moved of_g to c_gen.of_g_legacy, introduced loxi_globals

as of_g includes loads of legacy data (and a representation that
is increasingly tailored to the c backend only), I've moved it to
c_gen.of_g. In its place, I have created loxi_globals, which gives
access to the list of versions and the IR.

Also loxi reorg: move command line processing to
diff --git a/ b/
index 7b78f63..ba62288 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -69,248 +69,27 @@
-import sys
+from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
+import copy
+import glob
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import os
 import re
 import string
-import os
-import glob
-import copy
-import collections
-import of_g
-import loxi_front_end.type_maps as type_maps
+import sys
+import cmdline
+from loxi_globals import OFVersions
+import loxi_globals
 import loxi_utils.loxi_utils as loxi_utils
-import loxi_front_end.c_parse_utils as c_parse_utils
-import loxi_front_end.identifiers as identifiers
 import pyparsing
 import loxi_front_end.parser as parser
-import loxi_front_end.translation as translation
 import loxi_front_end.frontend as frontend
-from loxi_ir import *
+import loxi_ir
 from generic_utils import *
 root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-# TODO:  Put these in a class so they get documented
-## Dict indexed by version giving all info related to version
-# This is local; after processing, the information is stored in
-# of_g variables.
-versions = {}
-def config_sanity_check():
-    """
-    Check the configuration for basic consistency
-    @fixme Needs update for generic language support
-    """
-    rv = True
-    # For now, only "error" supported for get returns
-    if config_check("copy_semantics") != "read":
-        debug("Only 'read' is supported for copy_semantics");
-        rv = False
-    if config_check("get_returns") != "error":
-        debug("Only 'error' is supported for get-accessor return types\m");
-        rv = False
-    if not config_check("use_fn_ptrs") and not config_check("gen_unified_fns"):
-        debug("Must have gen_fn_ptrs and/or gen_unified_fns set in config")
-        rv = False
-    if config_check("use_obj_id"):
-        debug("use_obj_id is set but not yet supported (change \
-config_sanity_check if it is)")
-        rv = False
-    if config_check("gen_unified_macros") and config_check("gen_unified_fns") \
-            and config_check("gen_unified_macro_lower"):
-        debug("Conflict: Cannot generate unified functions and lower case \
-unified macros")
-        rv = False
-    return rv
-def add_class(wire_version, cls, members):
-    """
-    Process a class for the given version and update the unified
-    list of classes as needed.
-    @param wire_version The wire version for this class defn
-    @param cls The name of the class being added
-    @param members The list of members with offsets calculated
-    """
-    memid = 0
-    sig = loxi_utils.class_signature(members)
-    if cls in of_g.unified:
-        uc = of_g.unified[cls]
-        if wire_version in uc:
-            debug("Error adding %s to unified. Wire ver %d exists" %
-                  (cls, wire_version))
-            sys.exit(1)
-        uc[wire_version] = {}
-        # Check for a matching signature
-        for wver in uc:
-            if type(wver) != type(0): continue
-            if wver == wire_version: continue
-            if not "use_version" in uc[wver]:
-                if sig == loxi_utils.class_signature(uc[wver]["members"]):
-                    log("Matched %s, ver %d to ver %d" %
-                          (cls, wire_version, wver))
-                    # have a match with existing version
-                    uc[wire_version]["use_version"] = wver
-                    # What else to do?
-                    return
-    else:  # Haven't seen this entry before
-        log("Adding %s to unified list, ver %d" % (cls, wire_version))
-        of_g.unified[cls] = dict(union={})
-        uc = of_g.unified[cls]
-    # At this point, need to add members for this version
-    uc[wire_version] = dict(members = members)
-    # Per member processing:
-    #  Add to union list (I'm sure there's a better way)
-    #  Check if it's a list
-    union = uc["union"]
-    if not cls in of_g.ordered_members:
-        of_g.ordered_members[cls] = []
-    for member in members:
-        m_name = member["name"]
-        m_type = member["m_type"]
-        if m_name.find("pad") == 0:
-            continue
-        if m_name in union:
-            if not m_type == union[m_name]["m_type"]:
-                debug("ERROR:   CLASS: %s. VERSION %d. MEMBER: %s. TYPE: %s" %
-                      (cls, wire_version, m_name, m_type))
-                debug("    Type conflict adding member to unified set.")
-                debug("    Current union[%s]:" % m_name)
-                debug(union[m_name])
-                sys.exit(1)
-        else:
-            union[m_name] = dict(m_type=m_type, memid=memid)
-            memid += 1
-        if not m_name in of_g.ordered_members[cls]:
-            of_g.ordered_members[cls].append(m_name)
-def update_offset(cls, wire_version, name, offset, m_type):
-    """
-    Update (and return) the offset based on type.
-    @param cls The parent class
-    @param wire_version The wire version being processed
-    @param name The name of the data member
-    @param offset The current offset
-    @param m_type The type declaration being processed
-    @returns A pair (next_offset, len_update)  next_offset is the new offset
-    of the next object or -1 if this is a var-length object.  len_update
-    is the increment that should be added to the length.  Note that (for
-    of_match_v3) it is variable length, but it adds 8 bytes to the fixed
-    length of the object
-    If offset is already -1, do not update
-    Otherwise map to base type and count and update (if possible)
-    """
-    if offset < 0:    # Don't update offset once set to -1
-        return offset, 0
-    count, base_type = c_parse_utils.type_dec_to_count_base(m_type)
-    len_update = 0
-    if base_type in of_g.of_mixed_types:
-        base_type = of_g.of_mixed_types[base_type][wire_version]
-    base_class = base_type[:-2]
-    if (base_class, wire_version) in of_g.is_fixed_length:
-        bytes = of_g.base_length[(base_class, wire_version)]
-    else:
-        if base_type == "of_match_v3_t":
-            # This is a special case: it has non-zero min length
-            # but is variable length
-            bytes = -1
-            len_update = 8
-        elif base_type in of_g.of_base_types:
-            bytes = of_g.of_base_types[base_type]["bytes"]
-        else:
-            print "UNKNOWN TYPE for %s %s: %s" % (cls, name, base_type)
-            log("UNKNOWN TYPE for %s %s: %s" % (cls, name, base_type))
-            bytes = -1
-    # If bytes
-    if bytes > 0:
-        len_update = count * bytes
-    if bytes == -1:
-        return -1, len_update
-    return offset + (count * bytes), len_update
-def calculate_offsets_and_lengths(ordered_classes, classes, wire_version):
-    """
-    Generate the offsets for fixed offset class members
-    Also calculate the class_sizes when possible.
-    @param classes The classes to process
-    @param wire_version The wire version for this set of classes
-    Updates global variables
-    """
-    lists = set()
-    # Generate offsets
-    for cls in ordered_classes:
-        fixed_offset = 0 # The last "good" offset seen
-        offset = 0
-        last_offset = 0
-        last_name = "-"
-        for member in classes[cls]:
-            m_type = member["m_type"]
-            name = member["name"]
-            if last_offset == -1:
-                if name == "pad":
-                    log("Skipping pad for special offset for %s" % cls)
-                else:
-                    log("SPECIAL OFS: Member %s (prev %s), class %s ver %d" %
-                          (name, last_name, cls, wire_version))
-                    if (((cls, name) in of_g.special_offsets) and
-                        (of_g.special_offsets[(cls, name)] != last_name)):
-                        debug("ERROR: special offset prev name changed")
-                        debug("  cls %s. name %s. version %d. was %s. now %s" %
-                              cls, name, wire_version,
-                              of_g.special_offsets[(cls, name)], last_name)
-                        sys.exit(1)
-                    of_g.special_offsets[(cls, name)] = last_name
-            member["offset"] = offset
-            if m_type.find("list(") == 0:
-                (list_name, base_type) = loxi_utils.list_name_extract(m_type)
-                lists.add(list_name)
-                member["m_type"] = list_name + "_t"
-                offset = -1
-            elif m_type.find("struct") == 0:
-                debug("ERROR found struct: %s.%s " % (cls, name))
-                sys.exit(1)
-            elif m_type == "octets":
-                log("offset gen skipping octets: %s.%s " % (cls, name))
-                offset = -1
-            else:
-                offset, len_update = update_offset(cls, wire_version, name,
-                                                  offset, m_type)
-                if offset != -1:
-                    fixed_offset = offset
-                else:
-                    fixed_offset += len_update
-                    log("offset is -1 for %s.%s version %d " %
-                        (cls, name, wire_version))
-            last_offset = offset
-            last_name = name
-        of_g.base_length[(cls, wire_version)] = fixed_offset
-        if (offset != -1):
-            of_g.is_fixed_length.add((cls, wire_version))
-    for list_type in lists:
-        classes[list_type] = []
-        of_g.ordered_classes[wire_version].append(list_type)
-        of_g.base_length[(list_type, wire_version)] = 0
 def process_input_file(filename):
     Process an input file
@@ -332,78 +111,13 @@
     # Create the OFInput from the AST
-        ofinput = frontend.create_ofinput(ast)
+        ofinput = frontend.create_ofinput(filename, ast)
     except frontend.InputError as e:
         print "Error in %s: %s" % (os.path.basename(filename), str(e))
     return ofinput
-def order_and_assign_object_ids():
-    """
-    Order all classes and assign object ids to all classes.
-    This is done to promote a reasonable order of the objects, putting
-    messages first followed by non-messages.  No assumptions should be
-    made about the order, nor about contiguous numbering.  However, the
-    numbers should all be reasonably small allowing arrays indexed by
-    these enum values to be defined.
-    """
-    # Generate separate message and non-message ordered lists
-    for cls in of_g.unified:
-        if loxi_utils.class_is_message(cls):
-            of_g.ordered_messages.append(cls)
-        elif loxi_utils.class_is_list(cls):
-            of_g.ordered_list_objects.append(cls)
-        else:
-            of_g.ordered_non_messages.append(cls)
-    of_g.ordered_messages.sort()
-    of_g.ordered_pseudo_objects.sort()
-    of_g.ordered_non_messages.sort()
-    of_g.ordered_list_objects.sort()
-    of_g.standard_class_order.extend(of_g.ordered_messages)
-    of_g.standard_class_order.extend(of_g.ordered_non_messages)
-    of_g.standard_class_order.extend(of_g.ordered_list_objects)
-    # This includes pseudo classes for which most code is not generated
-    of_g.all_class_order.extend(of_g.ordered_messages)
-    of_g.all_class_order.extend(of_g.ordered_non_messages)
-    of_g.all_class_order.extend(of_g.ordered_list_objects)
-    of_g.all_class_order.extend(of_g.ordered_pseudo_objects)
-    # Assign object IDs
-    for cls in of_g.ordered_messages:
-        of_g.unified[cls]["object_id"] = of_g.object_id
-        of_g.object_id += 1
-    for cls in of_g.ordered_non_messages:
-        of_g.unified[cls]["object_id"] = of_g.object_id
-        of_g.object_id += 1
-    for cls in of_g.ordered_list_objects:
-        of_g.unified[cls]["object_id"] = of_g.object_id
-        of_g.object_id += 1
-    for cls in of_g.ordered_pseudo_objects:
-        of_g.unified[cls] = {}
-        of_g.unified[cls]["object_id"] = of_g.object_id
-        of_g.object_id += 1
-def initialize_versions():
-    """
-    Create an empty datastructure for each target version.
-    """
-    for wire_version in of_g.target_version_list:
-        version_name = of_g.of_version_wire2name[wire_version]
-        of_g.wire_ver_map[wire_version] = version_name
-        versions[version_name] = dict(
-            version_name = version_name,
-            wire_version = wire_version,
-            classes = {})
-        of_g.ordered_classes[wire_version] = []
 def read_input():
     Read in from files given on command line and update global state
@@ -411,7 +125,7 @@
     @fixme Should select versions to support from command line
-    ofinputs_by_version = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])
+    ofinputs_by_version = defaultdict(lambda: [])
     filenames = sorted(glob.glob("%s/openflow_input/*" % root_dir))
     # Ignore emacs backup files
@@ -421,245 +135,50 @@
         log("Processing struct file: " + filename)
         ofinput = process_input_file(filename)
-        # Populate global state
         for wire_version in ofinput.wire_versions:
-            version_name = of_g.of_version_wire2name[wire_version]
+    return ofinputs_by_version
-            for ofclass in ofinput.classes:
-                of_g.ordered_classes[wire_version].append(
-                legacy_members = []
-                pad_count = 0
-                for m in ofclass.members:
-                    if type(m) == OFPadMember:
-                        m_name = 'pad%d' % pad_count
-                        if m_name == 'pad0': m_name = 'pad'
-                        legacy_members.append(dict(m_type='uint8_t[%d]' % m.length,
-                                                   name=m_name))
-                        pad_count += 1
-                    else:
-                        # HACK the C backend does not yet support of_oxm_t
-                        if m.oftype == 'of_oxm_t':
-                            m_type = 'of_octets_t'
-                        else:
-                            enum = find(lambda e: == m.oftype, ofinput.enums)
-                            if enum and "wire_type" in enum.params:
-                                m_type = enum.params["wire_type"]
-                            else:
-                                m_type = m.oftype
-                        legacy_members.append(dict(m_type=m_type,
-                versions[version_name]['classes'][] = legacy_members
+def build_ir(ofinputs_by_version):
+    classes = []
+    enums = []
+    for wire_version, ofinputs in ofinputs_by_version.items():
+        version = OFVersions.from_wire(wire_version)
+        ofprotocol = loxi_ir.build_protocol(version, ofinputs)
+[version] = ofprotocol
-            for enum in ofinput.enums:
-                for entry in enum.entries:
-                    identifiers.add_identifier(
-                        translation.loxi_name(,
-              ,, entry.value, wire_version,
-                        of_g.identifiers, of_g.identifiers_by_group)
+    loxi_globals.unified = loxi_ir.build_unified_ir(
-        for wire_version, ofinputs in ofinputs_by_version.items():
-            ofprotocol = OFProtocol(wire_version=wire_version, classes=[], enums=[])
-            for ofinput in ofinputs:
-                ofprotocol.classes.extend(ofinput.classes)
-                ofprotocol.enums.extend(ofinput.enums)
-            ofprotocol.classes.sort(key=lambda ofclass:
-  [wire_version] = ofprotocol
-def populate_type_maps():
-    """
-    Use the type members in the IR to fill out the legacy type_maps.
-    """
-    def split_inherited_cls(cls):
-        if cls == 'of_meter_band_stats': # HACK not a subtype of of_meter_band
-            return None, None
-        for parent in sorted(type_maps.inheritance_data.keys(), reverse=True):
-            if cls.startswith(parent):
-                return (parent, cls[len(parent)+1:])
-        return None, None
-    def find_experimenter(parent, cls):
-        for experimenter in sorted(of_g.experimenter_name_to_id.keys(), reverse=True):
-            prefix = parent + '_' + experimenter
-            if cls.startswith(prefix) and cls != prefix:
-                return experimenter
-        return None
-    def find_type_value(ofclass, m_name):
-        for m in ofclass.members:
-            if isinstance(m, OFTypeMember) and == m_name:
-                return m.value
-        raise KeyError("ver=%d, cls=%s, m_name=%s" % (wire_version, cls, m_name))
-    # Most inheritance classes: actions, instructions, etc
-    for wire_version, protocol in
-        for ofclass in protocol.classes:
-            cls =
-            parent, subcls = split_inherited_cls(cls)
-            if not (parent and subcls):
-                continue
-            if parent == 'of_oxm':
-                type_len = find_type_value(ofclass, 'type_len')
-                oxm_class = (type_len >> 16) & 0xffff
-                if oxm_class != 0x8000:
-                    # Do not include experimenter OXMs in the main table
-                    val = type_maps.invalid_type
-                else:
-                    val = (type_len >> 8) & 0xff
-            else:
-                val = find_type_value(ofclass, 'type')
-            type_maps.inheritance_data[parent][wire_version][subcls] = val
-            # Extensions (only actions for now)
-            experimenter = find_experimenter(parent, cls)
-            if parent == 'of_action' and experimenter:
-                val = find_type_value(ofclass, 'subtype')
-                type_maps.extension_action_subtype[wire_version][experimenter][cls] = val
-                if wire_version >= of_g.VERSION_1_3:
-                    cls2 = parent + "_id" + cls[len(parent):]
-                    type_maps.extension_action_id_subtype[wire_version][experimenter][cls2] = val
-    # Messages
-    for wire_version, protocol in
-        for ofclass in protocol.classes:
-            cls =
-            # HACK (though this is what loxi_utils.class_is_message() does)
-            if not [x for x in ofclass.members if isinstance(x, OFDataMember) and == 'xid']:
-                continue
-            if type_maps.class_is_virtual(cls):
-                continue
-            subcls = cls[3:]
-            val = find_type_value(ofclass, 'type')
-            if not val in type_maps.message_types[wire_version].values():
-                type_maps.message_types[wire_version][subcls] = val
-            # Extensions
-            experimenter = find_experimenter('of', cls)
-            if experimenter:
-                val = find_type_value(ofclass, 'subtype')
-                type_maps.extension_message_subtype[wire_version][experimenter][cls] = val
-    type_maps.generate_maps()
-def analyze_input():
-    """
-    Add information computed from the input, including offsets and
-    lengths of struct members and the set of list and action_id types.
-    """
-    # Generate header classes for inheritance parents
-    for wire_version, ordered_classes in of_g.ordered_classes.items():
-        classes = versions[of_g.of_version_wire2name[wire_version]]['classes']
-        for cls in ordered_classes:
-            if cls in type_maps.inheritance_map:
-                new_cls = cls + '_header'
-                of_g.ordered_classes[wire_version].append(new_cls)
-                classes[new_cls] = classes[cls]
-    # Generate action_id classes for OF 1.3
-    for wire_version, ordered_classes in of_g.ordered_classes.items():
-        if not wire_version in [of_g.VERSION_1_3]:
-            continue
-        classes = versions[of_g.of_version_wire2name[wire_version]]['classes']
-        for cls in ordered_classes:
-            if not loxi_utils.class_is_action(cls):
-                continue
-            action = cls[10:]
-            if action == '' or action == 'header':
-                continue
-            name = "of_action_id_" + action
-            members = classes["of_action"][:]
-            of_g.ordered_classes[wire_version].append(name)
-            if type_maps.action_id_is_extension(name, wire_version):
-                # Copy the base action classes thru subtype
-                members = classes["of_action_" + action][:4]
-            classes[name] = members
-    # @fixme If we support extended actions in OF 1.3, need to add IDs
-    # for them here
-    for wire_version in of_g.wire_ver_map.keys():
-        version_name = of_g.of_version_wire2name[wire_version]
-        calculate_offsets_and_lengths(
-            of_g.ordered_classes[wire_version],
-            versions[version_name]['classes'],
-            wire_version)
-def unify_input():
-    """
-    Create Unified View of Objects
-    """
-    global versions
-    # Add classes to unified in wire-format order so that it is easier
-    # to generate things later
-    keys = versions.keys()
-    keys.sort(reverse=True)
-    for version in keys:
-        wire_version = versions[version]["wire_version"]
-        classes = versions[version]["classes"]
-        for cls in of_g.ordered_classes[wire_version]:
-            add_class(wire_version, cls, classes[cls])
-def log_all_class_info():
-    """
-    Log the results of processing the input
-    Debug function
-    """
-    for cls in of_g.unified:
-        for v in of_g.unified[cls]:
-            if type(v) == type(0):
-                log("cls: %s. ver: %d. base len %d. %s" %
-                    (str(cls), v, of_g.base_length[(cls, v)],
-                     loxi_utils.class_is_var_len(cls,v) and "not fixed"
-                     or "fixed"))
-                if "use_version" in of_g.unified[cls][v]:
-                    log("cls %s: v %d mapped to %d" % (str(cls), v,
-                           of_g.unified[cls][v]["use_version"]))
-                if "members" in of_g.unified[cls][v]:
-                    for member in of_g.unified[cls][v]["members"]:
-                        log("   %-20s: type %-20s. offset %3d" %
-                            (member["name"], member["m_type"],
-                             member["offset"]))
-def generate_all_files():
-    """
-    Create the files for the language target
-    """
-    lang_module.generate()
+# Debug
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    of_g.loxigen_log_file = open("loxigen.log", "w")
-    of_g.loxigen_dbg_file = sys.stdout
-    of_g.process_commandline()
+    (options, args, target_versions) = cmdline.process_commandline()
     # @fixme Use command line params to select log
-    if not config_sanity_check():
+    logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO if not options.verbose else logging.DEBUG)
+    # Import the language file
+    lang_file = "lang_%s" % options.lang
+    lang_module = __import__(lang_file)
+    if hasattr(lang_module, "config_sanity_check") and not lang_module.config_sanity_check():
         debug("Config sanity check failed\n")
-    # Import the language file
-    lang_file = "lang_%s" % of_g.options.lang
-    lang_module = __import__(lang_file)
     # If list files, just list auto-gen files to stdout and exit
-    if of_g.options.list_files:
+    if options.list_files:
         for name in lang_module.targets:
-            print of_g.options.install_dir + '/' + name
+            print options.install_dir + '/' + name
-    log("\nGenerating files for target language %s\n" % of_g.options.lang)
+    log("\nGenerating files for target language %s\n" % options.lang)
-    initialize_versions()
-    read_input()
-    populate_type_maps()
-    analyze_input()
-    unify_input()
-    order_and_assign_object_ids()
-    log_all_class_info()
-    generate_all_files()
+    loxi_globals.OFVersions.target_versions = target_versions
+    inputs = read_input()
+    build_ir(inputs)
+    #log_all_class_info()
+    lang_module.generate(options.install_dir)