1. 8caf1c4 FELIX-3243 applied the patch by Marcel Offermans · 13 years ago
  2. dc8dbf9 FELIX-3245 applied the patch by Marcel Offermans · 13 years ago
  3. 3585845 When the resource processor gets a resource that contains no Designates, which might be a bit strange but is allowed according to the spec, the processor throws a NPE, when it should just not do any processing. This change does just that, and logs the fact that there are no Designates. by Marcel Offermans · 14 years ago
  4. f91b4a6 Fixed the autoconf bundle activator to work with the latest snapshot of the dependency manager again. by Marcel Offermans · 14 years ago
  5. 7f95bc1 Updated to the latest dependency manager snapshot. Misc fixes for EE compatibility. by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago
  6. b42978c FELIX-454 Initial version of the Autoconf Resource Processor by Christian van Spaandonk · 16 years ago