loci: remove dead code and old comments
diff --git a/c_gen/type_maps.py b/c_gen/type_maps.py
index 1fdce7d..69ecd41 100644
--- a/c_gen/type_maps.py
+++ b/c_gen/type_maps.py
@@ -25,34 +25,10 @@
 # EPL for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the EPL.
-# Miscellaneous type information
-# Define the map between sub-class types and wire values.  In each
-# case, an array indexed by wire version gives a hash from identifier
-# to wire value.
-import c_gen.of_g_legacy as of_g
-import sys
 from generic_utils import *
-import loxi_utils.loxi_utils as loxi_utils
 import c_gen.loxi_utils_legacy as loxi_utils
 import loxi_globals
-invalid_type = "invalid_type"
-# Define type data for inheritance classes:
-#   instructions, actions, queue properties and OXM
-# Messages are not in this group; they're treated specially for now
-# These are indexed by wire protocol number
 inheritance_roots = [