blob: be7b8b0fc88d1347e82eca6449ec10148fe73269 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.openflow.protocol.match;
import org.openflow.types.Masked;
import org.openflow.types.OFValueType;
public interface MatchBuilder {
* Returns the value for the given field from this match.
* @param field Match field to retrieve
* @return Value of match field
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> F get(MatchField<F> field) throws UnsupportedOperationException;
* Returns the masked value for the given field from this match.
* Precondition: field is partially wildcarded.
* @param field Match field to retrieve
* @return Masked value of match field or null if no mask
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> Masked<F> getMasked(MatchField<F> field) throws UnsupportedOperationException;
* Returns true if this match object supports the given match field.
* @param field Match field
* @return
public boolean supports(MatchField<?> field);
* true iff field supports a bitmask mask that wildcards part of the field
* (note: not all possible values of this bitmask have to be acceptable)
* @param field Match field
* @return
public boolean supportsMasked(MatchField<?> field);
* True iff this field is currently fully specified in the match, i.e., the
* match will only select packets that match the exact value of getField(field).
* @param field Match field
* @return
public boolean isExact(MatchField<?> field);
* True if this field is currently logically unspecified in the match, i.e, the
* value returned by getValue(f) has no impact on whether a packet will be selected
* by the match or not.
* @param field
* @return
public boolean isFullyWildcarded(MatchField<?> field);
* True if this field is currently partially specified in the match, i.e, the
* match will select packets that match (p.value & getMask(field)) == getValue(field).
* @param field
* @return
public boolean isPartiallyMasked(MatchField<?> field);
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> MatchBuilder setExact(MatchField<F> field, F value);
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> MatchBuilder setMasked(MatchField<F> field, F value, F mask);
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> MatchBuilder setMasked(MatchField<F> field, Masked<F> valueWithMask);
public <F extends OFValueType<F>> MatchBuilder wildcard(MatchField<F> field);
public Match getMatch();