1. d3d3eff work-around FELIX-2927 by Derek Baum · 14 years ago
  2. 772d077 FELIX-2446 eclose whole gosh_profile in try {} block to stop errors from aborting startup by Derek Baum · 14 years ago
  3. 2fe3b36 FELIX-2446: reference the bundle command using the context: scope; by Derek Baum · 14 years ago
  4. ee1898e complete addition of scripting by renaming module from console to shell (FELIX-2339) by Derek Baum · 15 years ago[Renamed from gogo/console/src/main/resources/gosh_profile]
  5. 9944670 added scripting support (FELIX-2339). by Derek Baum · 15 years ago