_0, VERSION_1_1, VERSION_1_2, VERSION_1_3]
-of_version_max = VERSION_1_3
-of_version_name2wire = dict(
- )
of_version_wire2name = {
@@ -367,21 +332,3 @@
nicira = 0x00002320,
openflow = 0x000026e1
-def experimenter_name_lookup(experimenter_id):
- """
- Map an experimenter ID to its LOXI recognized name string
- """
- for name, id in of_g.experimenter_name_to_id.items():
- if id == experimenter_id:
- return name
- return None
-# Debug
-loxigen_dbg_file = sys.stdout
-loxigen_log_file = sys.stdout
diff --git a/c_gen/type_maps.py b/c_gen/type_maps.py
index ee452fc..af43a15 100644
--- a/c_gen/type_maps.py
+++ b/c_gen/type_maps.py
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
import loxi_globals
invalid_type = "invalid_type"
-invalid_value = "0xeeee" # Note, as a string
@@ -393,18 +392,6 @@
-# These are the objects whose length is specified by an external
-# reference, specifically another data member in the class.
-#external_length_spec = {
-# ("of_packet_out", "actions", OF_VERSION_1_0) : "actions_len",
-# ("of_packet_out", "actions", OF_VERSION_1_1) : "actions_len",
-# ("of_packet_out", "actions", OF_VERSION_1_2) : "actions_len",
-# ("of_packet_out", "actions", OF_VERSION_1_3) : "actions_len"
# type_val is the primary data structure that maps an
@@ -582,236 +569,3 @@
-# Set to empty dict if no extension instructions defined
-extension_instruction_id_subtype = {
- # version 1.0
- of_g.VERSION_1_0:dict(),
- of_g.VERSION_1_1:dict(),
- of_g.VERSION_1_2:dict(),
- of_g.VERSION_1_3:dict(
- bsn = { # of_instruction_bsn_
- },
- nicira = { # of_instruction_nicira_
- }
- ),
-# Set to empty dict if no extension instructions defined
-extension_queue_prop_subtype = {}
-# Set to empty dict if no extension instructions defined
-extension_table_feature_prop_subtype = {}
-extension_objects = [
- extension_message_subtype,
- extension_action_subtype,
- extension_action_id_subtype,
- extension_instruction_subtype,
- extension_instruction_id_subtype,
- extension_queue_prop_subtype,
- extension_table_feature_prop_subtype
-# These are extension type generic (for messages, actions...)
-def extension_to_experimenter_name(cls):
- """
- Return the name of the experimenter if class is an
- extension, else None
- This is brute force; we search all extension data for a match
- """
- for ext_obj in extension_objects:
- for version, exp_list in ext_obj.items():
- for exp_name, classes in exp_list.items():
- if cls in classes:
- return exp_name
- return None
-def extension_to_experimenter_id(cls):
- """
- Return the ID of the experimenter if class is an
- extension, else None
- """
- exp_name = extension_to_experimenter_name(cls)
- if exp_name:
- return of_g.experimenter_name_to_id[exp_name]
- return None
-def extension_to_experimenter_macro_name(cls):
- """
- Return the "macro name" of the ID of the experimenter if class is an
- extension, else None
- """
- exp_name = extension_to_experimenter_name(cls)
- if exp_name:
- return "OF_EXPERIMENTER_ID_" + exp_name.upper()
- return None
-def extension_to_subtype(cls, version):
- """
- Generic across all extension objects, return subtype identifier
- """
- for ext_obj in extension_objects:
- for version, exp_list in ext_obj.items():
- for exp_name, classes in exp_list.items():
- if cls in classes:
- return classes[cls]
-def class_is_extension(cls, version):
- """
- Return True if class, version is recognized as an extension
- of any type (message, action....)
- Accepts of_g.OF_VERSION_ANY
- """
- for ext_obj in extension_objects:
- if cls_is_ext_obj(cls, version, ext_obj):
- return True
- return False
-# Internal
-def cls_is_ext_obj(cls, version, ext_obj):
- """
- @brief Return True if cls in an extension of type ext_obj
- @param cls The class to check
- @param version The version to check
- @param ext_obj The extension object dictionary (messages, actions...)
- Accepts of_g.VERSION_ANY
- """
- # Call with each version if "any" is passed
- if version == of_g.VERSION_ANY:
- for v in of_g.of_version_range:
- if cls_is_ext_obj(cls, v, ext_obj):
- return True
- else: # Version specified
- if version in ext_obj:
- for exp, subtype_vals in ext_obj[version].items():
- if cls in subtype_vals:
- return True
- return False
-# These are extension message specific
-def message_is_extension(cls, version):
- """
- Return True if cls, version is recognized as an extension
- This is brute force, searching records for a match
- """
- return cls_is_ext_obj(cls, version, extension_message_subtype)
-def extension_message_to_subtype(cls, version):
- """
- Return the subtype of the experimenter message if the class is an
- extension, else None
- """
- if version in extension_message_subtype:
- for exp, classes in extension_message_subtype[version].items():
- for ext_class, subtype in classes.items():
- if cls == ext_class:
- return subtype
- return None
-# These are extension action specific
-def action_is_extension(cls, version):
- """
- Return True if cls, version is recognized as an action extension
- This is brute force, searching records for a match
- """
- return cls_is_ext_obj(cls, version, extension_action_subtype)
-def extension_action_to_subtype(cls, version):
- """
- Return the ID of the action subtype (for its experimenteer)
- if class is an action extension, else None
- """
- if version in extension_action_subtype:
- for exp, classes in extension_action_subtype[version].items():
- if cls in classes:
- return classes[cls]
- return None
-# These are extension action specific
-def action_id_is_extension(cls, version):
- """
- Return True if cls, version is recognized as an action ID extension
- This is brute force, searching records for a match
- """
- if version not in [of_g.VERSION_1_3]: # Action IDs only 1.3
- return False
- return cls_is_ext_obj(cls, version, extension_action_id_subtype)
-def extension_action_id_to_subtype(cls, version):
- """
- Return the ID of the action ID subtype (for its experimenteer)
- if class is an action ID extension, else None
- """
- if version in extension_action_id_subtype:
- for exp, classes in extension_action_id_subtype[version].items():
- if cls in classes:
- return classes[cls]
- return None
-# These are extension instruction specific
-def instruction_is_extension(cls, version):
- """
- Return True if cls, version is recognized as an instruction extension
- This is brute force, searching records for a match
- """
- return cls_is_ext_obj(cls, version, extension_instruction_subtype)
-# These are extension instruction specific
-def instruction_id_is_extension(cls, version):
- """
- Return True if cls, version is recognized as an instruction ID extension
- This is brute force, searching records for a match
- """
- return cls_is_ext_obj(cls, version, extension_instruction_id_subtype)
-# These are extension queue_prop specific
-def queue_prop_is_extension(cls, version):
- """
- Return True if cls, version is recognized as an instruction extension
- This is brute force, searching records for a match
- """
- return cls_is_ext_obj(cls, version, extension_queue_prop_subtype)
-# These are extension table_feature_prop specific
-def table_feature_prop_is_extension(cls, version):
- """
- Return True if cls, version is recognized as an instruction extension
- This is brute force, searching records for a match
- """
- return cls_is_ext_obj(cls, version,
- extension_table_feature_prop_subtype)
diff --git a/c_gen/util.py b/c_gen/util.py
index 54e0f80..58a4355 100644
--- a/c_gen/util.py
+++ b/c_gen/util.py
@@ -37,6 +37,3 @@
def render_template(out, name, **context):
template_utils.render_template(out, name, template_path, context)
-def render_static(out, name):
- template_utils.render_static(out, name, template_path)