Types: added 'matches' method to Masked<T>
+ IPv4 based unittest
diff --git a/java_gen/pre-written/src/main/java/org/projectfloodlight/openflow/types/Masked.java b/java_gen/pre-written/src/main/java/org/projectfloodlight/openflow/types/Masked.java
index ea2317a..b5a995d 100644
--- a/java_gen/pre-written/src/main/java/org/projectfloodlight/openflow/types/Masked.java
+++ b/java_gen/pre-written/src/main/java/org/projectfloodlight/openflow/types/Masked.java
@@ -5,8 +5,13 @@
public class Masked<T extends OFValueType<T>> implements OFValueType<Masked<T>> {
- protected T value;
- protected T mask;
+ protected final T value;
+ /** bitmask of the value. Note: a set (1) bit in this mask means 'match on this value'.
+ * This the natural mask represenation as in IPv[46] netmasks. It is the inverse of the
+ * OpenFlow 1.0 'wildcard' meaning.
+ */
+ protected final T mask;
protected Masked(T value, T mask) {
this.value = value.applyMask(mask);
@@ -38,6 +43,21 @@
return sb.toString();
+ /** Determine whether candidate value is matched by this masked value
+ * (i.e., does candiate lie in the 'network/range' specified by this masked
+ * value).
+ *
+ * @param candidate the candidate value to test
+ * @return true iff the candidate lies in the area specified by this masked
+ * value.
+ */
+ public boolean matches(T candidate) {
+ // candidate lies in the area of this masked value if its
+ // value with the masked bit zero'ed out equals this's value
+ // (e.g., our 'network address' for networks)
+ return candidate.applyMask(this.mask).equals(this.value);
+ }
public Masked<T> applyMask(Masked<T> mask) {
return this;
diff --git a/java_gen/pre-written/src/test/java/org/projectfloodlight/openflow/types/IPv4AddressTest.java b/java_gen/pre-written/src/test/java/org/projectfloodlight/openflow/types/IPv4AddressTest.java
index 38d60b3..c00fad4 100644
--- a/java_gen/pre-written/src/test/java/org/projectfloodlight/openflow/types/IPv4AddressTest.java
+++ b/java_gen/pre-written/src/test/java/org/projectfloodlight/openflow/types/IPv4AddressTest.java
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types;
+import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
@@ -68,6 +69,53 @@
new byte[][] { new byte[] { (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00 }, new byte[] { (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00 } }
+ @Test
+ public void testMaskedMatchesCidr() {
+ IPv4AddressWithMask slash28 = IPv4AddressWithMask.of("");
+ String[] notContained = {"", "", "", "", "",
+ "", "" };
+ for(String n: notContained) {
+ assertThat(String.format("slash 28 %s should not contain address %s",
+ slash28, n),
+ slash28.matches(IPv4Address.of(n)), equalTo(false));
+ }
+ for(int i=16; i < 32; i++) {
+ IPv4Address c = IPv4Address.of(String.format("10.0.42.%d", i));
+ assertThat(String.format("slash 28 %s should contain address %s",
+ slash28, c),
+ slash28.matches(c), equalTo(true));
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMaskedMatchesArbitrary() {
+ // irregular octect on the 3rd bitmask requires '1'bit to be set
+ // 4 bit unset, all others arbitrary
+ IPv4AddressWithMask slash28 = IPv4AddressWithMask.of("");
+ String[] notContained = {"", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "", "", "",
+ "", "", ""
+ };
+ String[] contained = {"", "", "", "", "",
+ };
+ for(String n: notContained) {
+ assertThat(String.format("slash 28 %s should not contain address %s",
+ slash28, n),
+ slash28.matches(IPv4Address.of(n)), equalTo(false));
+ }
+ for(String c: contained) {
+ IPv4Address addr = IPv4Address.of(c);
+ assertThat(String.format("slash 28 %s should contain address %s",
+ slash28, addr),
+ slash28.matches(addr), equalTo(true));
+ }
+ }
public void testOfString() {