1. a237288 Invalidate instance instead of stopping them after InvocationTargetException (which allow to restart automatically after an external event) by Clement Escoffier · 17 years ago
  2. 97f4814 Commit the patch for the FELIX-398 issue. by Clement Escoffier · 17 years ago
  3. b9c5e65 Change the iPOJO Plugin name to be "Maven compliant" (org.apache.felix.ipojo becomes maven-ipojo-plugin) by Clement Escoffier · 18 years ago
  4. b5715b1 Externalize iPOJO modules in a separate pom file (ipojo/pom.xml) instead of listing all modules. by Clement Escoffier · 18 years ago
  5. 6c6ae8d Commit the base of the new iPOJO version. by Clement Escoffier · 18 years ago
  6. 0267436 Fix the warning messages about split-packages when compiling. by Clement Escoffier · 18 years ago
  7. 42ef155 Defines an Ant Task to create iPOJO Bundles. by Clement Escoffier · 18 years ago