1. b152127 FELIX-3329 FELIX-3330 Some small fixes and a lot of extra debug logging, added until we get coverage and confidence in the new code up. Renamed the TestUtils to Utils because they were being picked up as tests (having Test in the name). by Marcel Offermans · 13 years ago
  2. cd72abe FELIX-3329 FELIX-3330 Added a couple of test cases to validate some of the basic operations in this resource processor. by Marcel Offermans · 13 years ago
  3. ac28a8a FELIX-3329 FELIX-3330 Implemented support for deferred as well as multiple configuration admins. Deferred configuration admin services can be started and will be considered until the deployment session ends. Filtering can be done by adding an optional attribute to the <MetaData> tag with a filtercondition which will be applied on the configuration admin service. If it matches, or if there is no such filter, the configuration will be applied. by Marcel Offermans · 13 years ago
  4. 557acd8 FELIX-3243 applied the patch by Marcel Offermans · 13 years ago
  5. f48fc53 FELIX-3245 applied the patch by Marcel Offermans · 13 years ago
  6. 5785484 When the resource processor gets a resource that contains no Designates, which might be a bit strange but is allowed according to the spec, the processor throws a NPE, when it should just not do any processing. This change does just that, and logs the fact that there are no Designates. by Marcel Offermans · 14 years ago
  7. e50782d Fixed the autoconf bundle activator to work with the latest snapshot of the dependency manager again. by Marcel Offermans · 14 years ago
  8. 8422cd3 Updated to the latest dependency manager snapshot. Misc fixes for EE compatibility. by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago
  9. 9e4042b FELIX-454 Initial version of the Autoconf Resource Processor by Christian van Spaandonk · 16 years ago