blob: c55b2758d3b92b200dcaa41918487ab8a3ac764b [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import errno
import re
import subprocess
import time
def name_c_to_camel(name):
""" 'of_stats_reply' -> 'ofStatsReply' """
tokens = name.split('_')
for i in range(1, len(tokens)):
tokens[i] = tokens[i].title()
return "".join(tokens)
def name_c_to_caps_camel(name):
""" 'of_stats_reply' to 'OFStatsReply' """
camel = name_c_to_camel(name.title())
if camel.startswith('Of'):
return camel.replace('Of','OF',1)
return camel
class JType(object):
""" Wrapper class to hold C to Java type conversion information """
def __init__(self, pub_type, priv_type=None, size=None, read_op=None, write_op=None):
self.pub_type = pub_type # the type we expose externally, e.g. 'U8'
if priv_type is None:
priv_type = pub_type
self.priv_type = priv_type # the internal storage type
self.size = size # bytes on the wire; None == variable length or hard to calc
if read_op is None:
read_op = ', "$name", bb)' % self.pub_type
if write_op is None:
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.write($name)'
self._read_op = read_op
self.write_op = write_op
def public_type(self):
""" return the public type """
return self.pub_type
def priv(self):
""" return the public type """
return self.priv_type
def has_priv(self):
""" Is the private type different from the public one?"""
return self.pub_type != self.priv_type
def read_op(self, version=None):
if callable(self._read_op):
return self._read_op(version)
return self._read_op
hello_elem_list = JType("List<OFHelloElement>",
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readHelloElementList(bb)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeHelloElementList(bb)'
u8 = JType('byte', size=1, read_op='bb.readByte()',
u16 = JType('int', 'int', size=2, read_op='U16.f(bb.readShort())',
u32 = JType('int', 'int', size=4, read_op='bb.readInt()',
u64 = JType('U64', 'U64', size=8, read_op='U64.of(bb.readLong())',
of_port= JType('OFPort',size=None,
read_op=lambda(version): 'OFPort.ofShort(bb.readShort())' if version.int_version < 2 else 'OFPort.ofInt(bb.readInt())',
one_byte_array = JType('byte[]', size=1,
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readBytes(bb, 1)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeBytes(bb, $name)')
two_byte_array = JType('byte[]', size=2,
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readBytes(bb, 2)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeBytes(bb, $name)')
three_byte_array = JType('byte[]', size=3,
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readBytes(bb, 3)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeBytes(bb, $name)')
four_byte_array = JType('byte[]', size=4,
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readBytes(bb, 4)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeBytes(bb, $name)')
five_byte_array = JType('byte[]', size=5,
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readBytes(bb, 5)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeBytes(bb, $name)')
six_byte_array = JType('byte[]', size=6,
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readBytes(bb, 6)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeBytes(bb, $name)')
seven_byte_array = JType('byte[]', size=7,
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readBytes(bb, 7)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeBytes(bb, $name)')
actions_list = JType('List<OFAction>', size='ChannelUtils.calcListSize($name)',
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readActionsList(bb, length - MINIMUM_LENGTH)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeList(this, $name)')
instructions_list = JType('List<OFInstruction>', size='ChannelUtils.calcListSize($name)',
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readInstructionsList(bb, length - MINIMUM_LENGTH)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeList(this, $name)')
buckets_list = JType('List<OFBucket>', size='ChannelUtils.calcListSize($name)',
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readBucketList(bb, length - MINIMUM_LENGTH)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeList(this, $name)')
port_desc_list = JType('List<OFPhysicalPort>', size='ChannelUtils.calcListSize($name)',
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readPhysicalPortList(bb, length - MINIMUM_LENGTH)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeList(this, $name)')
port_desc = JType('OFPhysicalPort', size='$name.getLength()',
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readPhysicalPort(bb)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.write(this, $name)')
packet_queue_list = JType('List<OFPacketQueue>', size='ChannelUtils.calcListSize($name)',
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readPacketQueueList(bb, length - MINIMUM_LENGTH)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeList(this, $name)')
octets = JType('byte[]', size="length - MINIMUM_LENGTH",
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readBytes(bb, length - MINIMUM_LENGTH)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeBytes(bb, this.$name)')
of_match = JType('Match', size="$name.getLength()",
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readOFMatch(bb)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeOFMatch(this, $name)')
flow_mod_cmd = JType('OFFlowModCmd', size="$name.getLength()",
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readOFFlowModCmd(bb)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeOFFlowModCmd(this, $name)')
mac_addr = JType('MacAddress', 'byte[]', size=6,
read_op = 'MacAddress.readFrom(bb)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeBytes(bb, $name)')
bsn_interface_list = JType("List<OFBsnInterface>",
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readBsnInterfaceList(bb)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeBsnInterfaceList(bb)'
meter_band_list = JType("List<OFMeterBand>",
read_op = 'ChannelUtils.readMeterBandList(bb)',
write_op = 'ChannelUtils.writeMeterBandList(bb, $name)'
default_mtype_to_jtype_convert_map = {
'uint8_t' : u8,
'uint16_t' : u16,
'uint32_t' : u32,
'uint64_t' : u64,
'uint8_t[1]' : one_byte_array,
'uint8_t[2]' : two_byte_array,
'uint8_t[3]' : three_byte_array,
'uint8_t[4]' : four_byte_array,
'uint8_t[5]' : five_byte_array,
'uint8_t[6]' : six_byte_array,
'uint8_t[7]' : seven_byte_array,
'of_port_no_t' : of_port,
'of_list_action_t' : actions_list,
'of_list_instruction_t' : instructions_list,
'of_list_bucket_t': buckets_list,
'of_list_port_desc_t' : port_desc_list,
'of_list_packet_queue_t' : packet_queue_list,
'of_octets_t' : octets,
'of_match_t': of_match,
'of_fm_cmd_t': flow_mod_cmd,
'of_mac_addr_t': mac_addr,
'of_port_desc_t': port_desc,
'of_list_bsn_interface_t': bsn_interface_list,
'of_list_hello_elem_t': hello_elem_list,
'of_list_meter_band_t': meter_band_list
## This is where we drop in special case handling for certain types
exceptions = {
'OFPacketIn': {
'data' : octets
def convert_to_jtype(obj_name, field_name, c_type):
""" Convert from a C type ("uint_32") to a java type ("U32")
and return a JType object with the size, internal type, and marshalling functions"""
if obj_name in exceptions and field_name in exceptions[obj_name]:
return exceptions[obj_name][field_name]
elif c_type in default_mtype_to_jtype_convert_map:
return default_mtype_to_jtype_convert_map[c_type]
print "WARN: Couldn't find java type conversion for '%s' in %s:%s" % (c_type, obj_name, field_name)
jtype = name_c_to_caps_camel(c_type) # not sure... try to fake it
return JType(jtype)
def mkdir_p(path):
""" Emulates `mkdir -p` """
except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5
if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST:
else: raise
def copy_file_with_boiler_plate(src_name, dst_name, with_boiler=True):
with open("java_gen/pre-written/%s" % src_name, "r") as src:
with open(dst_name, "w") as dst:
if with_boiler:
print_boiler_plate(os.path.basename(dst_name), dst)
def frob(s, **kwargs):
""" Step through string s and for each key in kwargs,
replace $key with kwargs[key] in s.
for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
s = s.replace('$%s' % k, v)
return s
def copy_prewrite_tree(basedir):
""" Recursively copy the directory structure from ./java_gen/pre-write
into $basedir"""
print "Copying pre-written files into %s" % basedir
#"cd java_gen/pre-written && tar cpf - . | ( cd ../../%s && tar xvpf - )" % basedir,
# shell=True)