1. 7964c02 Accidentally committed a version of the pom that includes the sources in the bundle. by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago
  2. 3d92121 Several smaller bugfixes and performance updates for resources. Added a test that demonstrates how to create a custom dependency (and did some refactorings to make that easier). by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago
  3. 8b93efa Refactored all exported packages into one, to simplify usage. by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago
  4. 9fedbfb Changed the pom back so it does not include sources by default (commented out that line). by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago
  5. a0204f5 added MetaType support in DependencyManager API by Pierre De Rop · 15 years ago
  6. ad76067 Added the notion of ranking to aspects so they can dynamically be chained. Fixed a bug in bundle dependencies. by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago
  7. 6592ef3 added a commented line to include source code in the bundle in a way that Eclipse understands by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago
  8. 5c270dd added versioning to the exports by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago
  9. 404cd54 added some new adapters and a few fixes, work in progress, more changes by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago
  10. e93164b renamed org.apache.felix.dependencymanager package to org.apache.felix.dm; reworked API in order to avoid exporting implementation by Pierre De Rop · 15 years ago
  11. e14b342 moved classes to subpackages, updated ServiceTracker to 4.2 spec, added BundleTracker and BundleDependency, ResourceDependency and some preliminary resource related classes (WIP) by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago
  12. ca21ff1 updated to osgi.org dependencies, fixed several small mistakes with previous checkin by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago
  13. 4bcd2cb Updated all poms. by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago
  14. 1e1233e Moving dependencymanager.temp to submodule. by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago[Renamed from dependencymanager.temp/pom.xml]
  15. a962bc9 Preparing move. by Marcel Offermans · 15 years ago