FELIX-1711 Ensure correct versions are imported. Especially
important is the imported version of the SCR API, since we
implement version 1.1 we should not be importing anything
older or newer.

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk@830894 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/scr/pom.xml b/scr/pom.xml
index 491388e..70e725e 100644
--- a/scr/pom.xml
+++ b/scr/pom.xml
@@ -174,13 +174,22 @@
                                 Framework version 1.3 (from R4.0) is enough,
                                 the Bundle.getBundleContext method is guarded
-                            org.osgi.framework;version=1.3,
+                            org.osgi.framework;version="[1.3,2)",
                                 Configuration Admin is optional and if it is
                                 present, version 1.2 (from R4.0) is enough  
-                            org.osgi.service.cm;version=1.2;resolution:=optional
+                            org.osgi.service.cm;version="[1.2,2)";resolution:=optional,
+                            <!--
+                                SCR API is required (we also export it) and must
+                                be of any 1.1 version, because we implement that
+                                exact version. This import is only used if the
+                                framework decides to wire the bundle to another
+                                API provider. 
+                            -->
+                            org.osgi.service.component;version="[1.1,1.2)"