1. b7251fa Use latest released parent pom. by Carsten Ziegeler · 17 years ago
  2. 9c7a2b6 Modified example bundles to use the released version of the bundle plugin. by Richard S. Hall · 17 years ago
  3. 871e7db Required POM changes to use the latest snapshot of the bundleplugin for the complete build by Stuart McCulloch · 17 years ago
  4. 0249608 Modified all examples to use maven-bundle-plugin and to use released by Richard S. Hall · 18 years ago
  5. 0a3858c Move to the next version by Karl Pauls · 18 years ago
  6. 11c2fa4 Updated the notice files. by Richard S. Hall · 18 years ago
  7. bad49dc A new example application with a set of services. These set of bundles by Richard S. Hall · 18 years ago