blob: c282eb8f4293f622d6ac75aa8c0fbe2ac0815ac5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// tables container - will get hidden, when no config service available
var configContent = false;
// config table list
var configTable = false;
var configBody = false;
var configRow = false;
// factories table list
var factoryTable = false;
var factoryBody = false;
var factoryRow = false;
// editor dialog
var editor = false;
function configure(pid, create) {
var uri = pluginRoot + '/' + pid;
$.post(create ? uri + '?create=1' : uri, null, displayConfigForm, 'json');
function displayConfigForm(obj) {
var parent = document.getElementById('editorTable');
clearChildren( parent )
var trEl = tr( );
parent.appendChild( trEl );
var tdEl = td( null, { colSpan: "2" } );
trEl.appendChild( tdEl );
var formEl = createElement( "form", null, {
id : "editorForm",
method: "POST",
action: pluginRoot + "/" +
tdEl.appendChild( formEl );
var inputEl = createElement( "input", null, {
type: "hidden",
name: "apply",
value: "true"
formEl.appendChild( inputEl );
// add the factory PID as a hidden form field if present
if (obj.factoryPid)
inputEl = createElement( "input", null, {
type: "hidden",
name: "factoryPid",
value: obj.factoryPid
formEl.appendChild( inputEl );
// add the PID filter as a hidden form field if present
if (obj.pidFilter)
inputEl = createElement( "input", null, {
type: "hidden",
name: "pidFilter",
value: obj.pidFilter
formEl.appendChild( inputEl );
inputEl = createElement( "input", null, {
type: "hidden",
name: "action",
value: "ajaxConfigManager"
formEl.appendChild( inputEl );
var tableEl = createElement( "table", null, {
border: 0,
width: "100%"
formEl.appendChild( tableEl );
var bodyEl = createElement( "tbody" );
tableEl.appendChild( bodyEl );
if (obj.description)
trEl = tr( );
tdEl = td( null, { colSpan: "2" } );
addText( tdEl, obj.description );
trEl.appendChild( tdEl );
bodyEl.appendChild( trEl );
if (obj.propertylist == 'properties')
printForm(bodyEl, obj);
printConfigurationInfo(parent, obj);
initStaticWidgets(editor.attr('__pid','option', 'title', obj.title).dialog('open'));
function printTextArea(/* Element */ parent, props )
var propsValue = "";
for (var key in props)
propsValue += key + ' = ' + props[key] + '\r\n';
tr( null, null, [
td( null, null, [
text( i18n.props_title )
td( null, { style: { width: "99%" } }, [
createElement( "textarea", null, {
name: "properties",
style: { height: "20em", width: "99%" }
}, [ text( propsValue ) ] ),
createElement( "br" ),
text( i18n.props_enter )
function printForm( /* Element */ parent, obj ) {
var propList;
for (var idx in obj.propertylist)
var prop = obj.propertylist[idx];
var attr = obj[prop];
var trEl = tr( null, null, [
td( null, null, [ text( ) ] )
parent.appendChild( trEl );
var tdEl = td( null, { style: { width: "99%" } } );
trEl.appendChild( tdEl );
if (attr.value != undefined)
// check is required to also handle empty strings, 0 and false
tdEl.appendChild( createInput( prop, attr.value, attr.type, '99%' ) );
tdEl.appendChild( createElement( "br" ) );
else if (typeof(attr.type) == 'object')
// assume attr.values and multiselect
createMultiSelect( tdEl, prop, attr.values, attr.type, '99%' );
tdEl.appendChild( createElement( "br" ) );
else if (attr.values.length == 0)
tdEl.appendChild( createSpan( prop, "", attr.type ) );
for (var i=0;i<attr.values.length;i++)
tdEl.appendChild( createSpan( prop, attr.values[i], attr.type ) );
if (attr.description)
addText( tdEl, attr.description );
if (propList) {
propList += ',' + prop;
} else {
propList = prop;
parent.appendChild( createElement( "input", null, {
type: "hidden",
name: "propertylist",
value: propList
// FIX for IE6 and above: checkbox can only be checked after it is in the DOM
$(".checked_box").attr("checked", true).removeClass("checked_box");
function printConfigurationInfo( /* Element */ parent, obj )
parent.appendChild( tr( null, null, [
createElement( "th", null, { colSpan: "2" }, [
text( i18n.cfg_title )
parent.appendChild( tr( null, null, [
td( null, null, [
text( )
td( null, null, [
text( )
if (obj.factoryPid)
parent.appendChild( tr( null, null, [
td( null, null, [
text( i18n.fpid )
td( null, null, [
text( obj.factoryPid )
var binding = obj.bundleLocation;
if (!binding)
binding = i18n.unbound;
parent.appendChild( tr( null, null, [
td( null, null, [
text( i18n.binding )
td( null, null, [
text( binding )
var spanCounter = 0;
/* Element */ function createSpan(prop, value, type) {
var newId = prop + spanCounter;
var addButton = createElement("input", null,
{ type: "button",
style: {width : "5%"},
value: "+"
$(addButton).click(function() {addValue(prop, newId)});
var remButton = createElement("input", null,
{ type: "button",
style: {width : "5%"},
value: "-"
$(remButton).click(function() {removeValue(newId)});
var spanEl = createElement( "span", null, { id: newId }, [
createInput( prop, value, type, '89%' ), addButton, remButton,
return spanEl;
/* Element */ function createInput(prop, value, type, width) {
if (type == 11) { // AttributeDefinition.BOOLEAN
var inputEl = createElement( "input", null, {
type: "checkbox",
name: prop,
value: "true"
if (value && typeof(value) != "boolean")
value = value.toString().toLowerCase() == "true";
if (value)
var hiddenEl = createElement( "input", null, {
type: "hidden",
name: prop,
value: "false"
var divEl = createElement("div");
return divEl;
} else if (typeof(type) == "object") { // predefined values
var selectEl = createElement( "select", null, {
name: prop,
style: { width: width }
var labels = type.labels;
var values = type.values;
for (var idx in labels) {
var optionEl = createElement( "option", null, {
value: values[idx]
}, [ text( labels[idx] ) ]);
if (value == values[idx])
optionEl.setAttribute( "selected", true );
selectEl.appendChild( optionEl );
return selectEl;
} else { // Simple
return createElement( "input", null, {
type: "text",
name: prop,
value: value,
style: { width: width }
function createMultiSelect(/* Element */ parent, prop, values, options, width) {
// convert value list into 'set'
var valueSet = new Object();
for (var idx in values) {
valueSet[ values[idx] ] = true;
var labels = options.labels;
var values = options.values;
for (var idx in labels) {
var inputEl = createElement( "input", null, {
type: "checkbox",
name: prop,
value: values[idx]
if (valueSet[ values[idx] ])
inputEl.setAttribute( "checked", true );
var labelEl = createElement( "label", "multiselect" );
labelEl.appendChild( inputEl );
addText( labelEl, labels[idx] );
parent.appendChild( labelEl );
function addValue(prop, vidx)
var span = document.getElementById(vidx);
if (!span)
var newSpan = createSpan(prop, '');
span.parentNode.insertBefore(newSpan, span.nextSibling);
// FIX for IE6 and above: checkbox can only be checked after it is in the DOM
$(".checked_box").attr("checked", true).removeClass("checked_box");
function removeValue(vidx)
var span = document.getElementById(vidx);
if (!span)
function configConfirm(/* String */ message, /* String */ title, /* String */ location)
var message = i18n.del_ask;
if (title) {
message += "\r\n" + i18n.del_config + title;
if (location) {
message += "\r\n" + i18n.del_bundle + location;
return confirm(message);
function confirmDelete(/* String */ title, /* String */ location)
return configConfirm(i18n.del_ask, title, location);
function confirmUnbind(/* String */ title, /* String */ location)
return configConfirm(i18n.unbind_ask, title, location);
function addConfig(conf) {
var tr = configRow.clone().appendTo(configBody);
tr.find('td:eq(1)').text(conf.fpid ? conf.fpid : '-'); // fpid
tr.find('td:eq(0)').text( { // name & edit
tr.find('td:eq(2)').html(conf.bundle ? '<a href="' + pluginRoot + '/../bundles/' + conf.bundle + '">' + conf.bundle_name + '</a>' : '-'); // binding
// buttons
tr.find('li:eq(0)').click(function() { // edit
tr.find('li:eq(2)').click(function() { // delete
if ( confirmDelete(, conf.bundle_name) ) {
$.post(pluginRoot + '/' + + '?apply=1&delete=1', null, function() {
document.location.href = pluginRoot;
}, 'json');
if (conf.bundle) tr.find('li:eq(1)').click(function() { // unbind
if ( confirmUnbind(, conf.bundle_name) ) {
$.post(pluginRoot + '/' + + '?apply=1&delete=1', null, function() {
document.location.href = pluginRoot + '/' +;
}, 'json');
function addFactoryConfig(conf) {
var tr = factoryRow.clone().appendTo(factoryBody);
tr.find('td:eq(1)').text(; // fpid
tr.find('td:eq(0)').text( { // name & edit
configure(, true);
// buttons
tr.find('li:eq(0)').click(function() { // edit
configure(, true);
$(document).ready(function() {
configContent = $('#configContent');
// config table list
configTable = configContent.find('table:eq(0)').tablesorter({
headers: { 3: { sorter: false } },
configBody = configTable.find('tbody');
configRow = configBody.find('tr').clone();
// factories table list
factoryTable = configContent.find('table:eq(1)').tablesorter({
headers: { 2: { sorter: false } }
factoryBody = factoryTable.find('tbody');
factoryRow = factoryBody.find('tr').clone();
// setup button - cannot inline in dialog option because of i18n
var _buttons = {};
_buttons[i18n.abort] = function() {
_buttons[i18n.reset] = function() {
var form = document.getElementById('editorForm');
if (form) form.reset();
_buttons[] = function() {
$.post(pluginRoot + '/' + $(this).attr('__pid') + '?' + $(this).find('form').serialize());
// prepare editor, but don't open yet!
editor = $('#editor').dialog({
autoOpen : false,
modal : true,
width : '90%',
closeText: i18n.abort,
buttons : _buttons
// display the configuration data
$(".statline").html(configData.status ? i18n.stat_ok : i18n.stat_missing);
if (configData.status) {
configBody.empty(); factoryBody.empty();
for(var i in configData.pids) addConfig(configData.pids[i]);
for(var i in configData.fpids) addFactoryConfig(configData.fpids[i]);
// initial sorting orger by name
var sorting = [[0,0]];
configTable.trigger('sorton', [sorting]);
factoryTable.trigger('sorton', [sorting]);
} else {
if (selectedPid) configure(selectedPid);