1. da4289b [FELIX-4517] Fix service properties when using collections in blueprint by Guillaume Nodet · 11 years ago
  2. 1c9211a [FELIX-4517] Fix bbd verification problem with services exposing multiple interfaces by Guillaume Nodet · 11 years ago
  3. c24508d FELIX-2175: Improve the Blueprint component to parse / introspect blueprint configuration files and generate OBR service requirements / capabilities accordingly by Guillaume Nodet · 15 years ago
  4. f51cc6b FELIX-2175: Improve the Blueprint component to parse / introspect blueprint configuration files and generate OBR service requirements / capabilities accordingly by Guillaume Nodet · 15 years ago
  5. 09157a9 FELIX-2175: Improve the Blueprint component to parse / introspect blueprint configuration files and generate OBR service requirements / capabilities accordingly by Guillaume Nodet · 15 years ago