pyloxi: generate virtual class unpack methods

This is done completely from the IR now.
diff --git a/py_gen/templates/ b/py_gen/templates/
index 9307676..11e302f 100644
--- a/py_gen/templates/
+++ b/py_gen/templates/
@@ -68,235 +68,4 @@
         raise loxi.ProtocolError("wrong OpenFlow version (expected %d, got %d)" % (const.OFP_VERSION, msg_ver))
     if len(buf) != msg_len:
         raise loxi.ProtocolError("incorrect message size")
-    if msg_type in parsers:
-        return parsers[msg_type](buf)
-    else:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected message type")
-def parse_error(buf):
-    if len(buf) < 8 + 2:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("message too short")
-    err_type, = struct.unpack_from("!H", buf, 8)
-    if err_type in error_msg_parsers:
-        return error_msg_parsers[err_type](buf)
-    else:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected error type %u" % err_type)
-def parse_flow_mod(buf):
-:: if version == OFVersions.VERSION_1_0:
-:: offset = 57
-:: elif version >= OFVersions.VERSION_1_1:
-:: offset = 25
-:: #endif
-    if len(buf) < ${offset} + 1:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("message too short")
-    # Technically uint16_t for OF 1.0
-    cmd, = struct.unpack_from("!B", buf, ${offset})
-    if cmd in flow_mod_parsers:
-        return flow_mod_parsers[cmd](buf)
-    else:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected flow mod cmd %u" % cmd)
-:: if version >= OFVersions.VERSION_1_0:
-def parse_group_mod(buf):
-:: offset = 8
-    if len(buf) < ${offset} + 2:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("message too short")
-    cmd, = struct.unpack_from("!H", buf, ${offset})
-    if cmd in flow_mod_parsers:
-        return group_mod_parsers[cmd](buf)
-    else:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected group mod cmd %u" % cmd)
-:: #endif
-def parse_stats_reply(buf):
-    if len(buf) < 8 + 2:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("message too short")
-    stats_type, = struct.unpack_from("!H", buf, 8)
-    if stats_type in stats_reply_parsers:
-        return stats_reply_parsers[stats_type](buf)
-    else:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected stats type %u" % stats_type)
-def parse_stats_request(buf):
-    if len(buf) < 8 + 2:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("message too short")
-    stats_type, = struct.unpack_from("!H", buf, 8)
-    if stats_type in stats_request_parsers:
-        return stats_request_parsers[stats_type](buf)
-    else:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected stats type %u" % stats_type)
-def parse_experimenter_stats_request(buf):
-    if len(buf) < 24:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("experimenter stats request message too short")
-    experimenter, exp_type = struct.unpack_from("!LL", buf, 16)
-    if experimenter in experimenter_stats_request_parsers and \
-            exp_type in experimenter_stats_request_parsers[experimenter]:
-        return experimenter_stats_request_parsers[experimenter][exp_type](buf)
-    else:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected stats request experimenter %#x exp_type %#x" % (experimenter, exp_type))
-def parse_experimenter_stats_reply(buf):
-    if len(buf) < 24:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("experimenter stats reply message too short")
-    experimenter, exp_type = struct.unpack_from("!LL", buf, 16)
-    if experimenter in experimenter_stats_reply_parsers and \
-            exp_type in experimenter_stats_reply_parsers[experimenter]:
-        return experimenter_stats_reply_parsers[experimenter][exp_type](buf)
-    else:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected stats reply experimenter %#x exp_type %#x" % (experimenter, exp_type))
-def parse_experimenter(buf):
-    if len(buf) < 16:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("experimenter message too short")
-    experimenter, = struct.unpack_from("!L", buf, 8)
-    if experimenter == 0x005c16c7: # Big Switch Networks
-        subtype, = struct.unpack_from("!L", buf, 12)
-    elif experimenter == 0x00002320: # Nicira
-        subtype, = struct.unpack_from("!L", buf, 12)
-    else:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected experimenter id %#x" % experimenter)
-    if subtype in experimenter_parsers[experimenter]:
-        return experimenter_parsers[experimenter][subtype](buf)
-    else:
-        raise loxi.ProtocolError("unexpected experimenter %#x subtype %#x" % (experimenter, subtype))
-parsers = {
-:: concrete_ofclasses = [x for x in ofclasses if not x.virtual]
-:: sort_key = lambda x: x.member_by_name('type').value
-:: msgtype_groups = itertools.groupby(sorted(concrete_ofclasses, key=sort_key), sort_key)
-:: for (k, v) in msgtype_groups:
-:: k = util.constant_for_value(version, "ofp_type", k)
-:: v = list(v)
-:: if len(v) == 1:
-    ${k} : ${v[0].pyname}.unpack,
-:: else:
-    ${k} : parse_${k[11:].lower()},
-:: #endif
-:: #endfor
-error_msg_parsers = {
-    const.OFPET_HELLO_FAILED : hello_failed_error_msg.unpack,
-    const.OFPET_BAD_REQUEST : bad_request_error_msg.unpack,
-    const.OFPET_BAD_ACTION : bad_action_error_msg.unpack,
-    const.OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED : flow_mod_failed_error_msg.unpack,
-    const.OFPET_PORT_MOD_FAILED : port_mod_failed_error_msg.unpack,
-    const.OFPET_QUEUE_OP_FAILED : queue_op_failed_error_msg.unpack,
-:: if version >= OFVersions.VERSION_1_1:
-    const.OFPET_BAD_INSTRUCTION : bad_instruction_error_msg.unpack,
-    const.OFPET_BAD_MATCH : bad_match_error_msg.unpack,
-    const.OFPET_GROUP_MOD_FAILED : group_mod_failed_error_msg.unpack,
-    const.OFPET_TABLE_MOD_FAILED : table_mod_failed_error_msg.unpack,
-    const.OFPET_SWITCH_CONFIG_FAILED : switch_config_failed_error_msg.unpack,
-:: #endif
-:: if version >= OFVersions.VERSION_1_2:
-    const.OFPET_ROLE_REQUEST_FAILED : role_request_failed_error_msg.unpack,
-    const.OFPET_EXPERIMENTER : experimenter_error_msg.unpack,
-:: #endif
-:: if version >= OFVersions.VERSION_1_3:
-    const.OFPET_METER_MOD_FAILED : meter_mod_failed_error_msg.unpack,
-    const.OFPET_TABLE_FEATURES_FAILED : table_features_failed_error_msg.unpack,
-:: #endif
-flow_mod_parsers = {
-    const.OFPFC_ADD : flow_add.unpack,
-    const.OFPFC_MODIFY : flow_modify.unpack,
-    const.OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT : flow_modify_strict.unpack,
-    const.OFPFC_DELETE : flow_delete.unpack,
-    const.OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT : flow_delete_strict.unpack,
-:: if version >= OFVersions.VERSION_1_1:
-group_mod_parsers = {
-    const.OFPGC_ADD : group_add.unpack,
-    const.OFPGC_MODIFY : group_modify.unpack,
-    const.OFPGC_DELETE : group_delete.unpack,
-:: #endif
-stats_reply_parsers = {
-    const.OFPST_DESC : desc_stats_reply.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_FLOW : flow_stats_reply.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_AGGREGATE : aggregate_stats_reply.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_TABLE : table_stats_reply.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_PORT : port_stats_reply.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_QUEUE : queue_stats_reply.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_EXPERIMENTER : parse_experimenter_stats_reply,
-:: if version >= OFVersions.VERSION_1_1:
-    const.OFPST_GROUP : group_stats_reply.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_GROUP_DESC : group_desc_stats_reply.unpack,
-:: #endif
-:: if version >= OFVersions.VERSION_1_2:
-    const.OFPST_GROUP_FEATURES : group_features_stats_reply.unpack,
-:: #endif
-:: if version >= OFVersions.VERSION_1_3:
-    const.OFPST_METER : meter_stats_reply.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_METER_CONFIG : meter_config_stats_reply.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_METER_FEATURES : meter_features_stats_reply.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_TABLE_FEATURES : table_features_stats_reply.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_PORT_DESC : port_desc_stats_reply.unpack,
-:: #endif
-stats_request_parsers = {
-    const.OFPST_DESC : desc_stats_request.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_FLOW : flow_stats_request.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_AGGREGATE : aggregate_stats_request.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_TABLE : table_stats_request.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_PORT : port_stats_request.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_QUEUE : queue_stats_request.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_EXPERIMENTER : parse_experimenter_stats_request,
-:: if version >= OFVersions.VERSION_1_1:
-    const.OFPST_GROUP : group_stats_request.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_GROUP_DESC : group_desc_stats_request.unpack,
-:: #endif
-:: if version >= OFVersions.VERSION_1_2:
-    const.OFPST_GROUP_FEATURES : group_features_stats_request.unpack,
-:: #endif
-:: if version >= OFVersions.VERSION_1_3:
-    const.OFPST_METER : meter_stats_request.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_METER_CONFIG : meter_config_stats_request.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_METER_FEATURES : meter_features_stats_request.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_TABLE_FEATURES : table_features_stats_request.unpack,
-    const.OFPST_PORT_DESC : port_desc_stats_request.unpack,
-:: #endif
-:: experimenter_ofclasses = [x for x in concrete_ofclasses if x.member_by_name('type').value == 4]
-:: sort_key = lambda x: x.member_by_name('experimenter').value
-:: experimenter_ofclasses.sort(key=sort_key)
-:: grouped = itertools.groupby(experimenter_ofclasses, sort_key)
-experimenter_parsers = {
-:: for (experimenter, v) in grouped:
-    ${experimenter} : {
-:: for ofclass in v:
-        ${ofclass.member_by_name('subtype').value}: ${ofclass.pyname}.unpack,
-:: #endfor
-    },
-:: #endfor
-experimenter_stats_request_parsers = {
-    0x005c16c7: {
-:: if version >= OFVersions.VERSION_1_3:
-        1: bsn_lacp_stats_request.unpack,
-:: #endif
-    },
-experimenter_stats_reply_parsers = {
-    0x005c16c7: {
-:: if version >= OFVersions.VERSION_1_3:
-        1: bsn_lacp_stats_reply.unpack,
-:: #endif
-    },
+    return message.unpack(loxi.generic_util.OFReader(buf))