1. 4d5cf06 Updated these projects to use version number 0.9.0-incubator-SNAPSHOT by Richard S. Hall · 18 years ago
  2. 989be3d Remove include resource headers which is not needed anymore. by Karl Pauls · 18 years ago
  3. 89a7097 Update the eventadmin to wireadmin bridge to the new plugin. by Karl Pauls · 18 years ago
  4. d69e8af Shortened directory names for the eventadmin and related subprojects. by Karl Pauls · 18 years ago[Renamed from org.apache.felix.eventadmin.bridge.wireadmin/pom.xml]
  5. f563b9e Implement mappings from WireAdminEvents (FELIX-86) by Karl Pauls · 19 years ago