1. ace86c5 Commit the new iPOJO Version (Felix-311) by Clement Escoffier · 18 years ago
  2. 376e83e Refactored the iPOJO-related subproject to reside in the same trunk directory. by Richard S. Hall · 18 years ago[Renamed from ipojo.arch/src/main/resources/metadata.xml]
  3. af28302 Applied patch (FELIX-167) to bring the iPOJO arch command in line with by Richard S. Hall · 18 years ago
  4. 705b164 Shortened the names of iPOJO subproject directories. by Richard S. Hall · 19 years ago[Renamed from org.apache.felix.ipojo.arch/src/main/resources/metadata.xml]
  5. 7fa1415 Initial commit of iPOJO source, which was accepted as a subproject by Richard S. Hall · 19 years ago