1. ab926c9 FERLIX-3022 Add uptime information in addition to the start time. by Felix Meschberger · 14 years ago
  2. dcd9515 FELIX-2447 Ensure loading script resources with an absolute path to prevent resource loading failure for detail pages such as /system/console/services/15. by Felix Meschberger · 15 years ago
  3. c2a72c4 FELIX-2291 Provide number of processors available to the Java VM in the System Information tab by Felix Meschberger · 15 years ago
  4. 2247fd4 FELIX-1988 Apply 6.vmstat.patch by Valentin Valchev (thanks) with the following change: The WebConsoleUtil.getVariableResolver now presets the default resolver created with the appRoot and pluginRoot properties from the respective request attributes by Felix Meschberger · 15 years ago