blob: 35ff677054193c2637dfabfff5aa61aea74b57a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
function render(/* int */ startlevel, /* Array of Bundle Object */ bundles)
installForm( startlevel );
document.write( "<tr class='content'>" );
document.write( "<td colspan='7' class='content'>&nbsp;</th>" );
document.write( "</tr>" );
if ( !bundles )
document.write( "<tr class='content'>" );
document.write( "<td class='content' colspan='6'>No Bundles installed currently</td>" );
document.write( "</tr>" );
for ( var i = 0; i < bundles.length; i++ )
bundle( bundles[i] );
document.write( "<tr class='content'>" );
document.write( "<td colspan='7' class='content'>&nbsp;</th>" );
document.write( "</tr>" );
installForm( startlevel );
function header()
document.write( "<table class='content' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>" );
function tableHeader()
document.write( "<tr class='content'>" );
document.write( "<th class='content'>ID</th>" );
document.write( "<th class='content' width='100%'>Name</th>" );
document.write( "<th class='content'>Status</th>" );
document.write( "<th class='content' colspan='4'>Actions</th>" );
document.write( "</tr>" );
function footer()
document.write( "</table>" );
function bundle( /* Bundle */ bundle )
document.write( "<tr id='bundle" + bundle.bundleId + "'>" );
document.write( bundleInternal( bundle ) );
document.write( "</tr>" );
document.write( "<tr id='bundle" + bundle.bundleId + "_details'>" );
if (bundle.props)
document.write( bundleDetails( bundle.props ) );
document.write( "</tr>" );
/* String */ function bundleInternal( /* Bundle */ bundle )
var icon = (bundle.props) ? "down" : "right";
var theBundle = "<td class='content right'>" + bundle.bundleId + "</td>";
theBundle += "<td class='content'><img src='" + appRoot + "/res/imgs/" + icon + ".gif' onClick='showDetails(" + bundle.bundleId + ")' id='bundle" + bundle.bundleId + "_inline' />";
theBundle += " <a href='" + appRoot + "/bundles/" + bundle.bundleId + "'>" + + "</a></td>";
theBundle += "<td class='content center'>" + bundle.state + "</td>";
// no buttons for system bundle
if ( bundle.bundleId == 0 )
theBundle += "<td class='content' colspan='4'>&nbsp;</td>";
theBundle += actionForm( bundle.hasStart, bundle.bundleId, "start", "Start" );
theBundle += actionForm( bundle.hasStop, bundle.bundleId, "stop", "Stop" );
theBundle += actionForm( bundle.hasUpdate, bundle.bundleId, "update", "Update" );
theBundle += actionForm( bundle.hasUninstall, bundle.bundleId, "uninstall", "Uninstall" );
return theBundle;
/* String */ function actionForm( /* boolean */ enabled, /* long */ bundleId, /* String */ action, /* String */ actionLabel )
var theButton = "<td class='content' align='right'>";
theButton += "<input class='submit' type='button' value='" + actionLabel + "'" + ( enabled ? "" : "disabled" ) + " onClick='changeBundle(" + bundleId + ", \"" + action + "\");' />";
theButton += "</td>";
return theButton;
function installForm( /* int */ startLevel )
document.write( "<form method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>" );
document.write( "<tr class='content'>" );
document.write( "<td class='content'>&nbsp;</td>" );
document.write( "<td class='content'>" );
document.write( "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='install' />" );
document.write( "<input class='input' type='file' name='bundlefile'>" );
document.write( " - Start <input class='checkradio' type='checkbox' name='bundlestart' value='start'>" );
document.write( " - Start Level <input class='input' type='input' name='bundlestartelevel' value='" + startLevel + "' width='4'>" );
document.write( "</td>" );
document.write( "<td class='content' align='right' colspan='5' noWrap>" );
document.write( "<input class='submit' style='width:auto' type='submit' value='Install or Update'>" );
document.write( "&nbsp;" );
document.write( "<input class='submit' style='width:auto' type='button' value='Refresh Packages' onClick='changeBundle(0, \"refreshPackages\");'>" );
document.write( "</td>" );
document.write( "</tr>" );
document.write( "</form>" );
function changeBundle(/* long */ bundleId, /* String */ action)
var parm = "bundles/" + bundleId + "?action=" + action;
sendRequest('POST', parm, bundleChanged);
function bundleChanged(obj)
if (obj.reload)
document.location = document.location;
var bundleId = obj.bundleId;
if (obj.state)
// has status, so draw the line
var span = document.getElementById('bundle' + bundleId);
if (span)
span.innerHTML = bundleInternal( obj );
if (obj.props)
var span = document.getElementById('bundle' + bundleId + '_details');
if (span && span.innerHTML)
span.innerHTML = bundleDetails( obj.props );
// no status, bundle has been uninstalled
var span = document.getElementById('bundle' + bundleId);
if (span)
var span = document.getElementById('bundle' + bundleId + '_details');
if (span)
function showDetails(bundleId) {
var span = document.getElementById('bundle' + bundleId + '_details');
if (span)
if (span.innerHTML)
span.innerHTML = '';
newLinkValue(bundleId, appRoot + "/res/imgs/right.gif");
sendRequest('GET', appRoot + "/bundles/" + bundleId + ".json", displayBundleDetails);
newLinkValue(bundleId, appRoot + "/res/imgs/down.gif");
function displayBundleDetails(obj) {
var span = document.getElementById('bundle' + obj.bundleId + '_details');
if (span)
span.innerHTML = bundleDetails( obj.props );
function newLinkValue(bundleId, newLinkValue)
var link = document.getElementById("bundle" + bundleId + "_inline");
if (link)
link.src = newLinkValue;
/* String */ function bundleDetails( props )
var innerHtml = '<td class=\"content\">&nbsp;</td><td class=\"content\" colspan=\"6\"><table broder=\"0\">';
for (var i=0; i < props.length; i++)
innerHtml += '<tr><td valign=\"top\" noWrap>' + props[i].key + '</td><td valign=\"top\">' + props[i].value + '</td></tr>';
innerHtml += '</table></td>';
return innerHtml;